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  • Well they havent really fully explained the Gen V RNG yet, as far as I know. Let me know a good time to trade then.
    Yeah, it's no problem... Just as long as my stuff doesn't go redising around lol...

    No problem with the typos either. But as for safely editing, I keep my trade thread (I'm making one soon) in files in my Notepad (I use Notepad++ for coding and the better format, but it's the same as regular Notepad), or you can always highlight your text in the reply box with Ctrl + A, and then Ctrl+C to copy it (Paste is Ctrl+V), so if it doesn't go through, you can just highlight all the text again and replace it with the updated one...
    I'll take just about anything popular in Gen V, I just posted something to get me started.
    Oh, right, I see people in your thread asking you to CMT for some of my stuff. Would you please add that you have semi-redis rights (you can trade it, they cannot)? I forgot to mention that lol...

    Oh yeah, and sorry to be nitpicky, but you should fix my username on them too, it's iFly :P Some of them you have IFly, and some are I Fly (I'm assuming just a typo, and It's really no bother - the site's been so damn slow that I wouldn't have the patience to edit anything at all).
    Awe thanks :) And don't worry its hard to get on my bad side, Only newbies get on my bad side when I get PM's asking people to CMT for stuff when they can just post on my thread or when I get rushed during giveaways.

    Dont worry about cloning, My Bro ZachAttack will clone for me like he always does, Hes just never on Smogon when im on + Hes never on MSN either =/. And that would be great! what DW Pokes do you have? I was thinking I was going to IV breed my 5th gen mons the old fashion way since it seems harder to RNG breed Pokemon this gen compared to HGSS, And RNG wild Pokes this gen.
    I can trade whenever your ready to. I tried posting this like two hours ago and just realized smogon spazzed and never posted it
    Yeah, I can trade now, thought Smogon goes really slow now and have to go to bed in about 10-15 mins so you know..
    Hi, I'm able to trade now :) Use my black FC then as I haven't transfered over it to white yet.
    The reason why I want multiple copies back is so I can test a bunch of different sets with the egg moves icemanu gave to the Munna. Theres different EV spreads I want to use with it. Just my opinion but it shouldn't cost a credit to clone for someone when the Pokemon your getting you just traded for and I charge 2 fully redis Mon's for a breeding project someone has done for me or 1 Pokemon I RNG'ed myself (See rules) but I let it slide with you since we did infact trade quite abit when I first started to RNG :).

    Like you said on my thread you do infact have some of my wants (Minus the hatch locations I want the Pokes at) So what Pokemon on G4 are you intrested from me? Might as well do a big trade to get it over with ;). Im also going to be doing those Drifblims you asked me about awhile ago so let me know if you will be intrested in those. Im trying to RNG most of the G4 mons to add to my collection.
    Nah i'll pass if its going to cost a credit for get it cloned...I will get someone to clone for me and I will send you a VM later when Smogon isn't so slow.
    Um labarith?... I'm the one that gave you the poliwag and gligar lol! XD
    Yeah I want the RNG guys I posted in your thread
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