League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??


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If you were playing for $10,000, and you had 45 seconds to lock in a champion in blind pick, who would you pick?
For 10K ? depends if it's a 5v5; a 1v1 or so. Depends on my mates I guess...

Oh well if I HAVE to pick like that, it would be Draven probably (in case I have to 1v1 also) or Jarvan.
Orianna most defenitely. I'd consider her, along with Lux and sorta Karma my best mid champions atm, and I consider mid my best lane as well. Out of those three, Ori is the most well-rounded one of the bunch, and I feel comfortable enough with her to know it's very rare for me to do badly as her.
China vs. North America - Game 1
China is on blue side.

China: Shen / Renekton / Diana
NA: Twisted Fate / Karthus / Orianna

China: Rumble / Jarvan IV / Thresh / Varus / Zed
NA: Ryze / Zac / Malphite / Vayne / Janna

Top: Weixiao & XiaoXiao (Varus/Thresh) vs. Doublelift & Xpecial (Vayne/Janna)
Mid: Misaya (Zed) vs. scarra (Ryze)
Bot: Pdd (Rumble) vs. Dyrus (Malphite)
Jungle: Troll (Jarvan IV) vs. Saintvicious (Zac)

- Invade from China forces Xpecial to blow his Flash
- Xpecial gets EXTREMELY low in top lane, but baits out XiaoXiao with his shield and picks up first blood for NA off of a botched towerdive.
- A level 3 Saint and a level 4 Dyrus try to push against a level 5 Pdd Rumble, but Pdd goes extremely aggressive and easily picks up a kill in a 1v2 situation on Dyrus.
- Prolonged engage in top lane leads to China killing Dyrus, Xpecial, and Saint while losing only Weixiao. Misaya also picks up a solo kill on Scarra. Score is 5-2 in China's favor at 11 minutes.
- Pdd picks up two kills on his own against Scarra and Saint, while the rest of the Chinese team picks up an uncontested Dragon.
- Bot lane skirmish trades Doublelift for Weixiao, with DL and XiaoXiao getting the kills.
- Five man roam from China kills Doublelift and Xpecial. Score is 10-3 with a 3 turret lead for China.
- Skirmish in NA's red side jungle trades Misaya for Scarra.
- NA kills XiaoXiao but loses Saint, Scarra, and Xpecial in the process. Doublelift is split pushing bottom, and kills China's second turret while NA loses their top inhibitor at 22 minutes.
- China attempts a 24 minute Baron, but Saint is able to steal it. NA follow up and win a 4-2 teamfight, with Doublelift getting a triple kill.
- Next fight is a clean 5-0 ace for China at 30 minutes, letting them barrel down mid and end the game at 30:44.

- Overall lane leads in CS from China transitioned into a naturally strong mid and late game.
- Incredible play from Pdd and Troll removed Dyrus and Saint as tanky threats, offering little to no protection for Doublelift.
- NA attempted to ban out Misaya, yet still lost mid lane incredibly hard.

Winner: China (1-0)


China vs. North America - Game 2
NA is on blue side.

NA: Twisted Fate / Orianna / Evelynn
China: Thresh / Rumble / Karthus

NA: Diana / Volibear / Malphite / Urgot / Janna
China: Zac / Sona / Ryze / Vayne / Nasus

Top: Dyrus (Malphite) vs. Weixiao & XiaoXiao (Vayne/Sona)
Mid: scarra (Diana) vs. Misaya (Ryze)
Bot: Doublelift & Xpecial (Urgot/Janna) vs. Pdd (Zac)
Jungle: Saintvicious (Volibear) vs. Troll (Nasus)

