CAP 9 CAP 9 - Part 14a - Non-Attacking Moves Discussion

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Since most people already got the good ones covered, I'll just get some words in on others.
Snatch should be allowed, although it probaly wouldn't be seen much, is a viable option for threatening stat-upers who think they can scare Cap9 away.

Embargo would probaly see no use whatsoever, but it assists in stopping held item effects.....I think. Know what, just give it Knock Off for stopping item effects.

Refresh and Heal Bell should probaly be allowed, because auto-magic coat and guts already protect Cap9 pretty well, and Heal Bell allows Cap9 to be a team player by getting rid of secondary effects you didn't see coming.
Surprised only one person has mentioned Magic Coat
While Magic Coat is a great move, this pokemon does have access to Auto-Magic Coat. This means that people who want magic coat will just select that ability instead, and people who use guts will probably be running a more offensive set anyway... :P.
Roar is a bit of a two-edged sword. Roar could encourage setting up entry hazards and then roaring them around and building up damage and directly goes against the theme of "stopping the secondary". However, it also discourages sweepers from setting up on it, being able to roar them and stop their setup with ease. But with taunt for that already, I am for disallowing it
This is pretty much why I feel that Heal Bell should in fact be allowed. It allows CAP9 to clean-up any secondary-effects in the area of status that were able to be performed by the opponent prior to it having been able to get in. Being able to do this allows CAP9 to better fulfill its concept by further lessening the effect that users of secondary-effect moves are able to have on one's team, and thus it will hopefully further discourage their use.

It also really shouldn't be broken or anything, because CAP9 will really have four moveslot in trying to run it. Plus, since this move wouldn't really be run on a Scarf set, CAP9 will be Taunt-bait to several common users of Taunt if it tries to become to reliant on Heal Bell, due to its not-quite-that-fast base 95 speed. Thus, it's a fine move for CAP9, IMO.
I definitely agree that it will be able to lessen the effects of secondary moves with Heal Bell as part of its arsenal. I am just very much interested in trying to make it work WITHOUT it. I think it's entirely possible to create enough of a headache to secondary users without such a defensive move as Heal Bell (which actually comes at the cost of a free turn given to the opponent).
I vote Rapid Spin for Disallowed

I just want to remind people that this is not a voting thread. It doesn't matter if 60 people support a move, but have no reasoning. Sorry if I sound nitpicky, but it just seems annoying to me.

A Spinner that is Dark type and is immune to the attack-reducing effects of will-o-wisp? That seems like something that would be completely broken. It would wreck stall all by itself. It can already trap the ghost and even blissey with absolutely zero effort, coming in on a thunder wave or w-o-w and Pursuiting or Superpower/Pursuiting. Do we really want this guy to be able to spin away the hazards too? We are making a one-man stall killer!

A dark typed Rapid Spinner is not broken. Yes, it can hit ghosts with a super effective STAB move. But that doesn't mean that you can't set up your hazards again. Stall is based around the fact that most of your members are going to stay alive. So what if CAP9 spins away your spikes? Bring in Skarm and set them up again.

Also, your point on being immune to WoW is meaningless. Who would give CAP9 guts if you wanted it to be your spinner? CAP9 looks to be a great offensive force with guts and a strong supporter with RS and AMC. But you can't combine the two without crippling CAP9's ability to function. If you ran a Guts set with RS, one of the following things would happen:

1. You play defenisvely. To bad that CAP9 is taking extra damage each turn from its burn while it spins.

2. You play offensively. You would never use RS, making it a wasted movepool spot. If you do use it, you are wasting turns to do as much damage as possible.

Dark RS is not broken. Just set the hazards up again, or do without them.

CAP 9 should be able to stop a lot of secondary effects, but not all of them! It doesn't say all of them in the concept. Allowing one layer of spikes on the switch isn't that big of a deal. We have already created an overpowered spinner in Fidgit, do we need another?

