Forever July
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  • All right. After i clear up a bunch of my trades, i will give ou a special ludicolo/lotad! :3
    Yes I am :) add my Platinum. I will be on very shortly I just need to clone the Uxie and a Togekiss for someone.
    Hey... Why dont you respond back quickly..? :(
    And newsflash, Princess Emily (OT of that Rhyhorn i gave you) now made all of her pokemon Semi redis for me, and a couple others)
    So it is non-redis for you.

    Meaning you can trade it, but the next guy cannot
    I saw your post to my thread... But are you not interested in anything? You RNG breed, and i have many great parents... :/
    No, i am good. But i thank you for the kind offer. And lol i am tired also. Ran the pascer just yesterday... A pitifuful 86. Although i did post a CMT.
    About the credit system:
    When a person posts a CMT, usually a person finds what they are looking for, and they trade. However, sometimes, a person doesnt find anything they want, they may issue credits to them. Usually, this inspires trust between members, and a person pays off that credit in due time if they get new pokemon.

    Usually, 1 credit is good for any pokemon in a persons thread. Or sometimes, people would charge 2 credits for a pokemon, which should be significantly valuable.

    So yeah, i hope i was of some help! :3
    I love that anime so much! XD
    Fullmetal is my absolute favorite, because the story isnt about some random nutjob screaming "BELIEVE IT!!" all the time... Or another person named "Strawberry Head"

    It is more about Human Nature, and the Good and evil in mankind.

    So yeah. Any other shows you watch?
    Also, i forgot: "Welcome to Trading!" :]
    Lol no, it isnt! :(
    The genre is considered to be "Ecchi" which in my opinion just gross haha.
    I like to watch Mainstream Anime like One Piece and Fullmetal... You?
    Thank you! :)
    BTW... Is one of your Banners from the show K-On?
    All right! I will be in Wifi! :3
    I assume you have my FC?
    "Iron Man" is fine! :)
    So yeah, i will do that, and meet you in wifi?

    Thanks! ;)
    Are ypu sure? Rhyhorn's NN is "11999"
    apparently Princess Emily Likes odd Nicknames. But she does make really cool ones sometimes! :)
    Sure, Rhyhorn is good! :)
    Note that it is Nicknamed, however, i can rename it using the Ar code. Sounds good?
    It is a little more complicated cause you need good IV spreads. Then again if you ID/SID abuse, it's a little easier.
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