CAP 32 - Art Submissions

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With pixilate decided and where that's likely to take us in the process, shifting focus from hot spring monkey to this design, based on Lion Dance (monkey was giving me trouble anyway). Thank you to all those who gave me some feedback on the discord, especially with colors, tho alsooo here is suite of some alt color palletes. Going forward planning to play with proportions etc. to be a bit less cartoony.

Fire Fairy 1.jpg

Pixilate leaves options such as Extreme Speed and Boomburst open, so I'm going with the physical/mixed attacker Fire/Fairy! New pose, actual colour, and even a bit of shading this time. Perhaps the flame layers blend in too well with each other, though.

...If we pick Heat Crash, Armor Cannon, and/or Population Bomb, I'm gonna need to change this design out big-time.


After a few redesigns and do-overs and experimentation, this is the current rendition of the design, coupled with a few details such as the face and hand. It's a bit of a rough sketch, but in the coming days I do want to make this with more detailed lineart sooo stay tuned for that!
I don't know how much I'd change going forward but I still appreciate any and all feedback! I believe this design fits many Normal moves such as Hyper Voice, Boomburst, ESpeed, Fake Out, etc. (as long as there's no Population Bomb >_>)

Love working on this project and I appreciate the warm reception that I've received for my first time! :)

Cyclope CAP2.png

New test of the cyclops. Always inspired by Polyphemus, the cyclops shepherd to whom Ulysses punctures the eye with a burning stake. I followed the advice I received to give him a more animal look. I based my work on the cases of cyclops in lambs. Its horns look vaguely like lamb skewers. And I thought that while I was at it with the greek inspirations, I could make him a wildfire fleece, also called "greek fire" if I am not mistaken.

Made a little update to firework mole. Looking for feedback! Especially for thoughts on the hands and patterns/colours. I want to explore those more in particular. I feel like the patterns are definitely too cluttered right now and I haven't settled on hands/claws that I like.​

The latest version of my nightlight sun jellyfish; I managed to set up the sun pattern on the head to my liking :3 even made a little ref for it, mainly to make it easy for me to visualize how the pattern appears from above and behind since the main head is somewhat translucent:
I've been doing some refinements, mostly for lineart and arm position/width. I tried thinning the arms, but they looked off to me and I want it to be a little bulky.

Since im indecicive AF, i have sketched n colored two other designs i might contemplate using if we get some more odd move choices.
1. The dog we all know and love, based on cheerleaders, dog sports, explosives, and air bud.
2. Smore bear. Fat and melting bc of the sticks that are on fire. Based on smores, dumplings, other food items and of course, big bears and chubby kids.
3. A witch mushroom! Based on how bioluminescent mushrooms are also called Fairy fire. Some inspo from bleeding tooth fungus, and dead mans finger fungus. No, mushrooms are NOT plants.
hyena take 3.4 render.png

after much struggle, I've found a color scheme that i like. also brought back the fire mane from the first time since the first rough colors. also i opened its mouth for the first time and added colored outlines, and removed the fireballs as they started feelin a little too tacked on. maybe i can put the sun motif somewhere else in the creatur

as always, critique and feedback is welcome and appreciated :D

Since the ability choice didn't impact anything, here's three designs I'm flip-flopping between.

A. Bunch of pinata-bomb-demons. Moves being discussed like explosion, ES, and any of the hazard moves feel appropriate here.

B. Some sort of forest gnome, but instead of a mushroom hat/cap it's a spicy pepper. Any of the stat-effecting or hazard moves feel right.

C. A witch's oven, with hansel and gretel still inside. The bigger attacks work here more than the others.

As always I'd very much appreciate any feedback yall got!

edit: Smalled my image


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