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  • Hi, we fite for No Geo tour. I'm GMT+3, I'm available 7PM-11PM Wednesday and Thursday, I won't be available Saturday or Sunday at all and I'm unsure about Friday, might be able to do 7PM-9PM Friday but can't promise anything. (all times listed were in my timezone), so when would you like to play?
    We're paired up for pspl, my timezone is gmt+1. Wanna battle on Sunday at 8pm?
    im pst, and uh if that's 8pm my time i can do it.
    1 True Lycan
    1 True Lycan
    Thats 4am for me lol, what times can u do on the weekend
    evenings/afternoons my time tend to work in general + weekend/
    we are paired for UU open, Id like to battle in the weekend too so, how does Saturday sound? I'm gmt-4
    Hi again! We play for No Geomancy tournament round two. My timezone is GMT+3. I can play on Saturday but I prefer to play any day between Monday and Thursday. When can you get this done?
    sat or during the weekdays work. I'm pst and uh afternoon/evening my time plz
    We spoke in discord about this but 3pm your time on any day (you can pick) should be good.
    Heyyyy, may or may not have completely forgot about this tournament. No one on my team reminded me aha. I can idle all of tomorrow will be under Amarillo Caballero in the anime and manga room. I'm GMT-5 so any time between Noon and Midnight I should be able to play.
    we playing next week. and im pst and afternoon/evenings sound fine with me.
    or we can play now if you want
    ubers ssnl when? gmt -4
    im pst and uh today plz since ill be on vacation for the next 5 days
    getting home today. hows the afternoon - evening?
    available anytime for the next 10 or so hours. just hmu on ps
    If you're too cute to kill people.. How about that you kill people with cuteness? #ThinkANewThought
    Uber seasonals im EST and can play friday afternoon and most likely any time saturday.
    so er what
    I keep hitting you up on main but you're always afk I guess we can play now if you want
    im usually gone at like midnight or past that .-. which is when people like messaging me. I'm free whenever for the next 6 hours tho
    ORAS RU Cup round 1, when do you wanna play and I'm GMT +1
    im cali time which is -7/8 unsure which. Fuck our timezones suck and uhhhhhhh probably like my afternoons/evenings
    I'm usually active a lot so that should really not be an issue but when to play I'm unsure but maybe today is best
    aight. so shit came up and I'll be busy for the entirety of tomorrow so won't be able to make it. Would you be available to play on sat before/after stour or on sunday afternoons/evenings cali time (think like post 4pm or so)
    Before tour sat
    aight that works. See you then, sorry for the trouble
    hi, rby cup r2
    im gmt+2 and should be available most or all of sunday and can probably make it on saturday if we pick a time beforehand
    I stated like when I should generally be on which should be acc I think
    Ready whenever for the next hour or two
    im on smogtours if ur still there
    I am not vming u at times you're not online at, I'm vming u at times that I happen to be free at. Sunday wasn't an issue for me as long as it's not 5am, I was online for 7h on sunday waiting for u to turn up since u didn't feel the need to specify any time or even tell me your timezone.
    Get this Money
    Get this Money
    I am going to be available from 5pm-10pm gmt+2 today and from 8pm-9pm tomorrow, on Wednesday u it is 5pm-10pm again. I am not going to stay up till past 11pm when I have to wake up at 6pm and spend about 8h at school and it's unreasonable to expect me to do so. 5pm-10pm gmt+2 is 5am-10am for you, I hope u can make it work.
    Get this Money
    Get this Money
    On another note: it's obvious that this situation sucks because our timezones are 12h apart, but I will not stay up till 4am or later to play you and it's ridiculous to expect me to. I also can't play during your evenings since I am at school from 7am-4pm. You showed no interest in getting this game done before Sunday and just expected me to play at ludicrous times, adding to that you also declined my suggestions to play Friday or Saturday since u prefer to play on Sunday for what ever reason. Your claim for an activity win is unwarranted and if we are not going to be able to get this done it is on you. I admit that I probably should have tried to make an appointment with u but I didn't think that it was necessary as I didn't know I was dealing with an unreasonable prick who thinks he cannot play before deadline day and only has a small timeframe in which he expects his game to be played.
    Nonetheless u didn't try to make any type of appointment either, johnned till the last day, showed very little activity on smogtours (while I was pretty active in general) and then expected me to know what time you would prefer to play at without informing me.
    Anyway let's get this game done so this shits finally over.
    yeah those times are fucking impossible due to me also having morning classes. I have no idea why you get the impression that it's farfetched for me to expect you to stay up and yet you expect me to play at like 5am LMAO.

    You have never once indicated that sunday would not have worked for you, and instead trying to bullshit by vm'ing me at times you knew i could not play trying to fish for activity is retarded beyond belief. My window of availability is huge as you can see from my other opponents where I'm available which is like 2pm to midnight or 1am. Aka a fucking 10-11 hour timeframe. I don't see how you can say I johned where you never even attempted to plan except doing the standard "FITE NOW" method which is clearly bullshit. No clue why stour activity is a factor when I'm usually on main and I don't go on stours unless it's to play or watch a tour game. Hell I already hosted two smog tours this season and supposedly hosting a third so clearly my activity is lacking. Anyhow i already listed my times which is my afternoons/evenings which i assume should be doable. so lets get this shit done.
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