Pokémon XY General Discussion

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I would not be surprised if it turned out that he was a troll who actually did have access to the four English names early (and maybe some other info), and then made up a bunch of other stuff. Then once the four names were confirmed, everyone would naturally believe the rest of it, including the stuff that was made up.

Although I definitely think a new type is likely based on Pokemon Smash, the other rumors range from plausible to very hard to believe.
Although I definitely think a new type is likely based on Pokemon Smash, the other rumors range from plausible to very hard to believe.
I'm with you on the new type part. It almost seems obvious with all the hype around sylveon, the smash segment, etc.

plus some people may be against it, but i for one want a new type. It would shake things up a bit and if used right could turn the metagame upside down


Cod Mod
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Nah, the new type speculation and rumours appear every generation. But this time, there wasn't really anything contradicting them, actually quite the opposite. GameFreak have repeatedly addressed the typings of Sylveon, Xerneas and Yveltal, but they haven't given as much as a hint until last Sunday. They could have ignored the type question entirely - as they did with the species names, for instance, but they kept posting those ???s wherever they could. They want us to discuss the typings.

As for why "Fairy" is the most popular theory... well, I guessed it's partly because of the obviousness of (as well as vehement opposition to) a Light type (which half the fans want to complement Dark, and the other half want just to make the former shut up about it). Fairy became the most prominent theory because of Sylveon's appearance. It's too damn hard to label as anything else. "Fairy" is also a label that could be put on very many existing Pokémon across all generations, thus making a retype less "forced". This is unlike other proposed types, such as "Love", "Sound", "Glass", "Gem", etc. Also, a fairy type would cater to the crowd of Pokémon-playing girls, offering them some Pokémon that retain their cuteness upon evolution, but also gets butt-kicking powers (see Aron and Whismur versus Skitty and Jigglypuff). Fairy simply seems plausible, and GameFreak has done nothing to dampen the rumours.

Come the next generation, though, and I guess a Light type crowd will return. Until we get it, those rumours will never die down. If we do get it, though, I guess they would just find something else to wish for.
None of the new type theories have a single leg to stand on imo. They're nothing but grasping for straws. A lot of people are going to be really upset when Sylveon just turns out to be Flying type.
None of the new type theories have a single leg to stand on imo. They're nothing but grasping for straws. A lot of people are going to be really upset when Sylveon just turns out to be Flying type.
I'd say the pokebeach source has *some* sort of leg to stand on considering the names
None of the new type theories have a single leg to stand on imo. They're nothing but grasping for straws. A lot of people are going to be really upset when Sylveon just turns out to be Flying type.
Please explain why the exact text caption "Super effective?!" appeared on Pokemon Smash when they were testing the effectiveness of Poison-type on Shokotan/Sylveon.
None of the new type theories have a single leg to stand on imo. They're nothing but grasping for straws. A lot of people are going to be really upset when Sylveon just turns out to be Flying type.
That would be the greatest troll. "SYLVEON? WHAT IS IT? WHAT COULD IT BE? IS IT THIS? NO. THAT? NOPE. WE WON'T TELL YOU THOUGH BECAUSE IT'S SO MYSTERIOOOOOOOOUSit'saflyingtypesorrygohomewewantedtowasteyourtime."
I will be legitimately disappointed if after all this hype Sylveon turns out to be just flying.

Dark Fallen Angel

That would be the greatest troll. "SYLVEON? WHAT IS IT? WHAT COULD IT BE? IS IT THIS? NO. THAT? NOPE. WE WON'T TELL YOU THOUGH BECAUSE IT'S SO MYSTERIOOOOOOOOUSit'saflyingtypesorrygohomewewantedtowasteyourtime."
I will be legitimately disappointed if after all this hype Sylveon turns out to be just flying.
What if they changed type chart to make Poison super-effective against Flying?

On a more serious note, I would like to know where is the logic on Poison being super-effective against Fairy, assuming that this type existed. It makes much sense if Fire, Dark, and Electric are super-effective against it.
What if they changed type chart to make Poison super-effective against Flying?

