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  • Well you're lucky that I had my headphones on, otherwise I couldn't have heard you :P I don't usually talk when trading because I'm shy when it comes to speaking english, but it was kinda fun. Sorry if I sounded a bit weird, I think I can talk a bit more fluently, but since I don't trust the DS's mic I just try to talk slow and clear.
    I had to restart because I accidentally saved the game afer catching a Reshiram with useless IVs. First time I chose Tepig, then I chose Snivy
    Ok then. But what are the starters you don't have? which one did you choose?
    Ready. I placed the items on random spitback/useless pokemon. Do you want me to give those items to any of the unova starters you don't have? I have some lv.1s for all of them so np.
    sure no problem, sorry for the delay, I was practising on the drums :P
    So what do you think? Answer me so that I know if you're interested or not.
    Maybe more if you really need them, I just said 3 because that's the most pokemon you can offer at once xD
    A Scizor is what my team needs, he's far better than my Lucario. You know, a clone of yours could be exactly what I need. Or at least some scyther spitback, but then we'd have to train again so it can evolve. I could get you as many of those items as you want, like I said I have tons of BP and I already have all of the stuff I need so far so.. Just tell me which of those items are the ones you need the most and I could trade up to 3 of them for the scizor clone.
    Hey man! I just wanted to say that I really like that you have a Non-RNG trading thread going. I think it's really great, my friend and I just feel dirty if we were to ever cheat, plus that's practically what they made Pokemon Online for. We just play on there if we want to be super competitive. But when it's just us we prefer to pit our breeded and trained Pokemon against each other. Anyway i'll be sure to hit you up if there's any Pokemon I specifically need. Also just a quick question what IV calculator do you use?
    I'd really like to run Jolly on Haxorus, but I feel I'm loosing the power to kill some important pokemon at +1.. I'm getting worse results with Lucario than with Scrafty... I don't know what could be a good replacement, maybe Scizor :/ BTW I have like 240 BP or something. You want me to buy you something?
    A few times before this, I faced that guy. Damn Fissure surprised me as hell, then when I managed to take it down, zoom lens wailord blizzard'd my ass and KO'd me xD Who the hell makes those sets? Shame on nintendo
    Thanks and it is good to see there are still people who enjoy breeding the old-fashioned way.
    On my way to wifi. I'll wait online for you to return with my Pokemon (thnx in advance).
    No, the problem was that he was at +1. If my hax was jolly then I'd just throw it into the fight and outrage his. Maybe his was adamant too but I don't know... but that crit just changed everything
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