Big Everybody Votes Mafia Game Over; Democracy and Communism win


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Except you've demonstrated time and again (such as last night) that all you do is put these roles on Fascists/Walrein. Why should we trust you to collaborate against the Oligarchy when you've never once lynched an Oligarchy (the one time you OK'd it was after I and ipl dragged you kicking and screaming to no other conclusion). Walrein is outed and is useless. He could still be a headache for the Oligarchy, obviously the strongest faction, if you let him. Why would you not attempt to even the mafias?

We are talking about 'insta game over' scenarios and you are explaining why MAYBE it isn't insta game over if we do it your way. You aren't explaining why it is better in the least, because it isn't.


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
[12:28] <zorbees> oligarchy isnt' the #1 target for me
[12:28] <UncleSam> which is always best
[12:28] <zorbees> wolf is

zorbees would rather hit a one-man exposed wolf than a 5 or 6 man mafia faction with most of their aliases still obscured...

Please villagers I need you to think about this long and hard; all the evidence is laid out before you.


Chwa for no reason!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
no, you're talking like 3% chance of game over if we lynch a wolf.

unclesam you know that leaving wolves alive is incredibly dumb, once i get rid of walrein i will target oligarhcy with everything i have, i have other cleaned villagers who would berate me if i targeted fascists with silence/crier/etc

and you keep bringing up the fact that ipl had to get me to lynch oligarchy when the reverse is true, he wanted to go after all fascists first to elminiate a kill, i convinced him that was a bad idea


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
There is no evidence whatsoever to support that

Even yesterday you were hesitant to announce a lynch and then said 'we will probably lynch rust monster' since there was absolutely no counter argument.

There still is no counter argument but you know that if you lynch Walrein the game is over so why bother lynching one of your own when you can win the game instead; all it takes is one mislynch.

Yes, I fucked up getting the game into this precipitous a position; yes, I should have killed an Oligarchy last night, because I knew that there was a good chance zorbees would flatly refuse to lynch one.

Villagers if you don't lynch Kobold odds are this Oligarchy train will run everyone over; this is the last real chance we get at stopping it

Don't let one of our only possible sources of counterplay against the Oligarchy (Walrein) die rather than lynching a mafia that has lost ONE MAN thus far. And a shitty role lost at that.


Chwa for no reason!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I'm not against lynching Oligarchy, but I prioritize a wolf at this moment.

I can pull up IPL logs if you want but it might take a while since they're on my old computer, which didn't organize logs well.


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus


as a mafian you do not continually push for something like this WHEN YOU ARE NOT UNDER FIRE unless you are looking to take advantage of foolish villagers. the ONLY reason for one mafia to want the other dead over a wolf is because the other mafia taking a hit hands the game to them.

stupid to think otherwise with how hard the fascists are trying when they are not the ones being lynched.


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
What an outrageous assertion

The only reason a mafia would push so hard against a lynch that isn't targeted at his own faction is if said other lynch would result in his loss. Given that the Oligarchy is quite obviously in a position of power it should be obvious that Democracy doesn't want me to lose in the immediate future because that would necessarily result in your loss as well.

Obviously lynching the Oligarchy benefits me. Obviously lynching the Oligarchy also benefits the village. Why else would I pitch such a proposition to the village?
yeti, this is a pretty delicate point in the game and it's completely understandable for a competitive player to push for their advantage

you're glossing over really obvious things in your attempts at swaying votes and it's nothing but rhetoric

short version of what's relevant to the situation: the village wants to lynch the strongest "faction" in this very multifaction-like stage, but need to choose whether the wolf walrein or the oligarchy are said faction (obviously not us based on dead players and their roles). the assumption that walrein is hiding power and the assumption that he will use that power against the village is much more far-fetched than the simple fact that oligarchy has numbers and roles that are simply the strongest pull in this game at the moment, especially with pro-mafia neutrals around.


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus

the lynch zorbees posted is not aimed at your faction, you goons have no reason to keep protesting it, but you are. why? because clearly an oligarchy death will seal the game for you. your numbers are seemingly inaccurate and you have more than you claimed to zorbees. this is not merely beneficial for you this will hand you the game in your opinion.

any villager who listens to sam should never play in a mafia again. the ridiculous over-commitment to pushing one target shows our chances of winning will go way down if the fascists have their way. otherwise they would let the lynch go. i don't see any way around it, their given numbers are in high dispute so i am inclined to believe that the oligarchy lynch is more damaging to us villagers than the wolf lynch, which is a lot more helpful. otherwise they would be content it is not one of them being lynched.

