League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I've seen a noticeable improvement in the general level of play in Solo Queue, to be honest (as well as in my own play).

Most people benefited from the server change and the few who got worse still have <70 ping (haven't heard of anyone having higher), which is only a small drop-off competitively.

Like the last week I've been impressed by the quality of solo queue players for the first time in a long while.
getting 240-270 ms from a previous 160-210 depending on the server location. since the oceania network is shit and i already have an account there anyway i guess thats gg for me if it stays at 270 after the stress test. seriously i found 160-200 ping quite playable but >220 is excessive
getting 240-270 ms from a previous 160-210 depending on the server location. since the oceania network is shit and i already have an account there anyway i guess thats gg for me if it stays at 270 after the stress test. seriously i found 160-200 ping quite playable but >220 is excessive
I don't get how Riot can let something like that happen. Are you quitting?
It's Oceania to NA lol. They have a server for Oceania already...they don't care about it at all. It's sad for pluff and worms but it's like not even a concern for riot and it shouldn't be.

Though if you want to transfer your account jumpluff apparently you can get a free one. Not sure if you really care all that much though since you have an account but a smurf might be nice.
Yeah they offered me a free transfer. I might take it or just leave it because the account has more value to me on NA than it ever will on OCE. Obviously I don't expect Riot to consider Australians in their inadequate server infrastructure but everyone in Japan/offshore America/any Asian country where the ping isn't better to connect to SEA is screwed, and it's ridiculous simply because no effort is put into maintaining the regional servers and there isn't a playerbase, which gets worse precisely because the regional servers have a history of neglect. The Oceania server being atrocious absolutely should be a concern for Riot, FYI they straight up admit its suboptimal in the transfer email which is nice at least.

Also tbh I find it really patronising to be told it shouldn't be a concern for Riot because after years of spending money on this game I'm well aware they aren't interested in investing it in my region. Enjoy your 10 ping drops and be thankful Riot finally addressed the atrocious situation in NA in the most unsustainable way possible—meanwhile I can't play LoL with my friends.

Like I just wish ppl would understand the servers have always been where they were and after years of that you come to expect reliability, so it's really annoying to essentially be told to fuck off by the league community when you've been playing longer than a lot of them even. My account predates the Oceania server! There was a reason a lot of us didn't transfer when it was made. Even if LoL just let me pick which server I wanted to play on when I queued I would be happy.

Aside, not directed at Harsha: East Coast players have been real happy all month to gloat about how they are the majority when literally nobody wanted them to have bad ping and everyone wanted Riot to address the networking issues on both NA and EUX in a way that was fair and I'm so salty from seeing it by now my arteries have essentially shrivelled js

edit: sorry, I just wanted to clarify that I know Harsha was clearing up for Fluke that EW's and my situations are unusual because we choose to play on servers that are geographically very removed, and I did not intend for Harsha to become the target of my frustration but rather the prevailing attitude that geographic minorities don't know they aren't the minorities on NA (because we've been playing at 160-230 ping, depending on country, on NA for years without complaint, the only people still complaining are the Japanese players and rather rightfully, everyone else chose not to transfer because their local servers are bad, and Riot should do better by these players, who are almost entirely early adopters or S1-S2 players) and we have nothing to complain about. Sorry Harsha, you're a nice dude.

I'm also very tired of lazy excuses for Riot's inadequacy on this issue. The server move was a lazy solution to a problem they've been handwaving and vaguely promising to fix for years (while ignoring the problems on the European servers and the other regional servers too). Dota, HotS etc. all handle this much more elegantly. Now West-based players (and offshore-based, but the West-based players are a very substantial portion) might also be a minority in NA but the argument does not apply to them that the NA server isn't for them. I don't know what Riot is doing to work out better scrimming servers/tourney realm for pros and challenger teams and I'm sure they'll fix it but it sucks for West players too and not even just them... to me that just highlights how bad a solution this is and how much it can screw you over based on routing.
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2:40 mark, holy fuck. never thought i'd ever type this again but: XDDDDDDDDDD

entire video is good though, but that pantheon still kills me
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I am always tired. Don't bother me.
2:40 mark, holy fuck. never thought i'd ever type this again but: XDDDDDDDDDD

entire video is good though, but that pantheon still kills me

I couldn't watch all the way through because the racism was wayyyyy too much unbearable. I hope that Pantheon got what he deserved and had his account banned forever.
I couldn't watch all the way through because the racism was wayyyyy too much unbearable. I hope that Pantheon got what he deserved and had his account banned forever.
i checked his lolking a while back and it seemed he got banned permanently
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Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I'm sorry but the new server location is unquestionably an upgrade for the vast majority of players. Does it suck that people who live in Australia basically can't play with Americans anymore? Yes. Does it suck for Hawaiians and Alaskans? Yes.

These represent a tiny majority of the active playerbase on the server, however. The server is intended to provide service to North American players, and it is simply indisputable that it does so with vastly superior quality in it's new location. Thanks to the new ISP deals even most west coasters are only getting 50-60 ping now, which means that well over 90% of the active playerbase gets to play essentially ping-free. Riot absolutely made the right call on this one.

In the future, it would be ideal if Riot could set up a variety of servers and allow everyone to decide which one to queue on from the same client (rather than having completely separate server accounts, simply have an account on all servers that can queue to any server in particular), where the west coast server would be an option. Riot does not have the resources to finance this, however, and so this is by far the best possible solution as of now.
sam how did you manage to rephrase my post while doing the exact thing i complained about lol

mre i will prolly still be on NA!!! just not able to play anything with windups very well.. rip #1 lulu NA Q_Q rip broken arams

Riot does not have the resources to finance this, however, and so this is by far the best possible solution as of now.
citation needed tbh, i wasnt aware anyone had access to riot's financial info except directors/stakeholders. that excludes departmental heads and certainly low-level workers who work with the resources they are allocated, which is necessarily a subset of the resources that riot has
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Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Let me know how economically viable it is to put a bunch of interconnected worldwide servers together instead of 5-6 separate regional ones.

Come on you really don't need to see Riot's financials to know that.

Also I'm not telling anyone to 'fuck off' as you complained about I'm saying that this is unquestionably a better situation than prior to the server move. Riot's job is to bring LoL to as many people as it can at as high a quality as it can, and the server move undeniably served that purpose.

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