Needs Triage Bug Report - Mechanics


I may very well be the worst player on this site
is a Pre-Contributor
What type of bug are you reporting? Mechanics

What is the bug?
I talked about it last year on some places on this forum that I don't remember, but the fact of the matter is that on cart, if zorua is the last pokemon in team order and is switched in, Illusion doesn't trigger (as shown in this bad video:
sorry that's the best I can do to record switch gameplay ^^')

Meanwhile, on PS, Illusion still triggers and makes it look that you switched the same pokémon for the one leaving the field (which should only happen if the one originally on the field is in fact zorua, but that should happen if zorua is arriving, as shown in the youtube video).

I only provided zorua-h video but I tested for both zoruas and both zoroarks.

TLDR: If an illusion user is last in team order, it should not impersonnate his opponent while arriving on the field from a switch. (I don't know if that's the same on death, just realised I didn't test it and I don't have my switch at hand rn.)

Are you able to replicate it? If so, how?
Yes, anytime zorua end up 6th and switch in, it happens.

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