- Aggressive 3-man towerdive onto Pdd and Troll in the bot lane gets Saint first blood, but Xpecial dies.
- Another towerdive kills Pdd again, giving Saint another kill.
- China push too deep onto NA's top lane, and Dyrus and Xpecial manage a kill onto Troll. The resulting chase leads to Weixiao dying and a Dragon for NA.
- Four members of China converge onto Doublelift in the top lane and kill him, but NA get China's second mid turret extremely low.
- China attempt to gank Doublelift again, but he chases off Weixiao and kills Misaya when Saint comes for the countergank.
- NA catch XiaoXiao, letting them take a free Dragon. At 20 minutes, the score is 6-2 in NA's favor, with a 6k gold and 2 turret lead.
- Another attempt to kill DL in the top lane lets NA countergank and kill Misaya and XiaoXiao, although they lose Scarra.
- NA attempt Baron, killing Troll when he comes to stop. Pdd eventually also gives his life in order to force NA off the Baron.
- After a long Baron dance, China send 3 members bot to stop Dyrus's split push. NA start Baron, but Troll manages to steal it - although he and Misaya die in the process.
- Doublelift initiates a fight by China's second bottom turret, ulting Misaya. The fight goes south for NA, however, with China taking a 4-1 and eventually NA's middle inhibitor.
- China rush Baron on its respawn, taking it very quickly. A great Crescendo from XiaoXiao lets China turn on NA and win the fight 5-2, killing NA's top inhibitor.
- The final fight happened in mid lane, where China went 5-1, losing only Misaya and finishing the match.

- Too many kills went on Saint and not DL or Scarra. Saint's Voli went 7-0 early on, while Scarra's Diana was 0-2.
- Huge early advantage for NA went absolutely downhill after the Baron steal from Troll, which may have put NA on tilt. Doublelift's poor engage under China's tower led to the first teamfight victory for the Chinese, and a triple kill for Weixiao's Vayne.
- Generally poor decision making from NA led to an 8k gold lead slimming down to just 2.5k in a matter of five minutes.

Winner: China (2-0)

Europe vs. Korea - Game 1
Europe is on blue side.

EU: Diana / Kha'Zix / Thresh
Korea: Nasus / Zac / Twisted Fate

EU: Rumble / Varus / Kennen / Evelynn / Blitzcrank
Korea: Jayce / Lee Sin / Ryze / Caitlyn / Alistar

Top: sOAZ (Rumble) vs. Shy (Ryze)
Mid: Alex Ich (Kennen) vs. Ambition (Jayce)
Bot: yellowpete & XiaoXiao (Varus/Blitzcrank) vs. PraY & MadLife (Caitlyn/Alistar)
Jungle: Diamondprox (Evelynn) vs. inSec (Lee Sin)

- Aggressive gank from Diamond's Evelynn nets Alex Ich first blood on Ambition's Jayce.
- inSec lane ganks bottom and kills EDward's Blitz.
- Diamond ganks top and kills Shy, and Korea attempts Dragon in response. Ambition kills Alex in mid lane, allowing Korea to secure the Dragon.
- inSec waits for a long time in top lane and counterganks Diamond - however, Diamond and sOAZ pick up two kills anyway.
- sOAZ and Diamond gank Alex's lane and kill Ambition.
- Korea play a teamfight brilliantly and manage a 3-0 exchange, picking up the second Dragon.
- Korea get caught out while pushing mid and lose MadLife.
- inSec initiates a teamfight and catches yellowpete out of position - Korea win the fight 4-1.
- Another fight breaks out near Dragon, and a brilliant kick from inSec removes Alex Ich from the fight completely, leading to another teamfight win for Korea.
- Korea sneaks a 29 minute three-man Baron.
- Korea take down EU's bottom inhibitor after merciless poke from Ambition's Jayce. EU try to initiate as Korea cycles mid, leading to a 1 for 1. However, EU still lose their mid inhibitor.
- Korea steamroll through EU in the last teamfight, taking it 4-0 to win the game at 36 minutes.

- Korean players generally outfarmed their European counterparts - this is partly due to Diamond taking a larger lane tax than inSec.
- Stunning play from inSec either allowed the rest of his team to eliminate a priority target immediately, or removed a key threat from contention by kicking them away from the fight.
- inSec and MadLife removed Alex Ich's Kennen as a threat, with either Dragon's Rage or Headbutt making him completely irrelevant every fight.

Winner: Korea (1-0)


Europe vs. Korea - Game 2
Korea is on blue side.

