ITT; KoA talks to himself and his art


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
Couple newbies tonight. First off is me doodling a hat onto a picture of me. Folks often say I look like a heroin addicted grown-up version of Ash, so I figured why not run with it eh?

Next up is a joke pic that I rather liked for some reason. I think it's the lighting. ~

Also, I don't think I've ever posted my past CaP design. This was one of the last few pictures I made with my old CG style. R.I.P. CG... :(

AAAAnd lastly Is a WiP of my latest piece. Ever look at Accelgor and say "Man, he looks like a Power Ranger"? No? Well I did, and thusly, I recreated the originasl Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers as Accelgors. :D Colored version coming soon.


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
Yeeesh! I keep dropping off for these silly art sabbaths, huh?

You guys will be happy to know that I've finally updated and organized the first post to this topic. Hopefully you guys find it easier to peruse! I've gone ahead and updated the first post with some more art, and some more updated music, as well as a better way to navigate the TONS of artwork I have :)

And just so this post isn't a complete waste of time, here's a picture of Megaman X I drew up in chalk on a sidewalk and SnakeMan drawn up with a more updated body!

And Also, the earlier Lava God, but tweaked to be the album art for my remix project. I'm not sure if I like it more or less in this state..



Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
Hay guize, remember me? I took another art Sabbath, but now I return, like an evil monster on parade. Admittedly I don't have so much digital stuff this time around, instead focusing more on my traditional hand-drawn work and music, so hopefully these whet your whistle til then!

I've been stuck at work a lot more, so that means I've been doodling at work a lot more. I've been mastering the art of drawing with pens to pass the idle hours, and I think I've a knack for them. There's hundreds of doodles and shit, but I'll bring to light two in particular that I'm proud of.

This first one is one I call "Satanic Counsel". The message is fairly clear, just be mindful of who or what you come to for advice. The cloudiest mind can lead to the murkiest of decisions. This was doodled on a post-it note, heh.

Click the thumbnail for the full-sized pic, as it's on the larger size.

The second piece is one called "Birthing of Chaos". It's a more emotional piece I was working on one night dwelling on rather unfortunate events from the recent past.. Namely an abortion one of my exes had without consulting me, or even telling me she was pregnant to begin with...

I generally shy away from symbolic pieces, but this one was just reeking with them. Anticipation and despair over losing my child, hatred towards what happened causing the figure to appear evil and demonic, suspended forever in limbo waiting for a birth that will never come.

The light that encircles you will never be able to give you warmth or nurture you. Forever a reminder of the horrible consequences a moment of selfish thinking can bring about.

Again, click thumbnail for full size.


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
Hello friends, I realize I have pulled yet another Houdini, but I was wrapping up the last of my remix project, which I'm now very pleased and honored to share with you all on Smogon. After almost 3 years on and off of working, I've amassed a large collection of remixes I've done from certain video games that really sit well with me.

My biggest intention with these was to hopefully express to others of my love of these tunes and hope my efforts to remix them weren't all wasted!

There are 82 tracks total, settling on a large album release. At present, every remix is available on Youtube, most with download links so you can install your favorites and listen at your own leisure. Without further ado, I present:

Phasma Enigmagorio: Time of the World

First Step Towards Wars (Ys)
Palace (Ys)
Holders of Power (Ys)
Dreaming (Ys)
Chase of Shadows (Ys)
Final Battle (Ys)
Last Moment of the Dark (Ys)
Rest In Peace (Ys)
To Make the End of Battle (Ys 2)
Ice Ridge of Noltia (Ys 2)
Protectors (Ys 2)
Overdrive (Ys 2)
Termination (Ys 2)
Release of the Far West Ocean (Ys 6: The Ark of Napishtim)

Mystic Cave Zone (Sonic 2)
Dr. Robotnik (Sonic 2)
Final Boss (Sonic 2)
Endless Mine (Sonic 3 & Knuckles)
Ice Cap Zone Act 1 (Sonic 3 & Knuckles)
Flying Battery Zone Act 2 (Sonic 3 & Knuckles)
Sandopolis Zone Act 2 (Sonic 3 & KNuckles)
Lava Reef Zone Act 1 (Sonic 3 & Knuckles)
Sky Sanctuary Zone (Sonic 3 & Knuckles)
Death Egg Zone Act 1 (Sonic 3 & Knuckles)
Act 1 Boss (Sonic 3 & Knuckles)
Act 2 Boss (Sonic 3 & Knuckles)
Volcano Valley Zone Act 2 (Sonic 3D Blast)