On a more serious note, I would like to know where is the logic on Poison being super-effective against Fairy, assuming that this type existed. It makes much sense if Fire, Dark, and Electric are super-effective against it.
How would Fire, Dark, and/or Electric make any more sense than Poison
I thought Poison being SE was reasonable, because every time you pollute or litter a Fairy dies. And Fire was said to resist it. What confuses me is why it would be SE on Fighting (other than Nintendo realizing the monster it unleashed in Gen V.)
I don't want dual-type attacks.

Gen V is my least favorite gen (the only I might never buy), and it was partially because of gimmicky crap like the "dream world" and triple battles.

Dual type attacks really sound like overkill when regular moves can already inflict x6 damage against things if all the multipliers stack up right.

I know Pokemon still has single-player mode, but it's about damn time that gamefreak realized that they need to make the competitive side of Pokemon and the single-player side of Pokemon synergize better with one another, which means less gimmicky things that only exist in single-player and more things that are applicable inside and out side the single-player experience.
I would not be surprised if it turned out that he was a troll who actually did have access to the four English names early (and maybe some other info), and then made up a bunch of other stuff. Then once the four names were confirmed, everyone would naturally believe the rest of it, including the stuff that was made up.

Although I definitely think a new type is likely based on Pokemon Smash, the other rumors range from plausible to very hard to believe.
Excactly! All the other things the pokebeach guy said are farfetched theories many fans wanted since the announcement of XY.
I'm not saying they're impossible, but think of it:
Dual typed attacks?
Reverse started triangle?

Although the rest don't seem impossible tbh, I can totally see the sky battle stuff happening.
Dual type attacks really sound like overkill when regular moves can already inflict x6 damage against things if all the multipliers stack up right.
You forgot Dry skin and Blaze :D x11.7 damage :D :D :D
I don't believe this Pokebeach stuff for one lousy second.
Well, most of it. At this point, I don't think a new type, dare I say Fairy, would be all that surprising considering all of the hype for Sylveon's typing and such. But... 2 Mewtwo forms? The ability to see EVs? We're never going to see EVs... They're put in there to personalize people's Pokemon, why would they ever represent that directly to the player as a number? It just seems like a bunch of possible truths mixed with outright lies.
Well, IVs are the ones that personalize your Pokemon. And teach kids that some Pokemon are just straight out superior to others. But EVs are just your level of training. It doesn't seem to out there for them to become more open.

Dark Fallen Angel

I thought Poison being SE was reasonable, because every time you pollute or litter a Fairy dies. And Fire was said to resist it. What confuses me is why it would be SE on Fighting (other than Nintendo realizing the monster it unleashed in Gen V.)
it would make sense if fairy resisted fighting. because why creatres of justice would dare hurting other creatures of justice?

also, dark, fire, and electric make more sense because; dark has to do with light vs darkness and what other stronger creatures like demons can do against fairies. fire because it can burn the fairies themselves to ashes, as well as the habitat where they live, although one could argue that this is a reason to why fire is super effective on grass. about electric, it simply was a idea that i had on the light-type hyping time where i said that eletricity can disrupt light sources.

about the poison-fairy thing, they can do this to try to encourage more use of poison-type attacks since they are only super-effective against grass; however, poison-type attacks would still have poor coverage and on the competitive metagame i doubt if they would be more used.

about the double-type move idea, it seems reasonable, though i wonder what would happen if, for example, scald was changed to be a water/fire-type move, what would happen? would sun boost it or hinder it? what about rain? would ferrothorn be 2x weak to it or just neutral to it?
I could quote many more posts from previous pages but you get the picture.

Can somebody please provide a link to the pokebeach rumors?

Iirc the ONLY thing he got right so far was Helioptile's name. Fairy type, dual typed moves, EV-training mini-games etc are still just speculation.
What am I missing here? What has Pokebeach said that has been confirmed?
It's false or wrong info. I had disproved it earlier in the thread, but all the posts on that seem to have been deleted.
it would make sense if fairy resisted fighting. because why creatres of justice would dare hurting other creatures of justice?
Why are we assuming Fairies are creatures of justice
Most of them are kind of jerks! And would-be fairy types in the rumors? Also kind of jerks
also, dark, fire, and electric make more sense because; dark has to do with light vs darkness and what other stronger creatures like demons can do against fairies.
Fairies =/= light & Dark =/= actual darkness. They are just super jerks
fire because it can burn the fairies themselves to ashes, as well as the habitat where they live,
Well following this logic poison can just as easily apply to poison.
And be applied to make Fire strong against anything
although one could argue that this is a reason to why fire is super effective on grass.
Not so much "argued" as it is "the exact reason" I'd think
about electric, it simply was a idea that i had on the light-type hyping time where i said that eletricity can disrupt light sources.
Yeah that...sure is a reason that makes sense.

