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  • Nope your right. Thanks alot for spotting that. I sincerely apologize for that, I will be having a long talk with my partner about that. Want something else in my thread or just a refund? I have the UT version if you like?
    I have an R4 so I can check EVs/IVs directly. Empoleon has 12 in HP, 255 in SpAtk, and 246 in Speed. Unless I am failing horribly at basic math (it is pretty late here, though), that is not a legit total, which means these EVs were tacked on with pokesav or AR.
    What do you mean "finish it for [me]?" You should probably let your partner know pretty much no one considers EV-training with pokesav/ar/whatnot legit
    rly? wow, I better talk to the guy who EV trained it. I'll finish it for you if you trade it back to me.
    Sorry, my wi-fi just spiked. And can you switch the Scizor to the Impish Gyarados? I mentioned it in the other VM but I guess you missed it
    Hey, I'm ready now. Can I get the EV'd Empoleon and switch the Scizor to the Impish Gyarados, UT
    I'm asking because Someone told me that Davey has Klock's shiny charizard with grass hp and I post on both of ya'll's thread to make an offer with him.
    Will you be here in maybe 30 minutes from now? I'm a little bit busy right now, but close to finishing.
    Well I like to say congratulations on graduating :D I'm just a freshman so I wouldn't know also thank you sooo much for giving unlimited credits. I guess I can do the same :D and it's fine take as long as you'd like. Also again sweet and one more thing... I don't want to be rude and take your CMTs. They're your pokemon that you took the time to breed. That would be just rude of me. Oh and edit the first post so that people know I exist in the thread. You should know how many times people checked your half instead of mine.
    Hey Im back for a little bit. Im graduating this week so its really busy. Then its finally summer! Im so ready to kick back and play some pokemon. I rng'd your gliscor but since you want the egg I have to save before I can check the IV's and it turned out I hit the wrong frame so I have to start all over again. But as soon as I have some free time I will be working on it.
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