CAP9 isn't going to stop all Secondary effects. You can still taunt it. You can still trick it a Choice Specs. It still takes spikes damage upon entry. It has no immunity to Status (AMC protects on the switch-in only, and Guts does very little, as it will die quickly anyway). And you can't stop them all with one set. TO do that you would need AMC with RS/Refresh/Pursuit/Earthquake/Crunch/Taunt/coverage moves etc... You still have to pick what you want to stop.

Also, Fidgit is an overpowered Spinner? Yes, it is great at its job, but it you apparently forgot that Fidgit also can set up entry hazards, spreading them even more.

Also, this thing is getting too many good sets. Right now, there are at least 3 viable sets: Sub Punch + Sucker Punch (101 Subs with no investment...really?), Guts Sweeper, and Pursuiter. I think that that is enough jobs for anything. Do we want to give it a viable support set too?

Salamence has a bunch of viable sets: DD, Specs, two mixed sets, bulky... the list goes on. T-Tar, Lucario, Infernape, Latias, and many more all have a plethora of sets, most of which are quite different. THe three sets you listed are fairly similar, and start to blend together. For example, CAP9 could include pursuit on its Guts set. And SUbpunch would be a waste of this guys abilities. Either you run it with AMC, whihc is better suited to supporting, or you run it with guts, in which you would be lucky to last 3 turns.

I think that we should just give it Taunt and call it good.

What does taunt do to stop entry hazards. If they set up SR on the first turn, you can't stop them. Even if they don't you would have to switch in, and hope they stay in while you taunt. If they outspeed you, they'll still be able to get up the rocks. And this isn't even conidering that they would damage you heavily on the first turn.

Even if you do switch in unharmed, outspeed, and taunt them, they can always switch out and set up SR later. Taunt does very little to stop entry hazards.
If you can't tell, I'm for Rapid Spin.

Anyways, onto other moves:

Heal Bell: This is quite a lovely move for CAP9. It allows you to respond to something that has already happened. You can't prevent everything, nor can you punish every secondary user. Heal Bell is a fail safe move that will see little use, out side of people who are weak to status, or on a stall team. I see no reason why this should be allowed.

Block: This move is in the never going to be used so why not allow it category. Block is a decent move, but if CAP9 wants to trap, it can use pursuit. CAP9 will never be a deadly sweeper with Block and Guts. Say the set is Block/EQ/Crunch/Rock Polish with a Flame Orb and Guts. You switch in on a choiced T-bolt, getting burned. You block, hoping they will stay in which has a 0% chance of happening. Even if they do, you lose health from the burn, without dealing any damage. And you still haven't set anything up yet. Block is not broken, or even tat useful on CAP9.
Switcheroo instead of Trick :D

But seriously, the item-switching series of moves would be a nice idea to stop Blisseys and others with a CB/CS, following the main idea of stopping the secondary fittingly. So I say Allow.
I definitely agree that it will be able to lessen the effects of secondary moves with Heal Bell as part of its arsenal. I am just very much interested in trying to make it work WITHOUT it. I think it's entirely possible to create enough of a headache to secondary users without such a defensive move as Heal Bell (which actually comes at the cost of a free turn given to the opponent).
True, it might be interesting to see what CAP9 can do without such a move. However, that doesn't change that Heal Bell can be used to help Colossoil to fulfill its concept in a non-broken way. Thus, it should be allowed, and up to the movepool creators whether or not to include it: if they want to see if CAP9 can succeed without it, they can choose not to include it. However, if they want to be safe, they can choose to put it in. Regardless though, that's just personal opinion in any case, and thus it should be allowed and up to the movepool creators to decide if they want to put it in or not, as opinions will differ on this and no one opinion is better than the others.