i don't know why you clowns think it's cool to try and take advantage of newbies. any intelligent/experienced mafia player would not have listened to sam's target and simply waited for zorbees to post his lynch, asking for a longer deadline if needed. now you blather on with false numbers hoping to con villagers and try to force a lynch that you should not be forcing UNLESS it allows you to win. there is no reason for a mafia not being lynched to keep pressing so hard when their numerical claims are being disputed and are likely false except it's better for you than for us.

my fellow villagers, stand strong in the face of adversity. do not allow the numerous posts of the fascists to sway your minds. hold tight on the troll lynch, wolves are always the most dangerous and random factor in a game. i think we will be otherwise safe as the mafias would seem to have equal numbers, or at least not enough of a discrepancy to cause alarm at this point, unless we fall victim to this overly-forced roll.
so, with all arguments seemingly on the table, your choice is
-listen to the side that has presented arguments and pointed at evidence
-listen to the side that insists that "the numbers are a lie" and "the wolves are always the most dangerous" in disregard for anything else, with "don't listen to them!!" thrown into the mix because why not



Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
How the fuck could I possibly win by NOT lynching the wolf as a mafia in a supposedly dominant position, despite the fact I have lost four of my best roles while you and your Oligarchy pal LightWolf have lost nothing but a Safeguard? How imbalanced would this game be if the Fascists could even sniff winning solely as a result of a lynch on a faction that has lost ONE MEMBER by Day 6?

Wolves being a random factor are exactly what a dominant mafia would not want; notice that it is the Fascists, the mafia in the weaker position, who are pushing for him to stay around to cause the Oligarchy some headaches. There would be no reason for me not to be ok with the Troll lynch unless I was going to lose as a result of it; just spend ten seconds thinking about this and you will see your way clear of the obvious rhetoric.


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
if the faction that is 'winning' as you claim with having lost one member has the same amount of people as you after losing said member, then one of you dying puts the other at a clear advantage.

I am shady on the numbers but I do not believe your 6-3 current numbers and zorbees has provided counter-evidence to this. I will toss out the claims you AND LW have made about numbers because CLEARLY you are both going to lie about how many you have to best advantage you. This leads me to believe things are more equal than you claim and you seek to deal a strong blow to the other mafia and then take power.

it is best for the village to leave you both relatively equal on this day, so that if one of you wants the advantage over the other, you have to stab at each other and not at us. and we remove the wolf, who could easily stab us as well.

would you like to tell me your remaining roles so I can confirm if the four you lost were actually your 'best roles' or would you rather not, because that would ruin your false narrative that every single mafian has ever said when trying to get the village to take out a member of the other so they can get in a better position?

anyone who is inexperienced at mafia has probably not seen this happen countless times before, but my fellow villagers can trust me that this is nothing but tried and true mafia rhetoric being spewed about in the thread from the Fascists, and probably from LW as well. the only thing we can trust is zorbees and anyone else in the know from him, who can look at the sheet and deduce approximate numbers.
Is it just me or does the circus rules thread need updating badly? It still has Earthworm mentioned as a contributor and all the random categories and priority and shit. And some of the wrong mods are listed lol

Wayan Vistar

formerly Flyhn
I didn't vote on day 6 at all, and even if I did vote either way, Walrein still would've been lynched. So why didn't I vote? Simple: I didn't know who was telling the truth (n00b Pokguy returns!). I had both zorbees and US trying to get me to use my -2 vote,the way they wanted me to, and tbh, I didn't believe either of them, so I decided not to vote at all.


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Well this game may well be over already but just in case it wasn't obvious, villagers do not vote for Crier or Silencer to target anyone other than the aliases who voted troll yesterday (AKA the Oligarchy):
-Flesh Golem
-Hound Archon

Obviously, if zorbees is asking you to vote for Silencer or Crier ANYONE other than one of these aliases, he is attempting to get majority against a Fascist or villager. Please apply some common sense to your vote actions before blindly following zorbees, who is probably Oligarchy. Recall that zorbees claims there are SEVEN cleaned villagers...yet how many of you have sheet access? How much information is he sharing? Is there really any accountability for zorbees?

Demand sheet access if you are a villager, and ASAP. If he denies it to you when it is fairly obvious who the villagers are at this point then you can be assured he does not have your best interests at heart. If zorbees convinces you to put the village vote action vote related roles on the wrong people tonight, the game will be over come tomorrow's lynch.


Chwa for no reason!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I will try to be as active as possible. However, my sister just got her tonsils taken out so I have to help around the house even more. If you need me, Smogon PM is probably the best way to contact me, although I will try to be on IRC as much as possible.


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I never said all those aliases were Oligarchy, only that if he is targeting any alias that IS NOT on that list then he is surely targeting a Villager or Fascist

But of course that would be perfectly ok with you wouldn't it Yeti

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