Korea: Jarvan IV / Zac / Evelynn
EU: Kha'Zix / Jayce / Twisted Fate

Korea: Diana / Lee Sin / Caitlyn / Ryze / Blitzcrank
EU: Elise / Thresh / Udyr / Ezreal / Tryndamere

Top: Shy (Ryze) vs. sOAZ (Elise)
Mid: PraY & MadLife (Caitlyn/Blitzcrank) vs. Alex Ich & EDward (Tryndamere/Thresh)
Bot: Ambition (Diana) vs. yellowpete (Ezreal)
Jungle: inSec (Lee Sin) vs. Diamondprox (Udyr)

- For clarification, Korea ran Ryze in top lane and Diana mid. Meanwhile, Europe ran Elise top, Udyr jungle, and Tryndamere mid.
- Korea do a 3-man invade on EU's blue, but yellowpete manages to steal it away with Mystic Shot.
- Alex nearly kills MadLife after Korea sends their duo lane mid, but gives up first blood after getting pulled.
- Very quiet game for about 9 minutes after first blood, until yellowpete and EDward go aggressive on PraY and MadLife. MadLife dies, but inSec and Shy both swing mid to kill EU's duo lane and extend Korea's lead to 3-1 overall.
- EU's ADC/support are stronger than Korea's, and kill MadLife again. However, Shy, Ambition, and inSec are all there to follow up, and the resulting fight ends up 4-2 in Korea's favor.
- Shy gets caught out in top lane - after the rest of the Korean team comes to help, the fight ends in a 1-1.
- Korea sneak a 27 minute Baron and converge on EU for a clean 5-1 ace.
- With Baron, they close in on EU's base and eventually finish off the Nexus at 31 minutes.

- Smart play shut down Alex's Tryndamere pick - a blue buff Ambition was able to stave him off early on Diana. When Shy became strong enough to take on Alex, Korea swapped lanes and sent Ambition top against sOAZ's Elise.
- Korea demonstrated superior vision control and coordination both games, combined with impeccable teamfighting skill.
- Alex's risky Tryndamere pick was shut down completely by Shy's Ryze, who 1v1d him on numerous occasions and removed him as a threat from the game.

Winner: Korea (2-0)
Europe vs. North America - Game 1
Europe is on blue side.

EU: Diana / Thresh / Jarvan IV
NA: Evelynn / Kha'Zix / Blitzcrank

EU: Twisted Fate / Zac / Elise / Miss Fortune / Jayce
NA: Rumble / Lulu / Karthus / Nautilus / Graves

Top: sOAZ (Jayce) vs. Dyrus (Rumble)
Mid: Alex Ich (Twisted Fate) vs. Doublelift & Xpecial (Graves/Lulu)
Bot: yellowpete & EDward (Miss Fortune/Elise) vs. scarra (Karthus)
Jungle: Diamondprox (Zac) vs. Saintvicious (Nautilus)

- Saint picks up first blood with Dyrus when he ganks sOAZ's Jayce in top lane.
- Saint swings top again five minutes later, and helps Dyrus kill sOAZ again.
- EU attempts Dragon, but NA are there and win the resulting 5v5 4-1. They back off from Dragon, however.
- Both teams run back to the Dragon and NA picks up another two kills, successfully taking Dragon this time.
- Saint attempts to gank top again, but both Diamond and Alex come into the fight and kill him.
- Alex, Diamond, and sOAZ 3-man dive Dyrus in top lane while Scarra and Saint help 4-man dive yellowpete and EDward in bot lane. Overall, it ends up being a 1-1.
- NA takes Dragon on respawn, then initiates a fight mid. A great Equalizer from Dyrus lets NA pull ahead in a 2-0 fight.
- Doublelift 1v2s Diamond and Alex in top lane, killing Alex with Scarra's ultimate to help while also popping Diamond's passive.
- NA take an uncontested 23 minute Baron.
- EU loses Alex Ich in the bottom lane, but gets Scarra to blow his ultimate. This lets them win a teamfight against a Baroned up NA 3-0.
- NA go for Baron, but Alex Ich and yellowpete are split pushing bottom. They get Baron, but have already lost their bot inhibitor - Diamondprox, sOAZ, and EDward are able to stall the NA team long enough for Alex and pete to take both Nexus turrets before NA is able to stop them.
- NA rush down mid and try to capitalize on the respawn times of the EU team, and manage to take mid inhibitor and a 2-1 fight.
- Alex tries to backdoor, but NA has wards everywhere on the left side of the map. They catch him, and actually manage to win a 4v5 fight while Doublelift split pushes bottom.
- The decisive victory from NA allows them to rush down the map and destroy the European Nexus.

