CAP 9 CAP 9 - Part 16 - Sprite Poll 3

Which sprites should be CAP 9's sprites?

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Guys perhaps I should make it more clear to you on a certain rule:

  • We will not allow posts in this topic such as "I voted Sprite." Put some substance into your post. This means that you need to back up your post with reasoning or you will be infracted.
Contrary to certain people's beliefs, "for reasons stated" is not substance, it's annoying and does not give substance to your post. Stop being a lazy ass and actually say the reasons, even if you are bandwagoning. Another stupid post is "for reasons from last poll," which is essentially the same thing, and despite beliefs of people going back to the previous thread to find your post and claim it as your reasoning, they don't do it. So uh, cut it out.

Another thing that wasn't emphasized enough but was emphasized in many other polls was "I don't care if you don't like a sprite, so talk only about the sprites in the poll." Sorry KoA fans, he's out of the run. Stop bringing his sprites up. I really don't care anymore and it detracts from the thread. Yeah, and also please don't insult or overly criticize a certain spriter for their sprite, give them a little fucking slack for busting their asses to give us something pleasing to look at when we battle. aragornbird and Cartoons both have amazing sprites, but please don't go "Cartoons has terrible back sprites they make me barf" or "aragornbirds looks like a fucking wuss", just cool it on the remarks a bit.
Could this be the tightest race is CAP history?

Why is there so much talent here? It'd be so easy if we only had one good spriter haha.

Anyways, I voted for aragornbird. I like the back sprite a bit more, though the front sprite goes to Cartoons!. I figure since I'll be using Colossoil a lot, and can't guarantee my opponent will, the back sprite matters a tad more.
I'm voting aragornbird's sprite, since it looks much more enthusiastic than Cartoons! as previously stated, and I like the back sprite better. In fact the only thing I'm not so sure about is the shiny, and that's only because I hate purple in general.
Originally posted by Maci12, Sprite Submissions

Aragornbird - This sprite is brilliant. It's dynamic, the color scheme's are extremely well done, and it makes me want to use Colossoil on my team immediately, provided it gets to look like that.
Originally posted by Maci12, Sprite Poll 1

I voted Aragornbird. As I said, Aragorn's sprite makes me want to use Colossoil. The shape, pose, and feel given off capture Cyzir's art perfectly. The subtlties that are captured with the differences between the Male & Female, as well as with the shinies is remarkable to me. The pose is aggressive and dynamic, and stays true to Cyzir's art. Also, of all the sprites, I felt that Aragorn's was the closest to the D/P/P/HG/SS style, and I am a fan of that style.

Cartoons!'s is my second favorite, however the bulkiness of his sprite doesn't scream 95 base speed to me, though it does suggest the high health. Also, the shiny scheme he chose was not my favorite out of all of the sprites submitted. Great job everyone who submitted their sprites!
These both still hold true for me; Aragornbird recieved my vote one last time.
I'm still voting for Cartoons:
The Other Doug said:
I had to go with cartoons for a few reasons:
1. His sprite looks huge! I feel that Colossoil's sprite should be gigantic for two reasons: The fact that Colossoil has a large HP stat, and the fact that the name Colossoil implies hugeness.

2. The look on the sprite's face is exactly how I imagined it. I picture Colossoil as a cocky & prideful Pokemon, and Cartoons' sprite captures that personality perfectly.
Even though I love Aragorn Bird's Backsprite, Shiny Colors, and Gender differences, I don't really like the frontsprite. In my opinion, the frontsprite doesn't look like a whale, and it lacks personality, which is ironic because I thought that his sprites for Kitsunoh & Cyclohm were full of personality.
I like Aragornbird's sprite because it looks more aggressive than the other one, which I think should be a personality of a dark type Pokemon.
Now that KoA's is out, I'm sad. :(
They're both nice, bulky sprites. AB's is more risen out of the sand. Cartoons!' looks like it's suffering from depression, imo.
Aragornbird all the way!
I voted for Cartoons!' because when I battle I want too look at the back of my poke and Know its thinkin' "I Dare u to try that shit."
I think Aragornbirdhas my vote. While cartoons front sprite is spiffy, It doesnt really look fast at all. But his back sprite is very jumbled. And Aragornbird's was nice and well rounded.
I voted aragornbird because I felt that his sprite best embodies the vicious-looking nature of the original artwork. I love Cartoons!'s sprite, but I think it's just a bit too timid looking.
About the comments about Cartoons!'s not looking fast -- Look at MILTANK. 100 base speed for a fat cow. There are a lot of things that don't look fast that are fast. Dugtrio is another example. Cartoons!'s sprite I say is pretty believable for a base 95 speed. And who knows how fast that Colossoil is underground? Wink, wink.

Cartoons! all the way!
Definitely Aragornbird's sprite due to the expression and the slight coloring change that reflects the actually art. The sprite itself seems to be to a scaled down version of the art while Cartoons! scale seems to be slightly off.
Give it up for Cartoons! big fat.

I'll probably end up inputting his sprite into my sprites folder anyway, because I can.
aragornbird ftw. His sprite seems much more dynamic. Honestly, everyone has done a good job, but I like aragornbird's the best.
The two sprites are really very similar, but I preferred Aragornbird's larger eyes, narrower head, and open mouth. Somehow the posture, eye placement, and expression of cartoons' gives the impression that it has some kind of mental disability. Then again that's sort of expressive it's own way, I just don't see Collosoil being "special" the way Slowbro, Bibarel, and Venasaur are.
Give it up for Cartoons! big fat.

I'll probably end up inputting his sprite into my sprites folder anyway, because I can.
Same. :P

I initially was going to vote for Aragornbird, mainly because I'm a little bit obsessed with purple, but Cartoons' sprite is too damn awesome to pass up.
Voted aragornbird mainly because of the back sprite. Personally, I like Cartoons! front sprite more, but I despised the backsprite because it's face looks TINY! And I like aragornbirds shiny form more too.
About the comments about Cartoons!'s not looking fast -- Look at MILTANK. 100 base speed for a fat cow. There are a lot of things that don't look fast that are fast. Dugtrio is another example. Cartoons!'s sprite I say is pretty believable for a base 95 speed. And who knows how fast that Colossoil is underground? Wink, wink.

Cartoons! all the way!
This is true. But there's a bit of a limit. Miltank isn't as huge as Colossoil.

Don't get me wrong, I do like Cartoons!'s sprite. The best part of it, I think, is its face. I wasn't sure why Scoopapa got the idea that it looked like it was dumb. Cartoons!'s sprite's face, to me, looks like it's smiling a very smug smile. I like it a lot.

But in the end, I voted for aragornbird's because his sprite is overall more faithful to the drawing, faster looking, and I prefer his shiny colors.
This is true. But there's a bit of a limit. Miltank isn't as huge as Colossoil.
Size doesn't necessarily affect speed. Besides how do we know Colossoil isn't a really small whale? (=

I chose Cartoons! for its smug face and bulky appearance, although I could go either way really; Aragornbird has a better backsprite, but you'd probably expect to see the front sprite more than the backsprite anyway. Who has the better female sprite is a bit of a moot point; few people actually bother changing their gender, especially when the male sprite looks better than the female sprite, which is teh case for both here.
Gah, there are no longer any sprites that stick to the proportions of the original, now these two both look odd to me :( I guess I'll go for the one that has more 'wow factor', so Cartoons
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