Max. Optimizer
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  • I knew exactly who the OP was when I saw your RMT thread title from the main menu.
    GIVEAWAY sorry
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Excellent! Everything is working according to plan then. I love it when that happens. Feel free to participate! :)
    Hey! Would you be able to trade some time today? Maybe in a few hours?
    Also, if making two clones isn't trouble, I'd totally love to have an HP fire Shamin to keep for myself. Not sure if I'd use it, but with good IVs/Ball/Nature I might.
    Hi, is your TSV of 1092 still available? If so, would you hatch a shiny darumaka for me? It will be jolly with spread of 31/31/31/19/31/31 and come in a repeat ball. Of course you're more than welcome to keep a copy if you wish.
    Thanks very much for the offer of help with cloning, it's really appreciated :)

    FC is 2337 4440 4499 and I'll be using IGN Theo.
    Thanks for the reply sincerely. You really nailed it with the quotes
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    I'm glad to know that you liked the feedback. I'm genuinely looking forward to seeing what future artworks you'll exhibit in your thread in a foreseeable future. My eyes have yet to open after all.
    Hi Max , do you have smogon fb ga yvelta for last week ? I din managed to get it at the waves. I post at the simple request thread twice but no luck !
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Greetings! Unfortunately I have to inform you that haven't kept up with these giveaways for 2 months now. The only Facebook giveaway Pokémon that I have are listed in my trade thread. If a Pokémon isn't listed there, it means that I don't have it.
    C y 1
    ok guess i have to check with others ! thank anyway !
    one thousand!
    Diese Seite kann sich glücklich schätzen, Leute wie dich zu haben, die hier immer und immer wieder hoch-qualitative Beiträge verfassen, anderen helfen und für ein freundliches und offenes Foren-Klima verantwortlich sind, und somit für eine bessere Community sorgen :) Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Dankeschön! Man tut was man kann. Verglichen mit anderen Usern bin ich zwar lediglich ein kleiner Fisch.
    1000 posts in a pretty fine milestone in itself, but I ain't expecting you to stop there.
    Good luck on your trip to go above and beyond!
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Thank you! Likewise, keep up the great work with your articles as well. The positive feedback speaks volumes!
    Hi, thanks for helping out with the Drifblim! I'm available now, so we can trade whenever you're ready! :)

    FC: 2036 7622 1628
    IGN: Henning
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Greetings! I have added your FC and I'm going online as we speak. :)
    Kong Harald
    Kong Harald
    Thanks again. I will remember you every time I evade an attack with it ;)
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    You're welcome. Good luck! Let me know how it went. :)
    Hey, may I request a smogon GA mon? I'm looking for the naive HP Fire Kyurem.
    Deposited a male Salandit, Lv 16, GER, PokeBall, IGN: Maurice
    I hope that's okay, thanks in advance! :)
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