A Blue Giveaway [Year 2]

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is a Top Social Media Contributor Alumnus
Hi everyone, sorry this giveaway was so delayed. It's now ready for distribution, so post away! I'll also hold another distribution period tomorrow since this one is so short.
I never nickname my Pokemon, don't know why but if I, for example, nicknamed my Alakazam Mr Spoon it would ruin all the immersion.
IGN: Jaime
FC: 4098-8013-0544
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I like to give my pokemon a nickname especially I can find a cute one. E.g., I give my Infernape a nickname "WuKong", which is the name of the great Monkey King.

IGN: Annine
FC: 3969-8925-4640

Thanks! :)
Usually never nick name my pokemon except for a few of my favorites

FC: 2982-1332-4984

Thanks so much man :)
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Leader of the Pawniards
is a Top Tiering Contributor
OUPL Champion
I prefer my pokemon to have names, but not in story mode.
FC: 2895 8532 0950, IGN Verdant

I nickname only pokes from my first team from Red and Blue
Friend Code: 2809-9212-2894

Thank you kindly!
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I'd rather not give my pokemons nicknames.
Ign: Alex
Fc: 4012-9306-5660
Thanks in advance

Thank you!
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I personally don't nickname my Pokémon but if I receive a Pokémon in a trade with a suitable nickname or a fun reference in its nickname I'd be down for that.

FC and IGN in my signature.

I don't like nicknamed Pokemon at all
FC: 1264-0464-8211
IGN: Juan

Thank you! :)
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I’ve nicknamed my Pokémon in 2/4 of my games. Nice feature, but not something I’d use 100% of the time.
Ign Atharv
Fc in sig

Thank you!
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Buriallusion: Phantomic Killer in Night Mist
is a Top Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Hey Blueforce,

Typically I only nickname the Pokemon I use for playthroughs, as well as special Pokemon that I've bred or RNG'd. I don't trade nicknamed Pokemon usually, though.

FC: 0447 7096 3663, IGN: Penelope

Thanks in advance for the giveaway!

P.S. Love the nickname to bits, if only for its association to Madoka. Mew is an incredibly fitting recipient of the name though, even though I don't think it's ever done anything canonically quite to warrant association with the flag bearer of evil cats :)
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I usually don’t nickname my pokes but for ultra sun I bred and nicknamed a few, seemed to make it a little more personal
Thank you.
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is a Top Social Media Contributor Alumnus
Alright guys, shutting it down for now. Friendly reminder to please strike through your post when you receive my Pokemon :) I'll distribute some more tomorrow afternoon for any who missed it.
Gotta say, I never nicknamed mons until recently, USUM is the first game where I've had a fully nicknamed team. I'm still against nicknamed mons that you intend to trade.

FC: 1736-1452-3455
IGN: Aravagantos


Sorry for the magikarp, I just happened to breed a bunch of them to unlock the IV judge.
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I usually only nickname my starters or the Pokémon I know I'm gonna keep during the entire story.

IGN: Dragun
Thx brotha
I never nickname my Pokémon!
FC: 0233-2658-7861
IGN: Andre
Thanks in advance!
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I have trouble coming up with nicknames so usually go with the Pokemon's actual name. I do like some non English pokemon names so a couple of times I've deliberately requested that as a nick when asking for a SV hatch.

FC: Marill
IGN: 2337 4440 4499

Thank you very much :)
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