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  • Hello! We're paired for the random mons tour! What's your timezone? I'm GMT +8. Lmk soon so we can arrange a day :)
    this week is difficult for me as I'm finishing my exams and that stuff... I'm on everyday at 11:30 pm GMT+1 if you can make it, if not, my availability will be better for next week
    i don't have any teams on ps but thats fine, ill import

    Um... you were always welcome in the Shark's IRC channel. If you were unable to access it, why didn't you PM someone? We all thought you were completely inactive and uninterested in being a part of the team.
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Cofagrigus in your RMT seems to have a Flygon moveset.
    i'm gmt -6 so i'd prefer to play some time on the weekend as im in school till late your time
    So when shall we play? I would suggest Sunday, this is best for me. What time is good for you? At the evening or earlier? Oh and where shall we battle? I dont like Showdown that much. It would be very nice to play on Pokemon Online.
    Ok, do you want to do something like 6 PM your time this Saturday? Hopefully that will give each of us ample time to make teams while not waiting until right before the deadline.
    Hey, we're matched up for the Random Pokemon Tournament. I'm GMT-5, and while this is subject to change, I'm pretty much only able to play on the weekends.
    This weekend is not that good for me, what do you think about next week? The DL is 3rd this weekend is pretty bad for me, what about next week?, DL is 3rd, so there is enough time to do our battle. I would suggest something like friday/saturday/sunday next week. Would that be okay for you? Oh and what Timezone are you?

    hi, we have to battle for the Fuk Ferro tournament, when is it good for you? And what GMT are you? I´m GMT +1. Oh and can we play next week, this week is not that good for me.
    it was my time, and i make confusions with timezones @_@.

    maybe tomorrow 11 PM your time (5 PM GMT -2), is that good? tomorrow means jan 3rd
    today? i think would be better late cause i still have to test the team, something like after 11 PM
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