EDIT: On the subject of Trick/Switcheroo, I'd personally prefer for them to be Disallowed. As for why, it's pretty much the same reason as for entry hazards: Colossoil's concept is to stop the secondary, not encourage and use it. If CAP9 starts spamming Trick around, then that will either neutralize or lessen the effect it can have on Trick's usage, which is counter-intuitive to its concept of stopping the secondary--what's the point of having tried to stop the secondary if you just become a user of them yourselves? That doesn't really make too much sense to me, much in the same way as it was pointed out that it doesn't make sense for something that's supposed to be trying to stop SR to get it, so it would be better for them to be disallowed, at least IMO.
I'm supporting Roar simply because it allows the CAP to Phaze away unwanted switch-ins to be battered by Stealth Rocks and it isn't broken and doesn't go against the concept anyway. It even helps to prevent set-up.
Screech/Metal Sound and Pursuit could work together on the CAP to force switches that get smashed by Pursuit.
Torment could help the CAP pull off an easier Rapid Spin/Knock Off.
While Snatch is a great move that goes along with the concept as it prevents set-up with good prediction, EG: Snatching screens and even recovery.
I also want to suggest Protect as it allows the CAP to deter attacks on it, helping it do its set job much easier.

Edit: Actually now to think of it i am supporting Block as it actually gives the CAP more options to use on an opponent to play mind games with him.

I also do not agree with ANY set-up move or Stealth Rock as it completely goes against the concept. Every pokemon having it does not mean this pokemon should get it.

You switch in on a choiced T-bolt, getting burned. You block, hoping they will stay in which has a 0% chance of happening.
The thing is, if they you switch in on a choice T-Bolt, they are 100% going to switch out and get hit by Pursuit. But the whole point of this CAP is to stop the secondary. Lets say this time he switches in on a Will-o-Wisp and gets burned. The opponent would be in a dilemma whether to switch out and get hit by Pursuit or stay in and get hit by STABed Crunches or get completely trapped in by Block.
A lot of my thoughts are already covered. I would, however, like to suggest that we allow Gastro Acid. Some of the secondary is based on ability, such as Static, Effect Spore, even Pressure to some extent. The move is almost never used on anything that gets it already, so I see no reason not to allow it.
I say we move Rock Polish into Disallowed. After my experiences with Rock Polish Rhyperior, I've realized its potential. Collosoil with Rock Polish is like that time 3. With its offensive typing, speed, and strong attacks, the extra speed puts it over the edge, especially with a guts boost.

Trick and Heal Bell I vote get moved into allowed, I see no real reason why not, this Poke is supposed to stop Trick users, tricking the item back onto them is easily fulfilling the criteria, and Heal Bell works excellently with Auto Magic Coat without being broken.
Why can't CAP 9 have a recovery move? With its incredible amount of weaknesses and its lackluster resistances, how the hell is this going to switch into anything? Since recovery is banned, our CAP won't be able to switch into attacks more than a few times. We're not giving the CAP enough power to break through walls, yet we're not giving it walling potential. This is to damn in the middle to have any effect on the meta-game. Right now, our cap is going to be afraid of repeatedly switching into Skarmory's Brave Bird. I don't see how the proposition of "stopping the second" can be at all fulfilled without being able to recover off damage. Right now I just see our CAP becoming your typical choice band user, and I think it will just be played similar to Tyranitar until people realize that CAP 9 is completely outclassed for any role due to its lack of recovery. If this does not get recover, I see no point in continuing this project.

Recover: ALLOWED
I think Heal Bell should be Allowed on account of supporting the concept. Plus, it doesn't get very good recovery, so it won't be getting that many opportunities to use it.


CAP Playtesting Expert
I'd like to throw some previously unmentioned moves into discussion: Sharpen, Imprison, Counter, Accupressure, Me First (not sure if this would belong in this poll), and Dragon Dance
I'd like to throw some previously unmentioned moves into discussion: Sharpen, Imprison, Counter, Accupressure, Me First (not sure if this would belong in this poll), and Dragon Dance

, I have no real issues with. A +1 single stat booster is VERY rare in todays metagame, and I don't think it would boost Collosoil to an overpowering stage. I vote allowed.

Imprison, this is actually more dangerous than I originally thought. On an offensive set, this could stop ALL pokemon that carry Earthquake and Pursuit from using it, Tyranitar can't hit Latias on the switch, your Heatran is suddenly safe from a regular Mixmence! I'm for this, since it wouldn't see tons of action, but it would be fun.

