favourite snack foods

when I eat goldfish, by the handful, I feel like a fucking MAN

when I eat goldfish, laid out on a table ONE at a time: Sometimes fin, sometimes head, sometimes ANYTHING first, I feel like a fucking SHARK. I sometimes pretend they are swimming, and when I bite their tail they maggyo and when I bite their head they neutral buoyancy stall and then sink.

Goldfish raise my self esteem.

So salty, and I don't like the normal ones.

Other than that, definitely Swedish Fish, m&m's, oreos, and assorted arrays of potato chips. Amazing that I'm still skinny.


I know I've brought Tim-Tams up in a previous thread but they really are the greatest biscuit known to mankind.


tits McGee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)

my latest and greatest obsession.

seriously, the combination is divine
Maybe we should talk about why we like things instead of posting pictures?

None of these will make you feel as reassured as biting the face off of a completely happy fish. Example: three tubes of Burungerus are clearly tasty but do they make you feel BETTER?

Fishy add chocolate and your endorphins will be peaking higher than a cookie/az meet'n'greet!


I did my best -- I have no regrets
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
oh man apples and peanut butter were my go to late snack food as a child. add some cheddar cheese and you have a 6" snack plate to die for. currently, in an effort to get a jumbo friend of mine to lose weight, i am "vegan" (at least around her) so am on a celery and peanut butter schtick. add some raisins and you've got ants on a log whenever you want, making every pre-schooler in a 30 mile radius jealous as fuck.

Also, the glee you receive from biting off the heads of Goldfish can only be compared to brutally mauling some of the most dangerous jungle creatures on the face of the earth, found in ANIMAL CRACKERS. Nothing compares to putting the lion in its place by putting its head in your mouth and having it pray you don't bite down.

Favorite snack, at this time. Its spicy, but you eventually get use to the fury. Although spices degrades your tongue permanently which makes you get "used" to it.
You know, I never ate Goldfish that way. I don't even eat the whole thing. I eat handfuls at a time.

Salt and vinegar potato chips of any kind are great, high quality barbecue potato chips are great, Lay's barbecue chips are great if you don't eat a bunch of them at once (man that can get gross), but probably the best snack food lately is this.

Awwwwwwwwwww yeah.

I always wished that I appreciated peanut butter more, but being forced to eat enormous globs of it as a kid for an allergy test (negative) seems to have grossed me out for life. I can stand Reese's and some various other things, but peanut butter in most forms, especially eaten alone, grosses me the math out. I honestly wish this wasn't the case, as it harshly limits my casual eating possibilities.

Favorite snack, at this time. Its spicy, but you eventually get use to the fury. Although spices degrades your tongue permanently which makes you get "used" to it.
This line of thought reminds me of when almost the only candy I'd ever eat was sour stuff. For some reason I thought that eating candy should be like daredevilling (so sour, a whole bagful of Warheads at one time!), and I still indulge my sourness craving to this day.


tits McGee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
when it comes to edible animal massacres, i used to really enjoy maiming and beheading teddy grahams with my teeth. i really, really love the bar
num's animal crackers, and attacking all of those creatures with my canines and bicuspids as well.

dunno morm, maybe if the addition of chocolate to my apples and peanut butter also produced british accents, i would be as happy. alas................

man, when i was younger and would be in a shitty mood, i would fix myself a bowl of brown sugar and a tall glass of milk. it was fate for ck and i to meet and become fast friends.

Favorite snack, at this time. Its spicy, but you eventually get use to the fury. Although spices degrades your tongue permanently which makes you get "used" to it.
NEED IN CANADA NOW. I put so much spice on my food it's hideous. I have a sauce that's so bad that one DROP is enough to make 1 lbs of burger too spicy for everyone I know. When I make it, I throw down THREE drops.

Spice is the best thing to happen to me ever. I don't care if capcasin burns the shit out of my tongue and I can never eat again, I will know that I have experienced multiple visits to flavor country.

Fishy did you just ask for your snacks to have accents?
Also really, a love of brown sugar and milk (both are so disgusting I can't stand them)? CK I think you need to reassess things unless you're maneuvering sans accent
Oh man when I have goldfish I eat at least half of a large bag in one sitting. Very delicious though! :D However I have to rely on other snacks as I don't often get goldfish since I eat them so quickly so I usually just eat banana slices with peanut butter and they're so delicious~
I tend to just microwave corn chips and chilli beans and that's good enough for me. Mi goreng noodles are fucking good too.


2 kawaii 4 u
is a Top Contributor Alumnus
oh YES. i fucking love salt and vinegar chips. other people think that they start to burn your mouth after a while, but in all honestly, i could eat a whole jumbo bag in ten minutes if i wanted to. and, like all chips, they are mind-numbingly addicting and quite easy to consume large numbers of without realizing it, so i tend to just keep popping them in my mouth until i realize that i ate way too much.

another thing i started to really like recently is frosted animal crackers. we all know how ridiculously satisfying it is to maul animal crackers with our teeth. while yeah i like doing that too (seriously, who doesn't lol), i've always found animal crackers to taste relatively bland. but with FROSTED animal crackers, you get to eat something that tastes like cake, and coldly dismember cute animal-shaped cookies!

(tbh though, i just love snack food in general -.-)


my god if you don't have an iced tea for me when i
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus

Mmmmm yeah :D

The problem is, here in Britain we only have this variety (that is it) whereas in America you guys have:


JACKED and sassy
is a Top Artist Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus

If I ever go out and some place has these I automatically get one.

For just general snacking at home:

Also, Alch, if all you guys have over there is Strawberry then you really got screwed. The S'mores are the only acceptable flavor.

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