Competetive cheerleading is for BAMF(S)

First off I don't know if anyone is still in the dark ages and thinks cheerleading is ALL stuff for the weak. (although some schools and smaller squads have a weaker program than others)

For those who don't know what competetive cheerleading is like reffer to video below...

and for those who are in competetive cheerleading...discuss lol?

any injuries from it, scholarships you've received for it, or cool stunts tumbling passes ect, and what squad, school or allstar, how far you made it.



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I did it for one basketball season in high school because I had nothing to do between football and lacrosse. My buddy Ryan got me to do it with him and a Costa Rican exchange student, and we were friends with almost all the girls on the team. It really was pretty fun, and we basket-tossed the shit out of the girls and the crowds loved it.

Injuries? I was backspot. Threw out my back basket-tossing a bigger girl.
Threw out my back basket-tossing a bigger girl.
I laughed at this, just the mental image of some large girl and my warped mind combining.

How are male cheerleaders received down in the USA? Up where I am from, we call them "queerleaders" or "cheermales", just so you get an idea of how they are treated. They get heckled more than the players on the team they cheer for!

I've heard cheerleading is big in the states but I am not sure why. Can someone tell me what's so popular about (what I perceive to be) a bunch of 90 lbs men flipping around while a bunch of 90 lbs women are basket tossed all over the place? I just don't get it!!


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Your perception is what everyone who doesn't understand the sport is led to believe. There are no "90 lbs men", because that guy would get run over. You have to be in peak physical condition to be a male cheerleader, as you can see in this video:

Especially 1:23.
the guy at 1:20 is a total mimbo meathead. That doesn't do much for me respecting the sport. If my perception of it is on par with the mainstream, then perhaps it is the minorities perception that is incorrect.

I just feel that if you have to justify that you're doing a sport then it probably isn't a sport, though I can see the athleticism involved, no question.


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My cousin does this. We tease him (not maliciously) of course but goddamn it's absolutely amazing the type of shit the guys on the team do. Same with the girls. The coordination and strength required is massive.
One of my friends is a cheerleader. Ever since he started which was either a year or two ago, his shoulders have just exploded in size. He's a strong motherfucker, but he went from being one of the schools best defensive linemen to a cheerleader and he's pursuing that in college. Not exactly a step up imo.

I wouldn't mind making friends with all the girls in miniskirts and throwing them around, I just don't respect cheerleading as a sport. I truly do believe it's a complete waste of money and only exists because budgets for girls isn't high enough in other sports and thus they need something else to balance the two between the boys and girls.

Sure great athleticism is required, just like with most sports, but what the hell's the point of a cheerleader?? No one actually looks at them during games other than old lonely men, they don't get a crowd excited, they don't really do anything for the team, so what's the purpose?

So yeah in a nutshell I respect all athletes and don't let a person like me discourage you from doing what you love, but personally I believe it's a waste of money. It's surprisingly dangerous compared to other so called high impact sports too lol.

And finally, if you're a big, strong, athletic motherfucker, what are you doing cheerleading for the guys out there? Shouldn't you be out there kicking some ass with them?

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