Silly Things You've Seen In Other Metagames

Dangit i forgot. i keep forgetting things.
I've seen FEAR before on the low ladder. it does work, provided there is no gengar or sheddy. I once saw a full FEAR team, but it failed miserably due to the fact that it was all ratatta named "top percent" and apparently none of them possessed scrappy.
I've seen FEAR before on the low ladder. it does work, provided there is no gengar or sheddy.
Against a player who even has a clue what FEAR is, it should never work unless you're using shedinja. Here's a list of things that beat FEAR:
- Status
- Hazards
- NOT ATTACKING FIRST TURN AGAINST A LEVEL 1 RATATA (let's face it, that thing isn't gonna be able to kill you even when you're at 13 HP)
- Multi-hit moves
- Mold breaker (assuming sturdy)
- Switching
- Fake Out
- Extremespeed
- U-turn/Volt switch
- Ghost types (like you said)
- Rocky helmet
- Spiky Shield
- Recovery moves
- Did I mention that if you take out one mon from the FEAR team, you automatically win?

Yeah don't use FEAR in BH or even OU, period.
I don't know what the person that wasn't Kingslayer2779 was thinking.
Nor do I know what either of these people were thinking, other than, let's make a team with all the -us pokes on it.
As soon as I saw the teams, I knew this belonged here.
I can't even.....
Other than pelipper, it's not that bad, but WTF PELIPPER???!!!!
What's up with all the pelippers? Also WTF are you doing not toxicing the shedinja???
This was bad for 2 reasons.
1. The team had 3 pokes (and won)
2. E-Speed on Aggron? When YOU HAVE EARTHQUAKE.
Guy says his opponent needs help, later forfeits.
Not sure, but last I checked, me first wasn't viable.
Greatest match ever. Looks like some people don't know what haxmons is. (*Cough* Fire Blast, Stone Edge T-tar *Cough*). They thought they set a record for crits.
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WP Jellicent new meta.
If your Thunderbolt can't KO an Aerodactyl with a crit, you probably shouldn't be using Thunderbolt. There's also a Scyther that wasn't sent out.
Focus Sash Self-Destruct Weezing, which only failed to KO Tentacruel because of a timely Scald burn. Also, the other guy used Toxic Spikes while Tentacruel was in reserve.
Smeargle without a sash, Meowth (with one), Contrary Shell Smash Shuckle, and a Darkrai using Psych Up on said Shuckle.
LEFTOVERS MAWILE. Not sure if Mawilite is still legal in Monotype, but that is dumb either way. Also, Whimsicott thinking it could do something to Ferrothorn with Giga Drain, Blizzard+Aqua Tail Azumarill, Magical Leaf (also on Ferrothorn)+Moonblast Mega Gardevoir, and a Sylveon finding out the hard way that Draining Kiss makes contact (don't worry, I did too).
Metronome Battles: Team Magikarp vs. Team Feebas Edition
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Kit Kasai

Love colored magic
u w0t m8
[22:32:07] DreMZ: I challenge user Kit Kasai to a Pokemon Battle
[22:32:13] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): u w0t m8
[22:32:16] lol kek: Bug Catcher Kit
[22:32:17] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): u wanna fite
[22:32:24] DreMZ: yes nerd
[22:32:25] DreMZ: fite me
[22:32:31] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): go sharpweedle
[22:32:38] DreMZ: i chose you, venonaw
[22:32:49] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): u w0t m8
[22:32:58] DreMZ: implying
[22:32:58] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): d0nt' git in the way
[22:33:03] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): of a pokman battle
[22:33:04] DreMZ: this is real pokemon battle scrub
[22:33:13] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): sharpweedle use horn attack
[22:33:25] %Uselesscrab: you got rekt
[22:33:29] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): u w0t
[22:33:31] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): cowrd
[22:33:33] DreMZ: then go for a poison slam
[22:33:35] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): using protect
[22:33:39] DreMZ: aim for his horn
[22:33:44] DreMZ: u wot
[22:33:46] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): sharpweedle takes it like a boss
[22:33:50] DreMZ: its like you don't even smash bros
[22:33:55] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): cuz he's boss
[22:34:06] DreMZ: but u forgot venonaws ability
[22:34:12] DreMZ: sharpweedle is poisoned
[22:34:14] DreMZ: ;)
[22:34:18] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): shit
[22:34:20] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): m8
[22:34:34] DreMZ: Venonaw use Hyper Bite!
