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  • Hey there again Rysta.. =] You know how you offered me a bit of help a while ago? lol Well.. I was wondering if you're taking on any breeding projects? Dozer was supposed to do a few for me, but his computer has had it's memory wiped and it's all gone now. =( Also finding it harder to find anyone to trade with now! lol
    Okay thanks :)
    I'm going to watch Syberia's tutorial now and hope I understand it xD
    Thanks alot :)

    May I ask what you use instead of Emloop, because you obviously can't use it when you RNG on VBA? (Aimong on Emerald RNG breeding btw)
    Can you RNG in DPPt...? If not how come? Need any help? Ill help you if you wanna learn =)
    Hi Rysta ^_^ How is the BP coming along..? If you havent started on it thats fine, im just checking in :P send me a Friend Request and you'll be able to VM me back XP
    And you can see my mass wall of VM's :pimp:
    I seriously was going to post this in your thread for you and Diploman... But I refrained from doing so. ^_^

    You two should go out^^.
    You'd make a great couple.
    Um by this do you mean me or new people in general? If in general probably because new people are more intent on using their new abilities to post and ask question that they do not check when the last post was.
    I'd really appreciate that. ^^ I wouldn't trade any of them untill I know for sure anyhow... I love Skarmory! :P Anyhow... have a good sleep, nighty night! ;)
    Haha you're like a little spy then. =P That's cool, lol. And clever. Got to be taking some time though! And aaah... I see. =) I was starting to think 31 IV's in all weren't like.. legal to use in battle or something..! I've got a few things I'd like to get hack checked... I got them from other forums but since joining Smogon I'm pretty sure nothing else can be trusted than things received from here! lol I may just be paranoid. No other forums deal with redis rights either like Smogon does..

    Anyhow, not a big fan of Minun but thanks anyways. ^^ If you're ever breeding Skarmory though let me know! lol I'll take your junk from that! haha
    Aaah so you're kinda checking them up to catch them sneaky buggers! :P I see...

    Uhm so why is the Timid Minun not useable then? lol I'm still a bit new and lost ya know.. :P
    yeees, but yours does not knock people to kingdom come.

    wait a sec... isn't this the same one that you said that is stuck in a game that can't save?
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