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  • In what generation do you need a HA Oshawott-line member?
    I no need in the car home soon ish though! Ty, whatcha want for a shiny? I have a couple
    Oh no, I'm fine right now, thanks for the offer, however.
    Please notify me when you're ready then.
    I meanyt oh not I, autocorrect
    I'm probably gonna get to Driftblim this weekend! Sorry it's been taking so long, I've been prioritizing important Pokemon updates first, soon I'll be able to work on more niche stuff like that!
    btw just so you know, I am gonna check Orthworm tonight! Sorry for the wait, we had to actually play with it first lol
    before you go, I wanted to tell you your thing said "Wasington" this whole time
    lol, oops. I might play later, at least on PS but prolly not for a while.
    are you just bored or something bad happened
    bored lol, but I appreciate your concern. Pretty much NOTHING of significance happens in my life, so I do have lots of free time so I COULD continue playing. It's just kinda meh...feel like I've been sticking w/ it just cuz I've played Pokemon for a while, not that I really like it.
    how can I tell people what they want, that is each person's individual proclivity and beyond my control

    I can only tell them what they should want
    just gotta use bit more noggin before you act
    :) ima just stick to Pokemon and not worrying about any possible grammar, spelling, or redundancy I perceive in other people's posts. Still kinda cool I got two things added to oo, Steelix is kind of cool.

    Umm, do you think it wiorks with para support insted of slow tr? I mean Ferro does and it's even slower. Course it can t-wave itself. Not sure so dint want to say anything in analysis.
    maybe, but I like Gyro Ball plus it takes much longer to sweep
    A Nidoqueen team won US Nationals (Senior Division) last year. It was the same format as this years Battle Spot Doubles.
    Wow really? That's whack. Was the Nidoqueen actually brought a lot? Learn something new everyday.

    But even so, I don't think that guy's team I rated likes her. There's already a pretty big ice weakness, and Rotom-W doesn't seem very nice either.
    What I saw is pretty cool. Don't have time to view all of it atm, but I can take your word in it. But top people often use at least a couple odd things. I think we can agree our friend is new to the meta,
    nobody posted in your trade thread lol
    Not trying to show you up tho Ofc :P Just saying. Anyone can breed for that if they're so inclined, and I wasn't even going for the 0 Atk really. Another thing with 0 Atk that's great with it is my Regice. The 30 SpA is overshadowed by the fact that it's flawless elsewhere and 0 Atk. Plus Calm so that one less point of SpA is potentially less important.
    Lol, that's weird. I generally hate Swaggering physical attackers even if they're parad or I have Reflect or w/e, surprised people do that to you. It's really only a last ditch thing, maybe if you also have sub.
    Lol no worries, why would I think you are showing me up when I think it's a waste of time haha

    Anyway it's more like physical attackers are who you use to beat Swagger users, since they're usually bulky ground types
    OK, I have your Dittos ready:
    Ditto ***19 Spe IV, 31/31/31/31/31/19, Impish Nature, Seed 44E9BDAC593178ED
    Ditto ***25 Spe IV, 31/31/31/31/31/25, Naive Nature, Seed 2A9221713F3D72F7

    I'm happy to do them for a clone of the Regice on your thread (I can clone it if you need me to). I'm usually available between 5PM-9PM GMT+11, but sometimes randomly before or after that. What time suits you?
    That Liepard is just a mother som1 gave me for a breeding project, so don't worry that it's not mine(u probably weren't.)
    Probably because I already had you added. Anyway, just let me know when you get your Regice back, and enjoy the Ditto!
    Sure, thanks. And I hope you get some use out of those special ball females, but even tho I'm not an artsy type I still think Nest clashes with Houndour/oom.
    Hey are you able to battle now :)?
    I could go on soon if you wanted. Did you change your team any? I think Mega Mawile would be a nice fit on it since its TR
    Lol, dumbly accepted a battle request from a passerby with the wrong team in the box. Still won interestingly. YHMW-WWWW-WW3Q-CPH7
    passersby are usually really bad haha
    First off, thanks a million for the help. I have two options: either I can get them cloned by like NOVED or someone, or I can just borrow them. Do any of these options sound good to you?
    Can give spare Destiny Knot and Everstone
    Shit, I'm sorry. I totally thought I was free at 6:00. Turns out I wasn't rip. But anyways, I'm heading out to dinner. Does 9:30 sound good to you?
    It is if I remember, which I'll try to. And don't worry, I've said a time with people then not been able to trade(no great reason, just fell asleep or forgot,) it happens.
    I can probably breed that Bulbasaur.
    I'm sorry but I don't think I will have your Venu done by Sunday. I don't have my flawless Bold ditto anymore and my parents are either Calm or Modest. The small gender ratio means that it's going to take a while to get the Bold nature and I still have a 25 page paper due monday. I'm willing to give or lend a parent though.
    That's ok, I think I can handle it. 25 pages...that's crazy. Good luck with that.
    It's not so bad I just have to keep coming up with counter arguments to my argument.
    uh you gotta wait 2 weeks before posting another RMT..... your cooldown ends on the 27th iirc
    Oh oops, bad at math I guess:P I wanna get an opinion on this team cause it's done good and I guess I got ahead of myself:) Anyways, someone will lock it-they're good about that-and I can get it back later. Unless there's some way to get rid of my next most recent RMT so it's like I haven't made ones in 2 weeks.
    So, you've got a few options. I cannot get Bold 31/00/31/31/31/31, but these are the best options:

    - 31/14/31/31/31/31
    - 31/00/31/30/30/31

    Which one do you prefer?
    I know, and it really doesn't seem like it makes any real difference. The extra 4 in speed to creep uninvested base 85s makes no real difference, and the extra 4 going in SpD, makes no significant difference. What I'm wondering is are you suggesting 248 SpA EVs or just using that as an example? Articuno likes lots of bulk and only runs one attack anyways, so it seems weird to invest heavily in SpA.
    Er, meant to say I'm running 252 HP/ 180 Def/ 72 SpA/ 4 Spe Bold. So I am still speed creeping. A SpA IV of 31 would let me put that and the speed in Def, which probably does little and then I lose some speed ties. 30 SpA is definitely not a loss, especially considering its just for this comp. Such nice people that'll get you stuff, and even for free sometimes.
    cant say
    cant say
    It was an example of dropping 4 EVs to compensate for the IV drop. The EV spread you have is fine
    Just to clarify, you're correct - people who receive the Zapdos from you can't trade it further. But feel absolutely free to trade it :)
    Great thx. I figured you wouldn't want people I trade it to trading it themselves(unless it's back to me Ofc.) And really it wouldn't make sense either at 2Radon'd wanna trade it to someone else. I'd just be giving him it cuz I decided on using Articuno instead-he seems sold on it.
    Hey there, I saw that you're rating a few teams on the RMT forum. Here's a little suggestion I have after reading your rate. Make use of the function to hide your chunks of calcs and break your rate down into smaller paragraph, make use of color/fonts to highlight your changes and you can maybe even use some form of mini sprites to make it easier for the readers to comprehend. :>
    Good idea, thanks. It is a wall of text. I'll try to do that in the future:)
    Your Numel got sniped x_x
    Musta been recent, cuz I was looking at it just yesterday. I'll put up another one, same message(Theorymon), w/ Kyogre as the Poke requested. I'll put up a male one. Thx for telling me.
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