- NA had a huge advantage for most of the game, starting off 8-1. Poor call-making, especially around the second Baron, led to NA nearly losing the entire game off of a 2-man backdoor.
- Miscommunication from the EU team cost them several teamfight losses. The 4v5 fight around Baron should have been an easy win for them, but poor positioning all around (especially from yellowpete) and Alex's early death cost them the fight and the game.

Winner: North America (1-0)


Europe vs. North America - Game 2
NA is on blue side.

NA: Kha'Zix / Evelynn / Blitzcrank
EU: Diana / Rumble / Twisted Fate

NA: Thresh / Nautilus / Karthus / Ezreal / Renekton
EU: Jayce / Jarvan IV / Zac / Varus / Lulu

Top: Dyrus (Renekton) vs. yellowpete & EDward (Varus/Lulu)
Mid: scarra (Karthus) vs. Alex Ich (Jayce)
Bot: Doublelift & Xpecial (Ezreal/Thresh) vs. sOAZ (Zac)
Jungle: Saintvicious (Nautilus) vs. Diamondprox (Jarvan IV)

- First blood for EU in a 1-1 exchange at around 7 minutes, where both supports die.
- Diamond swings bot at 10 minutes and gets another kill on Xpecial. EU take Dragon as a result.
- Xpecial hooks yellowpete in bot lane, letting Doublelift take the kill.
- Both junglers gank bottom, but NA pulls ahead as Doublelift kills Diamondprox.
- A patient gank by Saint puts Doublelift's Ezreal ahead to 3-0 as yellowpete dies.
- Diamond ganks top and helps sOAZ kill Dyrus, but falls to Doublelift as the rest of NA converges on top lane. This, however, lets yellowpete take mid turret.
- Alex 1v2s and kills Saintvicious in the bottom lane, but falls to Dyrus after being hit by both Requiem and Trueshot Barrage from across the map.
- sOAZ falls in mid lane to a 5-man NA, but Alex Ich is split pushing and takes out a bot lane turret.
- Xpecial catches EU in mid and NA kill yellowpete and Diamondprox, letting NA take an uncontested 28 minute Baron.
- 37 minute fight at Baron leads to a 4-0 teamfight win for EU after a great ultimate from sOAZ. This gives EU a free 38 minute Baron.
- EU push into NA's mid, but Doublelift catches Diamondprox out on the side. After being poked down, Diamond dies to Doublelift and Scarra's ultimates.
- NA take advantage of the 4-man, low-health EU and shove mid, taking inhibitor. However, they end up losing four members in the push, and lose their bottom inhibitor as a consequence.
- The next fight ends up being a 2 for 2, with neither team having a clear advantage.
- EU starts Baron, but NA plays the teamfight brilliantly and Doublelift gets the first pentakill of the tournament in a 5-2 fight.
- NA take a Baron and EU decide not to contest it. They use their momentum to push bottom lane and take the inhibitor, then rotate top.
- NA decisively wins the last teamfight in top lane, ending the game and advancing from the loser's bracket 2-0.

- Better Dragon control from EU but lane advantages for NA (especially in the top lane) led to a roughly even game for the first 37 minutes.
- Again, poor shot-calling and over-prioritization of Baron were nearly the bane of the American team.
- sOAZ and Diamond were able to aggressively control NA's backline for much of the midgame. However, once Scarra started getting stronger, EU's frontline became less and less relevant, while yellowpete and Alex Ich were unable to break past the wall of Saintvicious and Dyrus.

Winner: North America (2-0)

Southeast Asia vs. China - Game 1
SEA is on blue side.

