CAP 8 CAP 8 - Part 2 - Main Type Poll

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the best
Dragon. All dragons are cool, and one that uses a not so used ability: amazing.

EDIT: Methinks its gonna be Electric anyway.

Versatile STAB, one weak, good resists.

Hits the dominant types of the CAP servers hard and neutrally takes SR.

I guess I'm still glad that he can abord Toxic Spikes, but CAP4 (Fidgit) really should have been Electric. He lost by three votes, and if I could have changed my vote, I would have. Lots of other people would have, too — Aldaron gave a great post explaining why Electric was better. Ever since then, I've always felt like Electric was a bit cheated in the CAP process; I'm so glad to see people bandwagoning for it now! :D

We are so making an Electric/Ground Pokemon! Besides Earthquake and the obvious, I have always dreamed of an Electric Pokemon who was immune to Thunder Wave itself.

Bull of Heaven

Electric has been a popular choice since around CAP 2 I believe. I think it's about time it actually won.
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