Fire Emblem - Heroes of Light and Shadow (Lunatic MU Fighter Playthrough)

FE8 was _the best_, but I probably liked it so much because it was the first one I played. I'm making my way through FE7 on my phone (GBA emulator on Droid ftw), and have played it a little bit before. It seems ok but I'm tiring of having to deal with Lyn's crap/tutorial. (I KNOW HOW TO PLAY GOSHDANGIT)

On another note, really hope FE12 does suck as much as FEDS did. (FEDS=FE11) FEDS sucked so much imo. Easy and reclassing was just stupid. (It doesn't help that my friend and I got so psyched for it, got it, and was like, "we just wasted $35) I'll watch this with great interest.
Lyn sux.

Agreed that FEDS sucked, if this game does as well I am going to hunt down whoever in IS that decided to remake the early games and sic my Dialga on them. Give us a new Wii game already!
Lyn Hard exists. >_> you don't have to sit through the tutorial again, just endure it once damnit!(ok fine having to force promote Wallace was a pain in the ass)

FE11 fails because people abuse Sedgar and Wolf. >_> FE12 is a lot better but Casual Mode and the uber-broken MU killed it for me. (either that or i'm the only person here who uses Katarina)

Colonel M

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My Unit is only so "broken". FEDS definitely wasn't broken because of Sedgar and Wolf. It was because of Warp making the game skippable halfway. It was sad, to say the least.

Chapter 3 is done. Doesn't look like we have a media tag, so I'll just copy -> paste the urls. Just click on Part 1 and Part 2.

Part 1

Part 2

All I can think of with Pirate MU is Lonely Island - I'm on a Boat. Hellz yeah.:pimp:
Wap definitely broke FEDS. I skipped the last two chapters with it. On last reg chap Shiida OHKOd the boss and Marth warped to the Seize spot, and in the final I used 3 warps on the same turn to win on Turn 1.

Looks cool anyhow, I'll watch when I get time.


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If something is broken, nobody forces you to use it. I never warped to seize, thats really gay. I also thought class changes were terrible so I didn't use them. The thought of making an archer a cavalier annoys me greatly. I understand it has value in the harder difficulty setups however.

If FEDS sucked, and it did something fierce, it was because they didn't even attempt to add to the plot of a nearly 20 years old game. They could have added extra dialogues and make the characters interact a bit, this is what made Fire Emblem games good to me, certainly not the overly simple gameplay. In fact, I don't give a fuck how hard the game is and never even bother trying the harder settings ; I much prefer using new characters for the next run, until I've used them all. Besides, insisting on using the poor ones pretty much should count as playing a harder mode.

Without the plot or characters interaction, Fire Emblem sucks. That said, about that, I believe they actually made an effort for the 2nd DS game.
I prefer Sacred Stones because it holds a special place in my heart for being my first Fire Emblem. And I dunno, the replayablity of the Ruins and trying to unlock Lyon and co. just made it seem like an epic game. Lvl 20 Wyvernknight Tana is amazing. That's not to say that 7 was bad; I still beat it and 6 like 5 times but Sacred Stones felt like a better game to me. I hate Shadow Dragon's art style :/, makes the game feel so depressing.

Radiant Dawn was also heaps of fun, especially with the tiered promotions and the sheer scale of the endgame missions coupled with the immense stats of all your characters. Oh, and DRAGONS.


Relaxed nature. Loves to eat.
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I don't want to spoil this for myself, so I won't be watching the videos. Good luck though, I hear this one can get ridiculously difficult.