SEA: Malphite / Jarvan IV / Twisted Fate
China: Lee Sin / Kennen / Sona

SEA: Rumble / Thresh / Varus / Orianna / Zac
China: Kha'Zix / Karthus / Lulu / Hecarim / Caitlyn

Top: Stanley (Rumble) vs. Weixiao & XiaoXiao (Caitlyn/Lulu)
Mid: Toyz (Orianna) vs. Misaya (Karthus)
Bot: Chawy & MiSTakE (Varus/Thresh) vs. Pdd (Kha'Zix)
Jungle: HarLeLuYaR (Zac) vs. Troll (Hecarim)

- SEA's top and China's bot turrets die within 30 seconds of each other at around 6 minutes.
- After popping Toyz's Flash earlier on, Troll swings mid again and nets Misaya first blood. However, he dies a minute later after committing too hard to a kill on MiSTakE, who escapes with a sliver of health.
- SEA take an uncontested 9 minute Dragon.
- Rotating mid, MiSTakE hooks XiaoXiao and Chawy manages to pick up the kill. This allows the GPL team to pick up China's mid turret.
- XiaoXiao is caught again by mid lane and hooked by MiSTakE, giving Chawy another kill.
- The first teamfight breaks out after SEA takes their second Dragon. Troll is killed before his ult can go off, but China is still able to scavenge a 3 for 3 fight overall.
- China comes out on top in the next fight, winning 3-2 with Stanley and HarLe getting away on very low health.
- Toyz initiates a teamfight by catching Misaya out, but a great Hecarim ultimate from Troll turns it around into a 4-2 teamfight win for China.
- China is able to take an uncontested 23 minute Baron immediately after.
- SEA attempts to defend against a Baroned-up China as Toyz catches Weixiao with his ultimate. The Chinese team is too strong, however, and picks up an ace for two. SEA's middle inhibitor falls shortly after.
- China patiently baits Baron and turns on SEA with a Hecarim ultimate, winning the teamfight 4-1.
- China take a 35 minute Baron, but SEA tries to contest. Though they quickly lose Troll and Misaya, the SEA team is low and Pdd picks up a quadra kill, with Weixiao stealing away the penta.
- The surviving Chinese members barrel down mid and end the game.

- MiSTakE absolutely dominated XiaoXiao in the vision war early. Two early deaths from the Chinese support combined with a fast Ruby Sightstone from MiSTakE compared to just a Philosopher's Stone from XiaoXiao meant that SEA had an early edge.
- China demonstrated much more cohesion than their GPL counterparts. Though they suffered from an early deficit, each player outclassed their opponent once the teamfights began. Overall poor teamfight play quickly lost SEA their early advantage.

Winner: China (1-0)


Southeast Asia vs. China - Game 2
China is on blue side.

China: Lee Sin / Kennen / Sona
SEA: Twisted Fate / Karthus / Jarvan IV

China: Rumble / Thresh / Diana / Graves / Hecarim
SEA: Varus / Kha'Zix / Nasus / Zyra / Jayce

Top: Pdd (Rumble) vs. Chawy & MiSTakE (Varus/Zyra)
Mid: Misaya (Diana) vs. Toyz (Kha'Zix)
Bot: Weixiao & XiaoXiao (Graves/Thresh) vs. Stanley (Jayce)
Jungle: Troll (Hecarim) vs. HarLeLuYaR (Nasus)

- Troll comes top and ganks for Pdd, who gets a double kill and first blood. He dies to Chawy in the process, however.
- Misaya kills Toyz in the mid lane, but falls to HarLeLuYaR shortly afterward. Toyz does not get an assist, though.
- SEA pick up an uncontested 8 minute Dragon.
- HarLe ganks top and gets Chawy a kill on Pdd.
- Flash + hook from XiaoXiao gives Misaya a second kill on Toyz, letting the Chinese team take mid.
- SEA take China's first mid turret, and Pdd initiates a teamfight that ends up 1-1.
- XiaoXiao hooks MiSTakE, initiating a fight around Baron that ends 2-1 in China's favor.
- Two great consecutive hooks from XiaoXiao end up in SEA losing three people.
- China pick up an uncontested Baron.
- China push down several turrets and pick up a second uncontested Baron on its respawn.
- Some more great hooks from XiaoXiao initiate the final fight of the match, with China cleanly acing the SEA team and ending the game.

