League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Kinda surprised that France didn't just surrender again, and even more surprised that Poland did so well. Ah well, Dyrus is too fucking good. I really want Dyrus to join TSM for real, I feel like EPIK as a team does not have the drive to really do well, and that they're really holding him back
It's great. I was just thinking about picking up Udyr as one of my bruisers, when riot decides to derp the fuck out and outright remove dodge from his passive, giving him nothing back. So...Udyr is not imbalanced, and Riot acknowledges this, so they could not think of a SINGLE thing to replace the dodge with? Wtf, Riot, do your damn job, and come up with something, cause udyr right now just got pretty heavily nerfed for no fucking reason whatsoever
poor Udyr, surely he will now be unused due to this heinous nerf threatening his tenuous place in competitive play

you must be fucking kidding me


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
ree sin reclaiming his rightful place as king of the jungle

wtf we don't even have a lion champion
Lol yeah, he does; it's a slight part of what made his escaping prowess so good. Now it's a veeeery tiny bit weaker.

In other news: Ahri. Her kit looks pretty decent, though I am worried about two things: The true dmg on her Orb of Deception being high, and her Charm. Her Charm. She makes you walk toward her. What madness is that? It'll make her Orb deal both parts of the dmg, and will be a pain in the ass...it won't be the biggest use of Charm, but I admit, my first thought went to Shaco and Ahri in the same lane...I don't wanna be lured into a bush with boxes, sadface.


Banned deucer.
fucking teemo OP now the best

#1 he the best splitpusher but isnt shit in teamfights like shaco and shit
#2 after ddodge only char with blind besides heimer = OP vs ad carries

obv see him picked top to counter AA farm heavy trynd/nasus etc but maybe we see him counter ad carry
really really want to learn sivir now. flash tp solo top or flash exhaust duo bot, whatev. hell she can mid for all i care

udyr still very strong but no dodge hurts a LOT.
poor Udyr, surely he will now be unused due to this heinous nerf threatening his tenuous place in competitive play

you must be fucking kidding me
Yes, because if a champion will not be made completely unviable by a nerf, that is justification for nerfing him/her FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON. Perhaps if you played Udyr you would understand that it is not a good policy to remove utility from a champion without any justification. And it is actually a pretty significant nerf. Many people bought Tabi on him and abused his dodging ability to duel top lane and was a rather large reason why he was always so hard to kill. I highly doubt you have played Udyr much at all if you don't understand this.

Summary: 9% dodge is fucking significant, that is mathematically a 9% reduction in autoattack damage, which is a large portion of top lane champions' damage and the entirety of jungle creeps' damage, (although it's not like they are really threatening to Udyr)

Other than Udyr, I just want to say something about the general philosophy of Riot patchings. Certain changes, ie. The 2 armor per-hit buff on Xin Zhao's ult and the reduced mana costs on Pantheon's spells, make me wonder if Riot is actually trying to make a champ viable, or just trying to quell the general rage in the community over Xin and Pantheon's relative lack of viability through kind of fake buffs, which don't actually help the champion much at all, and only seem to be making real changes. Also Morde still sucks, you can buff his Siphon's damage as much as you want, he will still not be used unless you make it do 200% of the enemy champs' helth
Reasons like the fact Udyr has managed to be a top-tier ban-worthy option for months in spite of past nerfs in both top lane and jungle have nothing to do with that, I'm sure, nor the fact that it is a defensive mechanic that is based exclusively on RNG rather than the actions of either player(outside of stacking the passive with the stance spamming you'd normally be doing anyway regardless of whether or not Udyr had a passive that benefited from it). He's bounced from being in that FOTM OP group to just below it depending on his current state and public perception of other champions at the time for ages, and while obviously the dodge mechanic being removed hurts him it is definitely a good thing for the game rather than a bad one.