Metalman's Stage (Megaman 2)
Wily's Stage 2 (Megaman 2)
Sparkman's Stage (Megaman 3)
Snakeman's Stage (Megaman 3)
Tenguman's Stage (Megaman 8)
Storm Eagle's Stage (Megaman X)
Flame Stag's Stage (Megaman X2)
Bubble Crab's Stage (Megaman X2)
Gravity Beetle's Stage (Megaman X3)
Sky Lagoon Area - Zero (Megaman X4)
Eregion (Megaman X4)
Magma Dragoon's Stage (Megaman X4)
Storm Owl's Stage (Megaman X4)
Axle the Red/ Spike Rosered's Stage (Megaman X5)
Shadow Devil (Megaman X5)
Sigma Battle 2 (Megaman X6]
Running Through the Cyber World (Megaman Battle Network)
Battle Spirit (Boss Theme) (Megaman Battle Network 2)
Proof of Courage! (Megaman Battle Network 2)
Great Battlers/ N1 Grand Prix! (Megaman Battle Network 3)
Vs. Alpha (Megaman Battle Network 3)
Vs. Nebula Grey (Megaman Battle Network 5)
Surge of Power! (Megaman Battle Network 6)
Vs. Cybeast Gregar/Falzer (Megaman Battle Network 6)
Legendary WWW Area: Pharoahman's Stage (Megaman Network Transmission)
Departure Megaman Zero 2)

Battle Theme (Final Fantasy)
Boss Battle 2 (Final Fantasy 2)
Battle 1 (Final Fantasy 4)
Boss Battle 1 (Final Fantasy 4)
Battle Theme (Final Fantasy X)

Poison Mind (Castlevania)
Bloody Tears (Castlevania 2)
Beginning (Castlevania 3)
Bloodlines (Castlevania: Dracula X Rondo of Blood)
Ruined Castle Corridor (Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow)
Garibaldi Courtyard (Castlevania: Curse of Darkness)
Jail of Jewels (Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin)

The Final Duel (Lufia and the Fortress of Doom)
Sinistral Battle (Lufia 2)
Sinistral Battle (Lufia 3: The Legend Returns)

Fear Factory (Donkey Kong Country)
Gang-Plank Galleon (Donkey Kong Country)
Stickerbush Symphony (Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong-Quest)

Miniboss Battle (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
Thrust Up! (Power Quest)
Fighting of the Spirit (Tales of Phantasia)
Fatalize (Tales of Symphonia)
Self Discipline (Riviera the Promised Land)
Reminiscence (Fire Emblem GBA)
Operation 1 Soldier Blade)
Go! Go! Go! (Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete)
Chinatown (Revenge of the Shinobi)
Memories of Puyo Puyo/ Password Screen (Puyo Puyo/ Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine)
Guile's Theme (Street Fighter 2)

Keep in mind these songs were all made over different points in time, so the quality is kind of all over. I'm particularly fond of "Termination", "Jail of Jewels", "Lava Reef Zone", and "Endless Mine", so hopefully the effort really shows in those tracks in particular.

And if that wasn't enough, I have a couple pictures too. Due to a recent accident,I injured my left arm, so this has kinda put a stop to my hand-drawn art (I'm left handed). So all I really have to show for it is some crude sketches, hopefully I can do digital stuff again soon! (Click the thumbnails for the larger sketches)

And that little number is what happens when Magneton is changed into a Dragon type. I tried to make a really simplistic pokemon look intimidating and badass!

That's my art as of now, I have plans for another album in the concept stages and still am doodling. I'm currently addicted to Yugioh, so that may or may not have any relevance to anything, I just felt like sharing~

Hope you guys enjoy my newest work and I hope this makes up for my absences!
Just want you to know, i am in love with your recent bug/psychic pokemon artwork for the CAP project. Hope it gets to be used!