- Toyz took a beating early on, going 0/3/0 and later 0/4/1. SEA sent him to split push, keeping Toyz at the highest CS in the game for most of early/mid game.
- Death train composition from China was able to crush SEA even in unfavorable scenarios. Double Hourglass from Pdd and Misaya was extremely effective against Jayce/Kha'Zix.

Winner: China (2-0)


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
I don't think it'd be any part of the build specifically, because only Ezreal makes use of the Blue Build.

If there was some mechanic that makes the build the strongest part then it would be used on more than just this champion, so it's more like this build optimizes in a way that makes Ezreal too strong, so the logical solution will be to tone down something on Ezreal.

Not sure where the hit will be (if there is one), because I am not familiar with the fundamental inner workings of the build and am too lazy to analyze it right now.

Lady Alex

Mew is blue
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
Muramana isn't going to get nerfed. I kinda doubt blue ez will be nerfed, but, if it did, I could see the way his Q interacts with Muramana being changed (idk if this would be a difficult change to make since his Q is effectively an autoattack, though).
god damn fucking lol players all they think about is nerfing stuff or banning stuff if there's a strat that seems to be good fucking deal with it and innovate holy shit this is the only esport game that has balance patches every god damn week

Lady Alex

Mew is blue
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
More often than not, I would say the nerfs implemented are legitimate. I do believe some of the nerfs are too heavy handed, though, and should be done incrementally to find a state of balance rather than a knee-jerk reaction that kills the champ/item/etc


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
ezreal's q will lose the gauntlet on-hit effect.

now only autos apply it.

or at least that's how I would nerf the build to give more counterplay instead of the massive q range slow field while still letting the build be viable because the other on-hits apply.
ezreal's q will lose the gauntlet on-hit effect.

now only autos apply it.

or at least that's how I would nerf the build to give more counterplay instead of the massive q range slow field while still letting the build be viable because the other on-hits apply.
This would make Ezreal utterly useless, as the only reason anyone ever uses him is because of his Q's interacting with Sheen procs for good damage.


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
Really the way that I think that they will probably end up nerfing this build is by making items within the build more expensive. That's the most logical way to do so as it does not directly affect the way the build is played as it is viable, but at the same time isn't hurting other champs who would build items that he ends up using. Otherwise I think people should just deal with it. It's nothing new since Urgot was first blue build champ before this came about.

Lady Alex

Mew is blue
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
Really the way that I think that they will probably end up nerfing this build is by making items within the build more expensive. That's the most logical way to do so as it does not directly affect the way the build is played as it is viable, but at the same time isn't hurting other champs who would build items that he ends up using. Otherwise I think people should just deal with it. It's nothing new since Urgot was first blue build champ before this came about.
Not going to happen. None of the items that blue ez uses are even remotely considered overpowered. They're not going to nerf items to nerf ez. That's silly. I don't even think blue ez is really a broken build. It's annoying, but it can really shoot yourself in the foot when you play against certain hard engage comps or late game comes around and the enemy has a more traditional AD carry.
Thanks Jebus, I haven't had time to catch the matches so that was a great help! SEA why you so scrubby ):

Well as expected we are seeing China and Korea stomping their way to the finals. IMO, Korea has the slight edge in skill, but China is of course the home team. It'll be close, and ultimately the game is (like it has been) XiaoXiao's to throw.


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
They are nerfing the AD on Lizard Elder and IMO should make it so that the passive true damage can't refresh until it has worn off. The item itself costs nothing for the stats it gives and is very broken at the moment, especially considering its amazingly good build path.
Korea vs. North America - Game 1
Korea is on blue side.