Counter, I have no issues with. Counter I find to be an amazingly fun move, especially against Scizor. I haven't seen that stats of Collosoil taking a CB U-Turn, but countering it and hitting the switch with DOUBLE the damage is a great feeling. I have no issues.

Acupressure, I've faced an Acupressure Shuckle that swept me, but thats no real comparison. I can see no real use for this, other than maybe extremely well thought out stall, so I have no opinion
Block: This move is in the never going to be used so why not allow it category. Block is a decent move, but if CAP9 wants to trap, it can use pursuit. CAP9 will never be a deadly sweeper with Block and Guts. Say the set is Block/EQ/Crunch/Rock Polish with a Flame Orb and Guts. You switch in on a choiced T-bolt, getting burned. You block, hoping they will stay in which has a 0% chance of happening. Even if they do, you lose health from the burn, without dealing any damage. And you still haven't set anything up yet. Block is not broken, or even tat useful on CAP9.
Block does have an advantage over Pursuit. Using your example, the opponent may stay in INSTEAD of switching because they suspect you have Pursuit (which may or may not utterly screw them). Once you have trapped them, you can crush the enemy. Of course, we're all assuming CAP9 will just love mind games.

Speaking of mind games, I'd like to show some support for Counter and Mirror Coat. If your opponent is afraid to use secondary moves or switching, your prediction skills may serve you well with a nice little KO. It is worth noting, however, that the end result may or may not be the same as simply attacking your opponent, but all sorts of factors determine if you should use one of those moves or to attack outright.

As mentioned before, Tickle is a nice little move to consider. After a single Tickle, it's up to your prediction skills to deal massive damage. You can choose to Pursuit if the opponent switches, or you can use another (more powerful) attacking move to hit it if you don't think they'll switch (even if they do, at least somebody will feel the burn). Tickle in general can cause opponent's to switch, encouraging them to try to kill off CAP9 ASAP and not use secondary moves.
@ hydrolphin: let me go over your comments one by one

I just want to remind people that this is not a voting thread. It doesn't matter if 60 people support a move, but have no reasoning. Sorry if I sound nitpicky, but it just seems annoying to me.

The explanation is right underneath where you typed this. I bolded it so the mods wouldn't have to read the whole thing to get my opinion.

A dark typed Rapid Spinner is not broken. Yes, it can hit ghosts with a super effective STAB move. But that doesn't mean that you can't set up your hazards again. Stall is based around the fact that most of your members are going to stay alive. So what if CAP9 spins away your spikes? Bring in Skarm and set them up again.

When this guy can easily kill two members of a standard stall team AND get rid of the hazards while keeping perfect coverage...and still has room for taunt or rapid spin...then you can't simply set them back up again. A set with Pursuit, Rapid Spin, Superpower, Crunch/Sucker Punch is perfectly viable with Rapid Spin allowed. Blissey and Rotom check half the metagame together, and killing them allows that half to beat you pretty easily. Making it easier for other things to sweep with little effort, hey wait, thats the Uber Support characteristic!

Also, your point on being immune to WoW is meaningless. Who would give CAP9 guts if you wanted it to be your spinner? CAP9 looks to be a great offensive force with guts and a strong supporter with RS and AMC. But you can't combine the two without crippling CAP9's ability to function. If you ran a Guts set with RS, one of the following things would happen:

The set listen above is perfectly viable. Guts would only be used to give complete w-o-w attack reduction immunity, as well as ensure you have enough attack to pursue without worry.

1. You play defenisvely. To bad that CAP9 is taking extra damage each turn from its burn while it spins.

This set could run leftovers if it wants, which would make it lose only 6.25% a turn even in a sandstorm, exactly the amount that other stuff without leftovers takes in a sandstorm anyway.

2. You play offensively. You would never use RS, making it a wasted movepool spot. If you do use it, you are wasting turns to do as much damage as possible.

Have you ever heard of Starmie? It is an offensive poke that often runs rapid spin on offensive sets simply because it has the ability to 2hko a ghost switchin. This guy can trap and kill said ghost, AND trap and kill blissey. Its okay that the above set is walled by skarm, because now your powerful special sweepers can have a field day.