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
Oh hey guys, KoA here, owner of the slowest thread in Smeargle's!

I figured I'd once again try to breathe activity into this dusty old tome of a thread and maybe show you all I'm not dead hopefully???

In any case, the bigger update this time around is a musical one. After finishing my last album I've gone off into the early stages of planning the second one. This album is an orchestral album showcasing some of my favorite battle themes throughout the video game universe. I have tentatively named the album "Symphony of Battle" and am still developing album art for it.

I have a few samples to run by you guys to kinda show where I'm going with this. I feel like there's nothing better to me than a well sounding orchestra when it comes to battle themes. It's a very overlooked genre and it really amps up the feelings and emotions of battle!

With that said, here's some samples I've got thus far, please let me know what you think!

Sonic 3 and Knuckles Final Boss (Sonic 3 and Knuckles)
Dancing Calcobrena and Boss Battle (Final Fantasy 4)
Final Battle with Wily (Megaman 6)
The Darkness Nova (Legend of Mana)
Boss Battle (Sonic Spinball)
Versus Champion Cynthia (Pokemon Diamond and Pearl)

And even though it's not a battle theme, I also did the Wily Castle Stages from Megaman 5 in this style too, because it's one of my favorites.

Well, what do ya'll think thus far?


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
Just so I have some actual digital art to show for, here's one of my first attempts at scenery and people I made for my fiance last night.

I call it "Solemn Autumn" Hopefully it doesn't look too much like butt ass.


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
Preview I have of the work in progress of the album art to my second album. It's supposed to represent a demonic symphony conductor being surrounded by a mass of spirits.

The final result will look so great and I'm excited to finish it c:



Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
Just chug chug chuggin' along. About halfway there at this point~



Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
No wait I like company ok???

Oh look a visitor:

Joltik be my pal, ok?


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
A few artworks tonight. For one, since It's already been voted on, I guess it's ok to post the finalized Aurumoth picture here?

I also updated my art for Revenankh. I was looking at the art I made of him around 4 or so years ago, so I figure why not use my new drawing skills to reinvent him and make him look better?

Since I won my second CaP pokemon design, I figured I'd look back at my past success and see what advances in my abilities I've come. Without further ado, meet the new face of Revenankh:

You'll notice some obvious Street Fighter inspirations, but that's ok. I think it makes his Fighting half really stand out! I was actually hoping this newer art could kinda retcon the old Revenankh art currently being used on the site. I figure, we did it with Syclant years back when Cyzir made updated art for it, so why not with Revenankh?

If you need the "clean" version without the effects: here you go:

Hopefully the new art doesn't disappoint, as I'm extremely proud of it!


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
Some new art on a lil sillier note than usual.

I'm personally tired of this election season and am glad it's all winding down. With voting day tomorrow, I hope you all make the right choice for our nation...

That's right. JigglyPuff 2012


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
Oh hey KoA, how are you? Not bad KoA thanks for asking. No problem KoA, you're like my best friend and stuff man. D'aww stop, but thanks c:

A few remixes today, and a new project in the works. I want to get back into gaming, as well as show some dedication to one of my favorite franchises.

I love the Dragon Quest games. Love them. Everything from the art style, to the stories, to the monsters especially, right down to the amazing music.

I would love nothing more than to pledge my love for this series and pay tribute in some way. I would LOVE to do a fangame based upon the franchise (like maybe a side series unrelated to the main one) but I could not do it alone. I'm all for throwing my hat in for music and art, hell even picking up spriting again for it. I think with a base of dedicated fans with passion, we could make this a great project, even if nothing physical ever came of it.

I could dedicate time to learning coding and maybe taking up the programming aspect too, but we shall see yet!

In any case, I'm workshopping a ton of ideas and designs for heroes, characters, and yes, lots of monsters. For example; remember my Ghost/Grass design for CaP 2? I plan on converting that design into a monster for the game. (Name changing to Peek-a-boo, with another version being Pottergeist) Not surprising considering that design itself was inspired by the style of the Dragon Quest Games. Pokemon designs can convert quite well to DQ monsters, hence why I plan on including many CaPs into it, if allowed.

Anywho, here's some remixes of DQ songs made to kind of "kick-off" my start to this project.