[22:34:38] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): sharpweedle use fasad
[22:34:43] DreMZ: fuck
[22:34:44] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): boost power by poison
[22:34:45] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): m8
[22:34:50] DreMZ: damn I got retk
[22:34:56] DreMZ: venonaw is kill
[22:35:01] DreMZ: i send out my strongest pokemon
[22:35:02] DreMZ: go
[22:35:04] DreMZ: Snoopachu
[22:35:15] DreMZ: snoopachu use blaze
[22:35:20] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): damn
[22:35:27] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): can you pass me that
[22:35:30] DreMZ: now ur sharpweedle is high as fuck
[22:35:32] DreMZ: hell yea m8
[22:35:35] je ne suis pas: o-o
[22:35:36] • %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿) blaze
[22:35:41] • DreMZ blaze
[22:35:58] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): m8
[22:36:10] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): return sharpweedle
[22:36:17] DreMZ: lel
[22:36:28] %Uselesscrab: what is going on here
[22:36:28] DreMZ: sharpweedle couldn't balze it with the big boys
[22:36:33] DreMZ: Pokemon Uselesscrab
[22:36:36] DreMZ: Pokemon is happening
[22:36:45] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): go magnebro
[22:36:58] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): use lighty attack
[22:37:08] DreMZ: snoopachu get high as fuck
[22:37:09] DreMZ: and dodge it
[22:37:31] DreMZ: then go for smokescreen
[22:37:51] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): damn
[22:37:55] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): magnebro can't see
[22:38:15] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): magnebro
[22:38:16] je ne suis pas: O-o
[22:38:17] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): use thischarge
[22:38:22] DreMZ: damn!
[22:38:26] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): always hits
[22:38:27] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): ,8
[22:38:30] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): m8
[22:38:30] DreMZ: fuck
[22:38:46] DreMZ: snoopachu retaliate with 420 Arrows
[22:38:51] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): damn
[22:39:00] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): but
[22:39:03] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): you didn't notice
[22:39:10] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): magnebro has air balon
[22:39:15] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): oh shit it's arrows
[22:39:16] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): damn
[22:39:26] DreMZ: Yep
[22:39:27] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): u g0t me this time m8
[22:39:33] DreMZ: also ur magnebro is now high as fuck
[22:39:39] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): magnebro fainted
[22:39:43] DreMZ: thanks to snoopachu's ability
[22:40:20] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): go
[22:40:24] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): 4chantress
[22:40:28] DreMZ: fuck
[22:40:35] DreMZ: >not hit4chan
[22:40:40] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): use sneak rock thing
[22:40:48] DreMZ: oh no not sneaky pebbles
[22:41:07] DreMZ: snoopachu is too high
[22:41:11] DreMZ: it faints
[22:41:18] DreMZ: go smogonbird
[22:41:23] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): oh no
[22:41:31] DreMZ: use Stealth Rocks
[22:41:36] DreMZ: because that move is Smogon aproved
[22:41:45] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): 4chan use really fast spin
[22:41:49] DreMZ: damn
[22:42:02] DreMZ: Smogonbird use Gust
[22:42:10] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): damn
[22:42:13] DreMZ: it has +1 priority so I outspeed ur 4chantress
[22:42:24] • %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿) hold up red card
[22:42:28] DreMZ: fuck
[22:42:34] DreMZ: didn't realize we were playing soccer scrub
[22:42:37] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): m8
DreMZ left
[22:42:39] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): futbol
DreMZ joined
[22:42:53] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): u run away m8
[22:42:55] DreMZ: nah
[22:42:58] DreMZ: i got red carded
[22:43:01] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): lol
[22:43:09] DreMZ: totally meant to do that
[22:43:17] DreMZ: anyways
[22:43:26] DreMZ: no es fake was forced out
[22:43:36] DreMZ: noesfake uses fairy-type
[22:43:48] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): m8
[22:43:50] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): resist m8
[22:44:06] DreMZ: shit
[22:44:08] DreMZ: i forgot
[22:44:10] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): 4chantress use mega boom explode attack
[22:44:13] DreMZ: damn
[22:44:16] DreMZ: noesfake fainted
[22:44:17] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): 4chantress fainted
[22:44:33] DreMZ: go Delibird
[22:44:54] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): go GYARaDOS
[22:45:04] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): use potato stonoe
[22:45:07] DreMZ: damn
[22:45:11] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): evolve into GYARaDOS-Potato
[22:45:19] DreMZ: Delibird use being a bird
[22:45:30] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): oh no