Korea: Renekton / Karthus / Shen
NA: Lee Sin / Twisted Fate / Jayce

Korea: Rumble / Thresh / Caitlyn / Kennen / Zac
NA: Diana / Ryze / Nautilus / Lulu / Ezreal

Top: Ambition (Kennen) vs. scarra (Ryze)
Mid: PraY & MadLife (Caitlyn/Thresh) vs. Doublelift & Xpecial (Ezreal/Lulu)
Bot: Shy (Rumble) vs. Dyrus (Diana)
Jungle: inSec (Zac) vs. Saintvicious (Nautilus)

- PraY picks up first blood off a hook from MadLife.
- Scarra kills PraY off a prolonged gank mid from Saintvicious.
- PraY gets another kill in mid off a MadLife hook.
- Korea pick up four kills over the next five minutes through great solo lane plays or fights in the jungle, with no response from NA.
- Korea pick up a 12 minute Dragon, then take NA's mid turret.
- Korea extend their lead to 10-1 by the 15 minute mark, aggressively diving towers across the map and taking a 4-0 turret lead.
- NA get their second kill when Shy overextends on a dive.
- On the Dragon's respawn at 18 minutes, NA is unable to contest once again. Saint is picked off on the retreat.
- By 20 minutes, NA has lost all of their inner turrets and is down 13-2.
- Korea win a 3-0 teamfight in the mid lane, eliciting a sub-23 minute surrender from North America.

- NA got shitstomped in every single lane and by 10 minutes no amount of technical skill could trump the fact that every single member of KR was 3-0 and every member of NA was 0-3.
- madlife is god

Winner: Korea (1-0)


Korea vs. North America - Game 2
NA is on blue side.

NA: Lee Sin / Jayce / Twisted Fate
Korea: Karthus / Rumble / Renekton

NA: Diana / Nautilus / Sona / Graves / Kha'Zix
Korea: Ryze / Thresh / Zac / Caitlyn / Kennen

Top: Dyrus (Kha'Zix) vs. Shy (Ryze)
Mid: scarra (Diana) vs. PraY & MadLife (Caitlyn/Thresh)
Bot: Doublelift & Xpecial (Graves/Sona) vs. Ambition (Kennen)
Jungle: Saintvicious (Nautilus) vs. inSec (Zac)

- Korea pick up first blood when MadLife hooks Dyrus by red buff before minions spawn.
- NA equalize the score with a dive onto Ambition in the bottom lane and a great Flash+hook.
- Korea dive mid and kill Saint when MadLife hooks him, but miscalculate and lose MadLife to scarra's Diana.
- NA pick up an uncontested 10 minute Dragon, but lose their outer mid turret to PraY.
- Dyrus dies to Shy and MadLife in the top lane.
- Scarra initiates a fight mid and manages to kill Ambition.
- Lack of Crescendo from the last engage leads to Saint dying by the bottom lane tribush in a 3v3.
- Korea pick up four more kills over ten minutes while NA only get one; Korea also snatch Dragon.
- NA get a good fight top lane when Shy and Ambition are caught out of position, and Doublelift gets a double kill.
- Prolonged fight in top lane eventually escalates to a full blown 5v5, which ends in a 4 for 4 with an advantage for Korea.
- Korea sneak a 27 minute four-man Baron.
- Ambition is able to 1v1 a split pushing Doublelift in the bottom lane while the rest of the Korean team wins a 4v4 inside NA's base, killing their top inhibitor.
- NA desperately try to pick off Ambition in a last-ditch teamfight, but Korea peel excellently and come out ahead 4-0, eliciting a 32 minute surrender from the Americans and advancing to the finals.

- A much tighter early game actually saw the Americans ahead in gold for brief moments in time - however, allowing MadLife to play Thresh again and generally leaving the Koreans to farm effectively meant that the NA team was out-muscled and outplayed in teamfights due to the superior coordination and cohesion of their Asian counterparts.
- NA's heavy reliance on Doublelift fell through as Korea was able to either forcibly pull him out of position with brilliant play from MadLife or eliminate him as a threat completely with Ambition's Kennen. In particular, Ambition managed to stop Doublelift from split pushing in game 2, a tactic that DL normally resorts to when his team is behind and he needs to make plays.

Winner: Korea (2-0)

Korea vs. China - Game 1
Korea is on blue side.
Title in hide tag is spoiler-friendly.

