CAP 8 CAP 8 - Part 10a - Name Discussion

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Hmmm.... people always like simple names... how about


This is an awseome name because its fun to say. And what dragon doesn't want to say "Raawr."
I thought Thorns' post was the best, but I thought Atmosfear would be the better spelling.

(Atmosphere, but with fear > phere)
After testing out a few names, I'm going with Ryuvolt. (REW-volt)

It's a portmanteau of Ryu, a Japanese dragon, and volt, the unit of electromotive force. Simple, and runs off the tongue easy.
I tried to come up with something involving electrolysis and a basilisk, but in the end I decided to go with Faradrake!

Michael Faraday was resonsible for discovering the law of electromagnetic induction, and amongst many things that are named after him (including the unit of capacitance, the Farad) there's the Faraday Cage. A Faraday cage is any metallic surface that distributes electric charge around its outside in such a way that the region enclosed by the surface is shielded from all external electric fields. So, it kind of plays into his defensive aspects, there, and it sort of works well as a way of explaining how Shield Dust works for him.

The -drake part comes from "firedrake", which a synonym for "dragon", of Germanic origin
Here's a random one- Fluxodon

Flux referring to a change in an electric or magnetic field, and -don being dinosaur/dragon-like.
I dunno, just a suggestion.


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Combination of:
"Bahamut" - legendary Dragon from DnD
"Volt" - the units of measurement of electricity


✓ Just Doug It
is a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus

A Galvanometer is an instrument used to detect the presence of electricity. Don because... well, it sounds better than Galvanodra or Galvandrake.

Also, do we have to put Final Submission as one poster already did for our name to move on to the poll?
I am submitting Blitzilisk unless I come up with a name I prefer more (or if I notice others prefer another one of my submitted names)
Blitzilisk[blits-uh-lisk] or [blits-il-isk]

Blitz + Basilisk
Blitz is the German word for lightning and originally is a shorter form of the German word Blitzkrieg. In English it can be used as a noun: "any swift, vigorous attack, barrage, or defeat: a blitz of commercials every few minutes." Or a verb: "to destroy; demolish: His last-minute refusal blitzed all our plans." I find all of the definitions very fitting for this CaP.

Basilisk is a kind of dragon from mythology that had a lethal stare.

I thought blitz and basilisk fit very well together and flowed nicely when combined. I also think the spelling looks pretty funky too. I was thinking about having two L's, to make it "Blitzillisk", but I'm not sure. (Edit: Won't be changing spelling, due to the 10 character limit in Pokemon).

Edit: I have decided to change my submission to Elekdrak to see how it fares.
There have been a few that I really like, but I thought I'd just throw up my input.

A lot of people's art shows the 'electric' feeling through positive/negative charge, much like a battery.
Dragons are generally known in mythology for their destructive reign over the land.


I know there are probably words that work over 'battery' but I can't think of any off the top of my head.


aka pimpdaddyfranky, aka frankydelaghetto, aka F, aka ef
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Some of these names are so hard to pronounce and they seem so complicated. I don't know.. pokemon names usually have flow in their names and it's very simple.
Favorite one I've seen is Shiryu. It sounds like a real name, and the references are neither too obvious (80% of submissions I've seen) or too obscure.
Here's a name: Zibequegon (Zee-Be-Que-Gon)

For those who don't get it, it comes from the Latvian meaning of lightning, "zibens," a part of the Greek meaning of obscure, "opaque" for the lesser used abilities it has, and the "gon" comes from how it's a dragon, in that order.

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