I also hope they fleshed out the plot a bit. I agree entirely with Vineon, the best part of the FE games are the support conversations, character interactions, and general storyline. The FE re-release for the DS had such a ridiculously bare-bones story, and it really didn't need to! They could have done a lot with the Gaiden chapters, not to mention maybe elaborating on the story, making it less generic...something. It also didn't help that they shifted away from the more stylized/anime graphics into this quasi-3D shit. I was profoundly in the remake, and I hope they make a new FE game based on the old way of doing things (for the 3DS! Can you imagine, FE 3DS, droooool).
What is so great about FE4? I mean it's good, but it's basically a big test of "how insanely broken can I make my party?" And then in the second part, it's like three times worse-- they balance it out by making enemy bosses super broken too, but it kind of becomes an RNG-based clusterfuck at that point, at least in my experience. I don't know; of the old school Fire Emblem that I've played (2, 3, 4), they just don't hold up to the good modern ones (FE7 and 9, haven't played 10 yet though).
Definitely agree with this, though admittedly the only old-school FE I've played is 4. It seems like a lot of the fans think FE4 had some of the best storytelling in any video game ever, which just boggles my mind as I didn't find it particularly remarkable or even interesting at all. The lack of supports (or even something as simple as base conversations) to flesh out the characters made it hard to care about them, as well. There are plenty of gameplay-related issues too, most notably the completely broken legendary weapons and the ridiculously huge maps (often filled with annoying terrain types such as deserts or forests). Obviously, FE4 has some good points - the whole "pairing up people"-mechanic letting you play as the characters' children in the second generation was pretty interesting, the music was really good, and, while not really related to the game itself, the manga is great - but I feel it's overrated.
I also hope they fleshed out the plot a bit. I agree entirely with Vineon, the best part of the FE games are the support conversations, character interactions, and general storyline. The FE re-release for the DS had such a ridiculously bare-bones story, and it really didn't need to!
Thankfully, FE12 does have support-conversations, FE9-style, afaik.
It also didn't help that they shifted away from the more stylized/anime graphics into this quasi-3D shit.
Am I the only person who likes the FE11-FE12 animations? Lack of any critical animations is kind of boring, but other than that, I think they look pretty cool. :)
Definitely agree with this, though admittedly the only old-school FE I've played is 4. It seems like a lot of the fans think FE4 had some of the best storytelling in any video game ever, which just boggles my mind as I didn't find it particularly remarkable or even interesting at all. The lack of supports (or even something as simple as base conversations) to flesh out the characters made it hard to care about them, as well. There are plenty of gameplay-related issues too, most notably the completely broken legendary weapons and the ridiculously huge maps (often filled with annoying terrain types such as deserts or forests). Obviously, FE4 has some good points - the whole "pairing up people"-mechanic letting you play as the characters' children in the second generation was pretty interesting, the music was really good, and, while not really related to the game itself, the manga is great - but I feel it's overrated.
FE4 is definitely overrated but it's not at the point where the game is bad and people claim that it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

FE5 is probably the game that should be considered the best... if it weren't so damn hard.
The Shadow Dragon ds remake was awful if you ask me... i hope this one is as good as Blazing Sword (i havent played the snes ones so i cant say if BS is better or not, but its my favorite)
The FE4 fans probably like FE4 because of the sheer amount of implied incest(*cough*AlvisDiadora*cough*LachesisEltshan*cough*)
Are Marth and Roy in this game?!!

(can I still get away with that while having a Roy avatar from an image found solely within the Fire Emblem: Hasha no Tsurugi manga, one that clearly shows that I am an extreme Fire Emblem nerd? Maybe.)

Anyway, I have played through most of them (don't think I got anywhere in Gaiden and FE5 and I think I also stopped partway through FE4 when I saw that I just wasn't really interested by it). I have played through most of them _several_ times. My personal favorite (despite what anyone says about the system being dumbed down) is the story that the combination of FE6 + FE7 has to tell. Those games just strike me as being polished while, barring some seriously good level ups / deliberate arena usage, being very difficult in their respective hard modes (I have fond memories of consistently losing in CH10 in FE6 due to a desire to recruit Klein, Tate, Echidna AND visit all the villages on hard mode, something I consider mostly impossible).

Of course, I am not a 'competitive' FE player by any means. I've checked out a few of the forums and the extreme debate over how good a character is (factoring in like every single thing possible such as what types of weapons the early game enemies have more of) and how to achieve the best rank was definitely off-putting. This may sound scrubbish but I remember someone talking about Rath (from FE7) and then someone else came in with a gigantic list of why not to use him. It just strikes me as very odd to tell someone not to use a character in a game driven solely by the characters, both inside of battle and outside of it. If someone wants to use a character in a single player game (and your endgame party can have a dozen characters) I don't really see the point in the debate. Again, to some of you what I am saying right now is the scrubbiest stuff ever, but that's fine.