Dark RS is not broken. Just set the hazards up again, or do without them.

How do you set up the hazards again when this guy RAPID SPINS, getting them up if it has taunt is hard enough. Also, the only thing that walls him on stall is skarm, and skarm can't do anything back, so it can just taunt it and wear it down, or rapid spin it, whatever the case may be. At least with taunt, skarm can do SOMETHING.

CAP9 isn't going to stop all Secondary effects. You can still taunt it. You can still trick it a Choice Specs. It still takes spikes damage upon entry. It has no immunity to Status (AMC protects on the switch-in only, and Guts does very little, as it will die quickly anyway). And you can't stop them all with one set. TO do that you would need AMC with RS/Refresh/Pursuit/Earthquake/Crunch/Taunt/coverage moves etc... You still have to pick what you want to stop.

Stopping the secondary is about more than literally stopping it. CAP 9 completely deters status effects already by its very existence. Why would someone use status on the guys if they know that it will just give CAP 9 a free switch-in to pursue them? CAP 9 is immune to thunder wave, the most common form of paralysis, and is also immune to all status moves on its first turn in. Burn and Toxic will raise its attack to awesome levels if it has Guts, and Flame Orbers are completely immune to other status all the time. This guy doesn't stop all secondary, but he certainly discourages most of them. Also, his taunt is pretty fast as they go, so assuming that they didn't taunt you on the switch, which is generally never done, he will probably outspeed and taunt you first.

Also, Fidgit is an overpowered Spinner? Yes, it is great at its job, but it you apparently forgot that Fidgit also can set up entry hazards, spreading them even more.

I fail to see how it setting up hazards also makes it worse of a spinner... The point was that we don't need another spinner. Fidgit is already amazing at it, and so is Starmie.

Basically my point is that this guy should not destroy an entire playstyle simply by its existence. Its not as if we were eliminating rain dance or baton pass or some type of semi-gimmick team that doesn't account for much of the metagame and is not really viable. We are talking about stall, which currently dominates the ladder, and essentially accounts for half of all playstyles.

Salamence has a bunch of viable sets: DD, Specs, two mixed sets, bulky... the list goes on. T-Tar, Lucario, Infernape, Latias, and many more all have a plethora of sets, most of which are quite different. THe three sets you listed are fairly similar, and start to blend together. For example, CAP9 could include pursuit on its Guts set. And SUbpunch would be a waste of this guys abilities. Either you run it with AMC, whihc is better suited to supporting, or you run it with guts, in which you would be lucky to last 3 turns.

Essentially, Salamence has two sets that are truly viable: DD, and Mixed sets. Other sets are in general plain inferior other than initial surprise value. Ttar has 2 choice sets and a dd set, that is pretty much it (tyraniboah is dead). Lucario has 1 Standard Set: SD sweeper. Infernape has 5 offensive sets: nasty plot, swords dance, and mix, as well as cb and scarf sets, but he can't possilbly a supporter or do so many of the things that this CAP is capable of, and is in general much more unideminsional. most counters counter all non-choice sets. Latias is indeed a good supporter, and has 3 viable offense sets: Life Orb, Calm Mind, and Scarf. unfortunately, it is easily trapped and has 2 excellent hard counters.

The fact that so many moves can be included on different sets is really a testament to its versatility. The fact is that most sweepers use similar moves on different sets, for example latias uses dragon pulse pretty much everywhere. This guy has more than just 3 viable offensive sets, I just listen three that I thought were rather unique and interesting. He could be a viable bander, scarfer, subpuncher, flame orber, supporter, and possibly a tormenter or spinner if those end up being legal.Each of these sets for the most part also has 2 amazing abilities to choose from. The guy has a lot of options.

Also, Salamence takes 16.25% from Life Orb and Sandstorm together, while CAP 9 would take 12.5% in the same situation and is not weak to SR. We all know that Mence is good but CAP 9 would outlast him, so its unfair to say that he would only last 3 turns, especially when you could use leftovers + guts to mitigate the damage.

