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  • Hi Pokejugador,
    I´m very sorry for your broken DS and hope it can be fixed.
    If you can get back to playing, I would be happy to join your Friendlist. I´m searching for non-red Floette and want Togepi in a specific Pokeball, so that would be cool :)
    My FriendCode 4270 1583 1135
    and the IGN is *
    GUYS; MY 3DS IS BEING REPAIRED, I CAN'T ADD YOU. Also, i'm sorry for any unanswer FS request, I'll add you as soon as i can.

    I see you have a Togepi in your safari, I tried breeding a normal one but it takes ages to get a safari would be a real help to me. I already added you I hope you'll add me !! This is my safari 1719-3286-6459 Grass (Sunkern,Petilil,Quilladin) not the best but it has a starter in it.

    Thx in advance

    Gr, Mouseke
    Hi, I saw that you had Togepi in your Friend Safari. Can you add me at 5129 0810 1290?
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