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  • Yeah. I'll make sure I use my own heatran, next time. I like how you used thunder on gyarados. I was like wtf. lol.
    Awww - no reason to thank me ^_^

    Feel free to ask more questions if you're confused on some part (I think you're good now though ^^)

    In any case...once you get your first breed, please let me hear the good news ^_^
    Yeah, lol. It's a common mistakes imo - but all the numbers are key, XD.

    Journal Flip: You got the theory right, yes. This relates directly to the wanted frame.

    Target frame: This is really easy, synch your ds with an external clock and mash A to collect your egg. Catch a poke, and enter it into seed finder.

    Coin Flip Sequence: Yes. You do this at the final step (soft reset stage) to help confirm that you hit your delay/seconds/frame correctly. Note that just because it matches doesn't mean that you're guaranteed the egg - just a really really good chance - sometimes the frame jumps a bit and you're So that's why I recommend always hatching first before saving.

    Seems like you've got the information you need. Now it's just time to implement successfully :) I'm sure you'll succeed! I'll be rooting for you ^^

    In any case, the reason you want to be consistent in that is that when you're entering in your delay range (min/max) in time finder, each seed will only have 1 delay and you're aiming to hit that specific delay. In your case, it'd be troublesome because you won't be able to hit any delay consistently enough for when you want to.

    It seems like you're not calibrating right...which is a tough, but integral part of RNG abuse for beginners. If you have yet to watch this guy's video on help RNG abusing, I recommend you do so. It was very very helpful for me - from calibrating to RNG abusing for the eggs.

    Also: There is no definitive hint in hitting your delay the same everytime. It's just how consistent you can mash A. Keep your speed at a pace you can handle the entire time. Of course...if you do it as fast as you can all the time, then that's another way to be consistent.
    Erm, you are catching or are you breeding? Uh-oh - I'm under the assumption that you're breeding, but it shouldn't matter.

    When you're calibrating, you should aim to hit a fixed delay, or a very small range so that you can be consistent. The delays you're hitting aren't very consistent at all, which means that when you start the game to mash A pass the continue screen, you're not mashing consistently enough.

    For example: my delay range when I was calibrating was like this:
    16seconds (you want only one second for sure. This is something that you do NOT want to have multiple numbers of): 598, 598, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 598, 602, 600, 600, 602. In my case, my delay would be 600, but the amount that I vary by when it's not 600 is very small (+/- 2).

    Continued on second post.
    The process seems right after a quick read. I'll read it a bit more carefully after I have a bit of food in me (just had one hamburger for over 24hours and I'm starving! lol).

    Your delay that you want to hit should just be one number though. Not a I'm a bit confused there. Seconds of 15 is good and your journal flipping skeelz is right too ^^
    Well, you can enter a greater value than what you're really wanting for frame. Your starting frame is 3 and your max can be higher. I usually just go with 13 or 15 and Time Finder will generate a list for you to choose from.

    Calibration is very important...since delays varies quite a bit even if you hit continue at almost the same speed, frame values is set for the most part but it can fluctuate a bit. Seconds value is what is staying consistent almost all the time. If you didn't get a good seconds during calibration, then I'd say redo the whole thing, though alternatively you can just go to seed finder and catch a pokemon and see what seconds you are on the most with. Not sure if that would work, but I hope it does.

    min/max delays should virtually be the same - ie what you got during calibration yes. Once you're better at hitting it, you can enter in a range, ie 598-610 or if you're using pikatimer you can set max a bit higher. For first timers though, I'd say keep it the same.
    No, I'm happy to help ^^

    In any case, if your starting frame is 3 and your desired frame is 3 and the first page in the journal has "caught" then you have to pick something else...since you just made your frame 5 when you hit continue. Pick a spread with a frame of 5 or higher if that's the case :)

    And if you can't hit 11seconds, then you probably want to repeat the calibration process to make sure what you're hitting. As long as you don't save, then you can just alter your seconds value and start in the same place you are now.
    Just in case no one answered your question in the thread (not sure since I only skimmed the responses):

    Advancing the game by 19.5 frame on breeding cannot be done, since only journal flips count and they advance your frame by 2. No rounding can be done, you'll continually hit the wrong frame even if you hit your delay (which is hard enough really, lol).
    If you click the odd/even should match min frame box and then generate, your results should be all frames are either odd or even. If this is not the case, then I'm not sure if you're doing something wrong or its a glitch in your version of RNG reporter, lol. If either is the case, then pick a different seed with an odd frame.

    Either way, once you've saved in front of the old man and have found your starting frame, there is no reason to do any of the past steps to RNG IV the egg. The next step is straight into soft resets :)
    109.7% - 129.6% isn't an OHKO? And CM Giratina isn't anywhere near as common as the standard spinblocker, which almost never invests in its bulk
    The DC that just occurred was my fault. I was plugging in the charger & tapped the tape... just when the battle was getting good. >_< Sorry, I'd battle again but you already know what I have in store so far.
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