All of your logic seems to be more focused on "Fairies are just light type" which seems a bit off
it would make sense if fairy resisted fighting. because why creatres of justice would dare hurting other creatures of justice?
Really depends on what type of fairies you're envisioning. There's the stylised fairies of Victorian England that got translated into Tinkerbells in modern culture.

Then there's the OLD fairy (or faerie) tales from places like Ireland, that tend to be a bit more gruesome and cautionary. The phrase "away with the fairies" is meant as a BAD thing you know!
I don't want dual-type attacks.

Gen V is my least favorite gen (the only I might never buy), and it was partially because of gimmicky crap like the "dream world" and triple battles.
Saying it's a gimmick is the same as saying double battles in third gen was a gimmick or contests in 3rd and 4th or mining in 4th. This was no different from any other gen in that aspect.

Dual type attacks really sound like overkill when regular moves can already inflict x6 damage against things if all the multipliers stack up right.
I explained earlier how it could be done where it wouldn't be broken. Just do half the damage with one type and half with the other. Then fire/flying on a grass/bug pokemon would still only be x4 effective.

I know Pokemon still has single-player mode, but it's about damn time that gamefreak realized that they need to make the competitive side of Pokemon and the single-player side of Pokemon synergize better with one another, which means less gimmicky things that only exist in single-player and more things that are applicable inside and out side the single-player experience.
How does that mean they need to take out things from single-player? A lot of people enjoy the single player. They don't need to remove things from single-player so that multiplayer stuff can exist. They coexist just fine.
So I'm more fascinate by this quote from Pokebeach:
According to the Spanish site:

Yveltal appears as a Destroyer of Worlds type Pokemon. When wars happen it descends from the heavens to destroy both sides of the conflict as well as the world.
Xerneas appears as a Creator/Purity of Earth type Pokemon. After the world is destroyed Xerneas comes to rebuild the region..
I'ma go look into this, I wanna see if it's being passed off as factual Pokedex entries/species names, or something to that extent
Actually, yeah I can see why Fairy would be SE on Fighting if these are trickster Fairies. Fighting is honourable and vulnerable to tricks and... er, this is kind of the Fighting beating Dark explanation in reverse, isn't it? Still, if Fairies aren't out and out evil, then maybe the Good beats Evil thing doesn't apply here.
None of the new type theories have a single leg to stand on imo. They're nothing but grasping for straws. A lot of people are going to be really upset when Sylveon just turns out to be Flying type.
A new type seems very plausible being as we havent had one in a WHILE, all the hype around sylveon, The smash segments, plus gamefreak is probaly thinking a new type would spice the game up a bit, changing the metagame. Starting the metagame from scratch again would help some new players get into the competitive scene.

flying would be the least likely to happen imo. Look at the pokemon, nothing about it says flying.
I noticed that the boxes for X and Y look kind of thick. Are they supposed to come packaged with something, or are 3DS game cases just unneccesarily thick?

And I'm also highly convinced that the mystery Pokemon seen in the new Pokedex shot is
I don't want dual-type attacks.

Gen V is my least favorite gen (the only I might never buy), and it was partially because of gimmicky crap like the "dream world" and triple battles.

Dual type attacks really sound like overkill when regular moves can already inflict x6 damage against things if all the multipliers stack up right.

I know Pokemon still has single-player mode, but it's about damn time that gamefreak realized that they need to make the competitive side of Pokemon and the single-player side of Pokemon synergize better with one another, which means less gimmicky things that only exist in single-player and more things that are applicable inside and out side the single-player experience.
A leaker on 4chan's /vp/ has clarified that there are no dual-typed attacks; he used the example of a Fighting-type attack that gets STAB when used by a Fighting-type Pokemon, but its weakness and resistances are calculated as if it were a Flying-type attack, kind of like Psyshock using the opponent's Defense stat in calculating damage.
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