What does taunt do to stop entry hazards. If they set up SR on the first turn, you can't stop them. Even if they don't you would have to switch in, and hope they stay in while you taunt. If they outspeed you, they'll still be able to get up the rocks. And this isn't even conidering that they would damage you heavily on the first turn.

Even if you do switch in unharmed, outspeed, and taunt them, they can always switch out and set up SR later. Taunt does very little to stop entry hazards.

This is exactly why I don't want Rapid Spin. I don't think that he needs to be the end-all, be-all stop to hazards too. His versatility is already unmatched. On top of this, he is difficult to counter even once you figure out what set it has. If we continue to give CAP 9 the ability to beat/ be everything at once, we might end up with our first Uber CAP. I would like to avoid that.
@dragonites: Dragon Dance... seriously? Howl's already been disqualified right off the bat (or at least I can easily assume so) and more than one person has proposed that Rock Polish be disallowed. The hell do you expect DD to end up?

On another note, I believe Glare should be up for discussion. It only has 75% accuracy, so overall it's more viable than TW, but it does have one advantage: the ability to paralyze Ground types, which could help in stopping the secondary. Paralysis can be recovered through Rest, and since Glare actually affects Colossoil (notice that I'm actually using CAP9's name, since it won), it can be bounced back by AMC. Not entirely sure if this is why Thunder Wave was deemed disallowed, but discuss anyway
Why can't CAP 9 have a recovery move? With its incredible amount of weaknesses and its lackluster resistances, how the hell is this going to switch into anything? Since recovery is banned, our CAP won't be able to switch into attacks more than a few times. We're not giving the CAP enough power to break through walls, yet we're not giving it walling potential. This is to damn in the middle to have any effect on the meta-game. Right now, our cap is going to be afraid of repeatedly switching into Skarmory's Brave Bird. I don't see how the proposition of "stopping the second" can be at all fulfilled without being able to recover off damage. Right now I just see our CAP becoming your typical choice band user, and I think it will just be played similar to Tyranitar until people realize that CAP 9 is completely outclassed for any role due to its lack of recovery. If this does not get recover, I see no point in continuing this project.

Recover: ALLOWED
So let's give something with possibly better bulk than any Non-Uber that has Recover, said move. (Celebi is about the same overall, lower HP, but higher defences, but Celebi has a FAR worse typeing, 7 weaknesses, no immunities)

Needless to say, that in itself makes an issue, because as well as testing the waters with the GUTs attacker with the highest base attack, and a new ability, and a new typing, we'll be testing the waters with the bulkiest non-Uber Recover user.

Then it might be getting Iron Defence, Stockpile, and/or Amnesia. We don't need a bulkier Craydily running about, that can actually hurt stuff, do we?

Oh, and let's all remember, that while CAP9 has lots of weaknesses, it also has resists, and 2 immunities, not to mention can switch in on status, free of charge! They are not 'lackluster' either. Ghost and Rock are somewhat common attacking types in OU. Dark is as well. Thunderbolt is the 3rd most used attacking move (Possibly higher in CAP with Argonaught being weak to it and Cyclohm running around)

Something tells me that is FAR too much. With Recover, everyone would be running around with Guts, Recover, Flame Orb + 3 attacks. Either that, or Recover, AMC, Life Orb, and Three Attacks.

Another, less reliable, recovery move, maybe, but NOT recover. It would be plain broken.

Even then, I would oppose recovery outside of Rest.
I think Safeguard is a good idea, as mentioned earlier. Why stop at only protecting the CAP itself from status? Wouldn't we be ebtter off benefiting the whole team?

I also think Sunny Day would be reasonable. It stops sandstorm* and hail (and rain I guess, but I doubt trying to use sunny Day against Kingdra in the rain would work) as well as essentially removing its water weakness. It also boosts any fire attacks it might decide to carry.
I alsways manage to stuff up calcs somehow, but if anyone thinks its worth noting, would Fire Fang 2hko Skarm in the sun?
*Also I'm aware CAP9 is immune to sandstorm but the rest of the team might not be.