Since I'm too lazy to respond to the frothing in your PM: You get shit from me and lots of other posters because it is painfully obvious every time you post that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. It's pretty funny you're trying to appeal to experience here since you've been posting in this thread for what must be months now without hitting level 30 and by failing to do so you're continuing to play against unskilled, inexperienced opponents who aren't participating in a game that is even reflective of normal queues at 30, let alone of higher ELO ranked or the competitive scene or whatever. You have this insatiable need to comment about everything but your opinions could not be more baseless and irrelevant because you're not even playing the same game as the other posters in the thread. And yes, I do play Udyr(unlike you, amusingly, since you mentioned you don't even own him), but that doesn't mean I have some bizarre perception that everyone I like is balanced perfectly. One of the game's best characters is toned down some with a nerf through the removal of a mechanic that isn't particularly fun to play against or skill-oriented. If it hurts him too much they'll just un-nerf Turtle some to compensate. You're ridiculously overreacting, as usual.
Yeah that FOTM OP Udyr. Yeah everyone always bans Udyr, and not Kassadin, Shaco, Sion, Skarner, Rammus, and Morgana. Udyr is not even close to OP, and I doubt you believe that he is at all. It does not matter if his passive's mechanic was not skill-reliant or dependent on the player. It is a large part of his ability to be strong in lane and in jungle, and taking it away and giving him nothing in return is an absurd policy in patching. There. Argue that. The simple fact is that they are nerfing Udyr without cause. He is not OP at all. Please explain how exactly he was OP before this change. It is hardly "ridiculously overreacting" to say that Riot should give Udyr something to replace the loss of dodge in his passive. Unnerfing Turtle is really something that might give him too much sustain. Just giving him maybe some armor, while hardly canon, would give a semblance of his old passive without making it RNG-based. I understand he is top-tier, but I see little justification to nerf him without any better reasoning than that, especially when there are quite a few top-lane champions who easily as good as Udyr, and are left completely untouched, and the only nerf a true FOTM OP Kassadin finds is a staggering 1 second nerf to his ult CD, when he is going to be using blue buff for a large portion of the laning phase, and a ton of the time in the lategame phase. My simple and only point is that a champion who is not imbalanced in regards to other champions who can fulfill his roles should never be nerfed without reason or a trade-off. I would gladly like to see how this is "baseless and irrelevant" and how losing 9% dodge is not significant.
its more his overall kit that makes him bannable. he has a buttload of armor,extreme mobility, and a nice ulti. tanking turrets is also something rammus excels at.
rammus is ban-worthy as are other champions apart from udyr but udyr himself is incredibly powerful and has some of the most frightening variety of any champion in the league.

people ban picks like shaco (because double buff and level 3 at 2:20 is op) or kassadin (because given the right team comp and counter-bans he is literally unstoppable) but udyr can be dealt with at high ELO. it doesn't make him any less viable. i don't believe that they nerfed his passive out of necessity - no, it was just to accomodate dodge removal. they simply didn't want to buff him to compensate because udyr is in a powerful enough condition as it is that the nerf will hurt but not so much that he'll be completely unviable.


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
Tbh as an Udyr jungle and solo top player, I never notice the dodge proc anyway. I never had dodge runes before so I never noticed when Nimbleness procced because it didn't happen that often. The 10% increased attack speed is what makes Udyr's passive good for those people that don't have dodge runes, not the dodge.


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udyr has been retardedly strong for reasons that don't involve his passive, calm yourself there buddy
If they find out it really hurts him, they'll just make Monkey's Agility give armour (and maybe rename it because that makes no sense). They're looking at what dodge does on each champion. Sivir's old passive was designed to avoid damage while closing in on a target, so now it gives bonus movement speed. Dodge on Monkey's Agility is similar but Udyr already has a movespeed buff skill in Bear Stance so the dodge wasn't really needed. Jax on the other hand has a stun based on dodge in addition to using it to avoid damage, that's why he needs to be reworked. I'm guessing he's going to have some kind of movespeed buff skill when he gets reworked, so he'll end up like an AP Yi that actually works in all ELOs or something.
Jax on the other hand has a stun based on dodge in addition to using it to avoid damage, that's why he needs to be reworked. I'm guessing he's going to have some kind of movespeed buff skill when he gets reworked, so he'll end up like an AP Yi that actually works in all ELOs or something.
dear god fuck no

just give nerf it to a single target stun with a longish cd because he needs his hard cc that isn't based off some bullshit like dodge

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