Help Me Solve My Hoarding Problem[Pikachu Cup Giveaway]

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Hoping to grab that shiny krabby
Depositing a lv49 male amoongus
Thank you so much for this give away. I was wondering if you would be interested in a dragonite code by chance?
leathal6-Sent. I don't really ask for anything in return for these things but if you want to send me a dragonite code I'm not going to say no.
Trepaws-Sent, go ahead and put up another mon for the koffing
MagTops-All gone, though if you really want one, you can make an offer in my trade thread or perhaps ask for a female krabby from here and start breeding your own stuff.
Hi, may I have a shiny Goldeen? I deposited a Japanese Absol, level 27, in an Ultra Ball and is male.
IGN: Sapphire
Thank you very much for the giveaway!
Edit: Sniped, redeposited a Psyduck named Moonsa, female, in a Premier Ball, level 27
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Hey awiec, may I have the fast ball Goldeen? Uploaded a level 14 male roselia, thanks!

Edit: Thanks :)
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hi can i get a houndour please? put up a level 1 female snorunt.
IGN is razerbak. Thanks Aweic!

Snorunt got sniped so i put up a level 1 female gligar
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Hi! Can I have Krabby, please? My IGN is Matteo, and I deposit a poke Ball male golem at lv 46; the messagge is "krabby"
I got two types, you need to tell me which one
Sorry, I mean the shiny one, but I see that they are finish; in this case, I ask for the shiny goldeen, please. My IGN is Matteo, and I deposit a poke Ball male krabby at lv 1; the messagge is "bonanza"
leathal6-Sent. I don't really ask for anything in return for these things but if you want to send me a dragonite code I'm not going to say no.
Trepaws-Sent, go ahead and put up another mon for the koffing
MagTops-All gone, though if you really want one, you can make an offer in my trade thread or perhaps ask for a female krabby from here and start breeding your own stuff.
Thanks so much for gligar :)
Could I please get a Vital Spirit Magby?
Deposited a level 35 male Wailmer with the message Bonanza, IGN is May.

Thanks for the giveaway.
MagTops-All gone, though if you really want one, you can make an offer in my trade thread or perhaps ask for a female krabby from here and start breeding your own stuff.[/quote]
no Iam good but thank anyway :)
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