CAP 14 CAP 3 - Part 13 - Movepool Poll 1

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Hiya! Here comes the moment of truth: when CAP decides on Mollux's finalized movepool. We've had a lot of discussion leading up to this series of polls; plenty of thought went into all of the limits we set and movepools we created as a community. Now comes the time for us to vote on the movepool that most adequately fulfills CAP 3's concept. The result of the following polls wills certainly be one of the defining aspects CAP 3. Best of luck to all contestants!

We've compiled a list of every slated submission's author below in the order they submitted their movepools. We also provided a link next to their names that goes to their movepool submission post, but please don't include this arrow in your vote.

Please remember that this poll operates on IRV voting, the details of which are outlined here. This means that you can upvote your favorite typing and downvote your least favorite. Be aware that order does matter in your votes! The first line is your favorite, the last line is your least favorite. Make sure that you bold your votes and nothing else! A typical vote might look like the following:

Most Preferred
Second Most Preferred
Least Preferred

Any comments that the voter has would go below the votes in non-bold text. Bold text is used to determine what the user's votes are, so none of the supplementary text should be in bold.
Please post only your votes in this thread. If you are feeling the need to have a discussion, then head on over to #cap. There are consequences if you are looking to spark a discussion here. Again, please leave all discussion to #cap. Thanks for your understanding!

This poll will be open for 24 hours. Leg it!

Mollux thus far:

Name: Extreme Makeover: Typing Edition

General Description: The idea here is to create a Pokemon who's typing, while normally considered poor defensively and/or offensively, becomes a strong selling point of the Pokemon itself via help from an ability, stats, and/or movepool.

Justification: There are a lot of typings we scoff at on a daily basis because of their serious flaws, often forgetting about their strong points. For example, Poison is a really terrible offensive typing, but a decent defensive typing, while the Ice typing is good offensively, but awful defensively. Instead of just accepting that some typings will just ruin a Pokemon, this CAP concept aims to take that "terrible typing", and find ways to fix it (usually via ability, movepool, or stats) to the point where the formerly terrible typing becomes the CAP's strong point! The reason this CAP could benefit OU is because a Pokemon who makes a "bad typing" into a great one could find many unique offensive and/or defensive niches that aren't currently found!

Questions To Be Answered

-What does it take for a Pokemon to overcome its "bad typing" so much that its typing becomes good? Are the stats the biggest contributer, is the ability the thing that saves it, does movepool make it a force, or is it a combination of the above?

-How does the typing makeover effect the Pokemon's playstyle? Does the Pokemon become a unique wall that uses its makeover to overcome its typing's normally fatal flaws, does the make over make a terrible offensive typing into a fearsome sweeper, does the makeover make it into a formidible combination of deffense and offense to a typing that brings it neither, or does the makeover bring forth something none of us see coming from the typing?

-Which resistances and immunities are the most relevant to the metagame? Sure, this concept is aiming to have a "bad typing" become good, but part of that will require the bad typing to have some key resistances and/or immunties to certain typings to defend against or set up on, while still having a very unorthodox competitive typing. This works the other way around too, what are the typings most relevant to hit super effectively or at least neutral?

-How will the rest of the OU metagame react to this extreme type makeover? Will Pokemon start carrying moves they normally wouldn't carry to break through a new defensive threat, will some Pokemon take on new defensive roles due to resisting the unorthodox STABs CAP 3 may carry? Or will This Pokemon, despite being a very real threat, not have many "custom made sets" to beat it, being more of a Pokemon that is a reaction to the metagame than causing a metagame reaction?

-Finally, how will this effect the teams CAP3 is on? Will this be the kind of Pokemon who needs a lot of support to become a threat, will this Pokemon be more of key team member to execute another strategy, or will this be the kind of Pokemon that's part of the glue that holds the team together?
Typing: Fire / Poison
Base stats: 95 HP / 45 Atk / 83 Def / 131 SpA / 105 SpD / 76 Spe
Abilities: Dry Skin / Illuminate


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Alright, hop to it! We've got 24 hours remaining, starting with this post.

Personally, I want to give all of the movepools a good final look-through before I finalize my vote. I'll edit my vote into this post soon!


Wasn't particularly blown away by any of the sets, but there are a lot of good options. kjt's ended up as my first thanks to the legality of Rapid Spin + Stealth Rock + Toxic Spikes + Recover. We have a lot of good options here though; can't wait to see what we choose!