On a side note, when and how do we decide the breeding group of the CAP? I haven't been around for previous CAPs and I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere, even though it is pretty important for movepool purposes.
Since Meditate isn't on the list yet, I think it should be added to the disallowed moves. Its typically the same thing as howl and sharpen. I'd also like to add Mean Look to the discussion.
Mean Look is identical to block. There is no need to have both, and they work against half the reason this thing got Dark typing, Persuit.
When this guy can easily kill two members of a standard stall team AND get rid of the hazards while keeping perfect coverage...and still has room for taunt or rapid spin...then you can't simply set them back up again. A set with Pursuit, Rapid Spin, Superpower, Crunch/Sucker Punch is perfectly viable with Rapid Spin allowed. Blissey and Rotom check half the metagame together, and killing them allows that half to beat you pretty easily. Making it easier for other things to sweep with little effort, hey wait, thats the Uber Support characteristic!
Firstly, you can simply set them back up again. If a spinner does somehow spin your entry hazards away, you kill it and then set them back up again. Simples!

Secondly, however, I will put forward the notion that a Rapid Spin user that can easily kill the ghosts that block its spin is equivalent to a Rapid Spin user with Scrappy. In the last CAP, it was mentioned that Scrappy Rapid Spin would be broken, and I think there were mentions of it this time around as well. I'm not really sure what significantly differentiates a spinner that counters ghosts from a spinner with Scrappy.
Secondly, however, I will put forward the notion that a Rapid Spin user that can easily kill the ghosts that block its spin is equivalent to a Rapid Spin user with Scrappy. In the last CAP, it was mentioned that Scrappy Rapid Spin would be broken, and I think there were mentions of it this time around as well. I'm not really sure what significantly differentiates a spinner that counters ghosts from a spinner with Scrappy.
Well, at least the fact that Rapid Spin is still not clearing entry hazards when you use it without Scrappy on ghosts. True, you can beat spin blockers but your attempt to spin on your opponent's switch will be futile, then you'll need to use another attack to kill the ghost and then use Rapid Spin to clear the field. It's possible to play around this, especially if Colossoil is holding a Flame/Toxic Orb. That said, Colossoil with Rapid Spin+Sucker Punch+Pursuit will be quite deadly, but what we need to decide is whether it's broken? It'll be next to impossible for Rotom and the likes to take it down, unless Colossoil has AMC and its something like Scarf Rotom w/ WoW.

Trick - The whole point of the Dark type was just to stop trick. If this pokemon get's trick, what would other StSmons use? Disallowed.
Heal Bell - I'd say it's tricky, but Heal Bell actually is counter-intuitive with Guts. Thus, it should be Allowed


Torment - Umm... is there a reason this isn't allowed? It's not like Torment would break StSmon in any stretch of imagination... Allowed
Block - I can see many practical applications of Block. It could easily find use as a gimmick. Allowed
Fake Out - Flavor argument aside, what would Fake Out really do? Not that much, I think. Maybe it could help it scout for SE hits? Allowed
Iron Defense - Really, would this guy ever find a use for Iron Defense? I've never seen Iron Defense outside of a BP chain... and it isn't allowed to have BP (which I disagree with, cause it's hardly gonna have any way to boost stuff, and has poor syenergy with stuff like Umbreon and Smeargle) Allowed.
Rock Polish - RP? With Guts? Are you kidding me? I thought we all agreed that this thing doesn't need extra stuff! Dissalowed
Roar - Umm, no. This could turn him into a mini Hippowdon, with a different ability, and no auto healing. Dissalowed

So basically, the things that could be useful and stuff that isn't useful at all are allowed, and the stuff that would break StSmon and/or be counterintuitive are dissalowed.

On a side note, when and how do we decide the breeding group of the CAP? I haven't been around for previous CAPs and I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere, even though it is pretty important for movepool purposes
When people submit Movepools, they submit the Egg groups as well. Although, realistically, this guy's gonna be something like Ground/Monster, so don't worry about that
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