Dragon Quest 3 Battle Theme

Dragon Quest Main Title Theme- Overture

In particular I'd like any DQ fans to listen to the OVerture, and take it all in. Hopefully you feel my passion and love for this series flow through your ears and take you in? I want this to be fun for everyone and if I can spark that ember of joy for the series that I feel, well maybe I've done alright for myself, eh?

Also for funsies, heres a remix from Sonic 3D Blast:

Panic Puppet Zone Act 2


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
KoA, the light really hurts my eyes. It's ok KoA, just put some cool shades on and it'll be alright. Thanks KoA I love you man. I love to-HOLY SHIT IT'S A RANDOM MONSTER ENCOUNTER!

*cue battle music*

Trojan Slime draws near! This enemy resembles a very large Slime, crudely crafted from wood. It takes and packs a powerful punch. When its HP gets low, there's a chance it can bust open, revealing any number of Slime typed enemies. Trojan indeed!

Also in the art department is a commission for a friend's band to design both the front and back cover of their CD album art. They wanted a dark and forlorn ship lost at sea juxtaposed to a glorious and starry night sky. I guess this ties in with the band name "A Beautiful Night"



(Those are the low res versions)

And a couple music tracks this time around too, More Boss Music!

Ys I: Chase of Shadow

Ys I: Final Battle

Ys 2: Termination

Ys 6: Ernst (My personal favorite)

That's all for now. Time for more work! Busy busy!

KoA you dropped your wallet. Oh, thank you my good man.



Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
Ello KoA, I've missed you so. Oh you have? Yes, now hug me you big handsome man.

I wish I could say I've had a lot of work to update my thread thread with, but the truth is sadly no. Aside from some doodles, my only real piece of art was this Naruto ninja my wife wanted me to draw for her.

It's supposed to be a woman capable of using spirits imbued with her chakra to attack. Using a technique known as the Full Possession Jutsu where she can temporarily house a spirit inside her body.

Putting in hide tags because it's kinda big yea.


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
"KoA, you handsome devil you. What have you been up to?" "Oh nothing, I got a new job and currently do thirds, does that count?" "No."

Nothing really to update with. I have like 16 half finished pieces laying around though, so maybe the next few days will see those completed? Probably not, I'm a gabble-toothed plenosaurus after all.

Anywho, I made a comic showcasing the important values of FRIENDSHIP!

A little bloody? Oh well, not all friendships are clean and neat. :D

"KoA, lt's get a bite of num-nums." "Ok."
KoA I wish it was more than just you in this thread because there's such a vast amount of merit in it all. Not all of your pieces are perfect in execution and you've made that point yourself. However you excel at bringing pieces to life with a superb eye for lighting. I understand you're a busy man with all those adult commitments and job and the such but I for one really enjoy all of your updates whether it be your Music or your pictures or just Designs for CAP.

Great work


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
Thankies guys c:

A couple more pieces to celebrate some real people visiting my thread!!!!!

Accelgor drawn as a bunch of Power Rangers (Original Series, of course)

And for those who like YuGiOh, here's some fanart of 3 of the most popular monsters in the current metagame: Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear, Number 11: Big Eye, and Mermail Abyssmegalo. :D

Wheeee time for work.~~


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
I forgot how slow Smeargle's is. I need a way to make people like me!

"No KoA don't change, I love you dearly!"
"Fuck you"

Anywho, it's a probably new Pokemon that should be in Pokemon X and Y!

It's an alternate evolution of Pikachu called Zombiechu. To evolve it, just make Pikachu get KOed 100 times and watch the magic..!

ZombieChu is an Electric/Dark type.



Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
"Is there life beyond us in those wide open stars?"
"Dude how the fuck should I know, I'm just a tree."
"Nigga, this some dank shit"

That trubbish comic inspired me to try something new here, so here's the first issue of a new comic I'm going to work on. It's called "Pokemon Do Things", and it's Pokemon we know and love with a bit more of a focus towards mature audiences.

Today's issue showcases the loving family bonds between poke-families. My wife says I subconsciously slipped in feelings against my own father in here, but I told her she was dumb and didn't know me and also smelled like a butt.

Maybe I can make weekly updates or whenever third shift stops kicking my butt??

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