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Not just because the two have Octazooka--that would be coincidence.

Edit: If anyone wants that comparison spreadsheet, it's here.


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I wanted a few things from a movepool: Recover as a level up move, Stealth Rocks and Rapid Spin in there somewhere (ideally legal together but not necessary), and no Hurricane, along with the expected STAB and electric coverage moves. These three had everything I wanted, and out of them, I just think nyttyn had by far the best flavor.




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To my surprise, I actually think bmb has a quite strong submission here. I rarely agree with him and his verbosity, but it all looks solid to me. Meanwhile, cape was almost left out because of his ridiculous flavor shenanigans with Golden Week. It's just so unnecessary, but in the end, harms nothing. And being quite honest, he's got the best submission. And nyttyn, while I think he has picked the wrong egg group by a mile, has a good overall submission and sneaks into my top 3.

I voted based on my own precedent rules (I know...), but I checked excluded moves more thoroughly than I did included moves. nyttyn comes second and LouisCyphre last for this reason. I also do not really like the idea of putting Thunder in egg just to have Hurricane, which is also why kjt and LouisCyphre are low. Also, Malkyrian has an unreal number of level-up moves O_O bmb and uwnim are in between. I don't really want to rank them that badly but I have to here so...

I'm going to be totally biased and self-worshipping here in saying that I liked my own mix of flavor and competitive mixing best. Pretty much everyone on the slate has a good competitive vision for Mollux, probably better than mine I'll definitely admit, but flavor-wise, I preferred mine best haha. As such I'm pretty much voting for those that were closest to mine in terms of flavor value. I realize that's pretty awful reasoning but it's my right to have terrible logic if I want to... x___X Sorry.

Competitively-speaking, here IS what I'm looking for:
- reasonable flexibility with Recover and support moves
- no Magnet Rise or Hurricane
- potential support sets outside of Hazards/Rapid Spin
- Eruption + Trick would make an awesome scarf set the likes of which has never been seen before
- lack or inclusion of most boosting moves

Aside from those things that separate people on a competitive basis it's mainly flavor from me. Sorry again for my weird reasoning.

bmb and kjt are my main choices in that regard. Kjt's inclusion of Hurricane and Magnet Rise bugs me, but otherwise his flavor and competitive aspects look pretty sound to me. Likewise BMB's level-up flavor irks me a bit but I like his egg move choices (though I've joined the bandwagon supporting Recover in level-up, so that bothers me a little) otherwise I like it. Cape's inclusion of the event stuff bugs me, sorry to be such a sourpuss, but otherwise I like his movepool just fine. I give due credit for the interesting flavor of Sweet Kiss haha. I kind of wanted to see Tspikes in cape's but it's relatively minor. I don't mind unwim's much aside from a bit of lack of flexibility with Recover, but otherwise the only problem I have with it isn't really a problem, I like the first three better. Malkyrian's is good, but I don't really care for his flavor or competitive move choices so much... Matter of opinion. And nttytn... haha.... man.... that egg group choice just totally kills that submission for me. Healing Pulse for flavor or doubles is a cool option that I would never have thought of, but his competitive differences and flavor and stuff aren't really enough to fix the egg group for me. Louis is more or less the same, but I think nyttyn's is better.

My stupid opinions aside, congrats to everyone who made it this far, seriously. It might sound like I'm a little bitter given the way I started this post out but I swear to God I'm not... ;w; REALLY. Seriously. I mean it, good job, everyone.


Custom Loser Title

All movepools including Morning Sun / Moonlight are first, because I really want it to have one of those and everything else that I feel is comparably or more important is in all seven. Other things I factored in the ordering were Toxic Spikes (inclusion preferred), Hurricane (exclusion preferred), Thunder (inclusion as a TM preferred), and of course flavour.


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Having recover as a level up move was a big selling point for me. Out of the submissions that included it, I felt that capefeather's was the most flavorful and "accurate" to the series. BMB, while lacking level-up recover, had really well-thought-out and justified flavor, so I gave a nod to him. Malkyrian is last here due to my dislike for that many level-up moves.

In general, grass move flavor was a hard sell for me, especially given Thunderbolt/Thunder. Hurricane I also feel is a bit unwarranted for Mollux, both on competitive and flavor levels.
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