Korea: Hecarim / Jarvan IV / Kha'Zix
China: Rumble / Kennen / Ryze

Korea: Twisted Fate / Thresh / Jayce / Tristana / Lee Sin
China: Zac / Caitlyn / Diana / Lulu / Nocturne

Top: Shy (Jayce) vs. Pdd (Zac)
Mid: Ambition (Twisted Fate) vs. Misaya (Diana)
Bot: PraY & MadLife (Tristana/Thresh) vs. Weixiao & XiaoXiao (Caitlyn/Lulu)
Jungle: inSec (Lee Sin) vs. Troll (Nocturne)

- An extremely tense level 1 invade results in inSec successfully stealing Troll's blue buff.
- Ambition hits 6 and ports bottom, getting first blood for Korea and kills on both Weixiao and XiaoXiao.
- The double kill bottom lets Korea take an uncontested 8 minute Dragon.
- Troll ganks top, but inSec is already there and Ambition arrives five seconds later to convert the gank into a 2-0 for Korea. However, Ambition lands a solo kill onto PraY in the bottom lane.
- China and Korea trade kills across the map until the score is 9-5 at 20 minutes, and Korea has about a 7k gold advantage.
- Korea play the war of attrition very well, extending their gold lead until China is forced to initiate. Korea come out 2-0 and take two inhibitors, then take Baron.
- China surrender at 31 minutes.

- An extremely close early game tipped slightly in Korea's favor. Korea was able to make plays across the map and frequently caught two or three players, while China's plays were only able to kill one or two.
- Korea's late-game composition pulled ahead in the mid-game, leaving absolutely no breathing room for the Chinese. Korea were very patient but also aggressive, and had an 8-1 turret lead before China was forced to initiate.

Winner: Korea (1-0)


Korea vs. China - Game 2
China is on blue side.

China: Kennen / Lee Sin / Ryze
Korea: Hecarim / Rumble / Twisted Fate

China: Thresh / Jarvan IV / Zac / Vayne / Malphite
Korea: Jayce / Kha'Zix / Gragas / Caitlyn / Lulu

Top: Pdd (Zac) vs. Shy (Jayce)
Mid: ?????
Bot: ?????
Jungle: Troll (Jarvan IV) vs. inSec (Gragas)

- Both teams lane swapped over and over again for the first seven minutes, with China preferring to send Misaya's Malphite against Korea's duo lane and Korea preferring the traditional Misaya vs. Ambition and duo vs. duo. There were about 6 or 7 lane swaps , with all laners staying pretty even in CS.
- Shy picks up first blood at 8 minutes against Pdd in the top lane.
- China attempts to contest Korea's blue, but loses Troll to MadLife.
- Pdd is killed again by Shy at 11 minutes in a 1v1 fight.
- 2 for 1 trade bottom lane in China's favor, with Troll getting a double kill.
- Troll gets picked off and blown up by inSec and Ambition, while Shy picks up his third solo kill on Pdd in the top lane.
- Shy gets a solo kill on Misaya in the top lane, and Korea take an uncontested Dragon.
- China start what seems to be a good fight and nearly kill Shy, but he gets away and Korea ends up winning the teamfight 2-1.
- Ambition catches out XiaoXiao and kills him, and Korea win the teamfight 5-0 in a dominating display of power at 21 minutes.
- China manage to pick off PraY, but the 0/1 AD carry wasn't making a huge difference in fights anyway. Korea is able to come out 4-2, and take Baron at 24 minutes. Shy is now 9/0/3 and inSec is 6/1/6 on jungle Gragas.
- XiaoXiao lands a Flash+hook on Shy and China immediately blow EVERYTHING to follow up, but Shy still stays alive with MadLife's help. Korea take the last teamfight of the tournament 3-0, with a triple kill for PraY

- Lane swaps left little room for big plays in the beginning, with mid and bottom lanes staying pretty even.
- An early gank from inSec blew Pdd's ultimate, which allowed Shy to begin the snowball that would ultimately decide the game. His Jayce ended 9/0/7, and removed Pdd as a tanky threat while making PraY's role on the Korean team redundant.

Winner: Korea (2-0)

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