Anyway, I played a tiny bit of FE12 and thought it looked polished and quite fun. I had to stop due to some other stuff but hope to get back on track with it soon. I though FE11 was good but it lost a lot of the 'human' feel it had, somehow. I felt no connection to anyone or anything happening. Oh well.

Also if we are discussing favorite characters then I will state that my party usually consists of all the cute female characters along with the lord(s) (obviously!) and only the most bad-ass male characters (no other males are allowed because they make the team seem less manly, clearly). The character(s) that I almost always use are (from FE6-10, as I have played those multiple times) Percival, Legault, Joshua, Mia and Sothe. They exude cool. Also I like swords. Also I am a fan of the boss Narshen in FE6 because the dude is seriously a creepy bastard. He's vain and he attempts rape twice within the span of the game. TWICE. All bosses should be this creepy.
My favorite FE is either 7, 9, or 10. 7 is probably a better game per se, but I have a skills fetish and I don't import or emulate.

Favorite character? M probably knows this, but

I'm a really big fan of FE10. And Fire Emblem in general. And Rolf. Rolf.

I'm running through this game (FE12) atm on normal in Japanese. It's pretty great :)

I believe my custom character was:
Name: Ryan
Class: Archer
Growth 1: Noble's Child (+2 and +5% Spd, Skl)
Growth 2: Strong (+2 and +20% HP)
Growth 3: Recluse (+15% Str and Mag)

I'm not super into-it competitive so I probably didn't do that exactly right but whatever.
Am I really the only one who enjoyed FE11? Maybe it's because I didn't use Sedgar or Wolf, and pretty much just used Warp for free XP. And played through it on Hard 5.

Anyways, this Lunatic reverse difficulty... sounds interesting. I think my first playthrough will be on Hard 1 though.
Immaterial said:
Am I the only person who likes the FE11-FE12 animations? Lack of any critical animations is kind of boring, but other than that, I think they look pretty cool. :)
The GBA animations added so much flavor to the characters, though! =( Karel would have been like, half as interesting if his initial slaughterfest didn't involve him soaring backwards into a bouquet of afterimages. Those animations were like the best "icing on the cake" ever in a video game.

Shadow Dragon's were way disappointing. Going from Melee, where Marth was a graceful feminine badass, to basically a slight improvement of his SNES "Walk up, stab. Repeat if necessary" standby, is one of the saddest things about the game to me! I would really love to see them bring back the GBA-style animations.
Speaking of Karel:

There should be a hack where you get Karel at the start of FE6 as a level 1 Myrmidon, but he keeps his growth rates. I can imagine how much easier that game could get.
Speaking of Karel:

There should be a hack where you get Karel at the start of FE6 as a level 1 Myrmidon, but he keeps his growth rates. I can imagine how much easier that game could get.
That is scary. If Karel has say base 10 HP it will hit 40 in 6 levels iirc.
I am still a huge fan of FE7 overall.

Hector was bad ass.
I don't know why, but Sain was probably my favorite knight (ever).
Matthew is by far one of my favorite characters.
Dart is just a beast.

RD was fun. I didn't really think much of it though.

FEDS I played instantly on the hardest mode, and I got enough of a challenge out of it. But the problem was that the story was like 20 years old, and they should have added a bit.

I honestly only got into FE because I was such a huge Shining Force fan as a kid. It wasn't until 10 years ago that I heard about FE (when 7 came out) that I started getting obsessed with the series... no where near some of those competitive players though... I play about 2-3 runs per game and leave it at that.

Colonel M

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Chapter 4 is done.

Click on me to watch!

This is the first time I used My Unit in a class that wasn't based around Axes too, so watch it for some hilarity. I'm glad My Unit is right on the average barring Def (which I can at least accommodate with), so he's proving to be useful to guide tier play style.

Another Shining Force fan, eh? Cool that some are still around.
Wendell DP = GO DIE

holy crap Silver weapons are annoying. I got tired of having to restart for the 15th time in H1 C15. >_>

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