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  • armaldlothearmaldo
    I appreciate it! In some ways, I miss 1v1 too; there's a lot of good people, yourself included. However, it's been almost two months, and I'm still in survival mode from it. It definitely wasn't good for me.

    I've popped back onto smogon for a couple minutes here and there to see what is happening, but anything more than that would be cataclysmic.

    Hopefully things are going well for you.
    We are so back
    To whom it may concern,

    After a lot of thought, I’ve decided to take an indefinite break from 1v1. I will be dumping my builder and withdrawing from the 1v1 Swiss tournament after this week. A warm thank you to everyone who has made the tier so hospitable (Felucia, kenn, &c.)
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