[22:45:32] DreMZ: GYARaDOS-Potato is weak to bird
[22:45:33] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): the birds
[22:45:34] DreMZ: :^)
[22:45:51] %Uselesscrab: gotta go
[22:45:54] %Uselesscrab: and escape this idiocy
[22:45:55] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): bye
[22:45:56] DreMZ: bye crab
%Uselesscrab left
[22:45:57] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): lol
[22:46:00] DreMZ: rude
[22:46:01] DreMZ: :(
[22:46:17] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): return GYARaDOS
[22:46:51] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): go regipaper
[22:46:55] DreMZ: damn
[22:47:07] DreMZ: /wait//
[22:47:14] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): regipaper use cut
[22:47:17] DreMZ: Delibird use Scissor
[22:47:21] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): gdi
[22:47:31] DreMZ: it works because Delibird is weak to Rock
[22:47:34] DreMZ: So it's obviously Scissors
[22:47:36] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): regipaper die
[22:48:07] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): go sock
[22:48:12] DreMZ: fuck
[22:48:13] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): use sock slide
[22:48:19] DreMZ: damn
[22:48:26] DreMZ: delibird fainted
[22:48:36] DreMZ: go Landorous-Furry
[22:48:40] DreMZ: use MLP
[22:48:43] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): m8
[22:48:47] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): sock is intimidated
[22:48:56] DreMZ: lel
[22:49:02] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): sock faints
[22:49:05] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): weak to fairy type
[22:49:14] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): m8
[22:49:18] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): this my last pokemon
[22:49:24] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): prepare ur anus
[22:49:28] DreMZ: oh fuk
[22:49:50] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): go kevin durant
[22:49:55] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): use hustle
[22:49:56] DreMZ: !!!
[22:49:57] DreMZ: shit
[22:50:04] DreMZ: Landorous-Furry fainted
[22:50:32] DreMZ: go Arhops
[22:50:37] DreMZ: Arhops used Art
[22:50:54] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): arhop learned hustle by using art
[22:51:04] DreMZ: stron
[22:51:07] DreMZ: too bad arhops sucks
[22:51:21] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): kevin durant use sharpen fingers
[22:51:27] DreMZ: oh fuk
[22:51:31] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): b00st my accuracy m8
[22:51:35] DreMZ: damn
[22:51:44] DreMZ: you're not ready for fready m8
[22:51:49] DreMZ: I mega evolve my Arhops
[22:51:53] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): w0t
[22:51:59] DreMZ: now its Mega Arhops X
[22:52:03] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): u w0t
[22:52:10] DreMZ: I'm not done though
[22:52:15] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): boi
[22:52:15] DreMZ: I activate my trap card
[22:52:33] DreMZ: I can now Digivolve my Mega Arhops X into
[22:52:38] DreMZ: Mecha Mega Arhops X Omega
[22:52:39] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): u w0t m8
[22:52:55] DreMZ: ur move m8
[22:53:23] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): kevin durant use ultimate move
[22:53:25] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): giga horn breaker
[22:53:30] DreMZ: shit
[22:53:38] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): boost accuracy too
[22:53:40] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): so i cant miss
[22:53:51] DreMZ: Mecha Mega Arhops X Omega ability activate so that instead of dying it unevolves
[22:53:57] DreMZ: So now its just Mega Arhops X again
[22:53:58] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): w0t u do now m8
[22:54:02] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): w0t
[22:54:03] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): haxor
[22:54:15] DreMZ: Meag Arhops X uses Double Team
[22:54:19] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): kevin durant must recharge
[22:54:27] DreMZ: Mega Arhops X uses Minimize
[22:54:30] DreMZ: His ability is Simple
[22:54:34] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): u w0t
[22:54:44] DreMZ: Mega Arhops X uses klutz
[22:54:45] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): kevin durant use sharpen fingers a lot of times
[22:54:55] DreMZ: increases power equal to users evasion
[22:54:59] DreMZ: also increase evasion by 1 stage
[22:55:00] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): u w0t
[22:55:23] DreMZ: Mega Arhops X uses Art
[22:55:29] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): oh shit
[22:55:34] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): you arted mega drill breaker
[22:55:41] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): no my ultimate move
[22:55:43] DreMZ: es ogre for u
[22:55:52] DreMZ: Mega Arhops X uses Mega Drill Breaker
[22:56:10] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): kevin durant die
[22:56:11] DreMZ: it misses because Arhops is a terrible user
[22:56:14] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): m8
[22:56:22] poopsandwhich: lol, dafug guys?
[22:56:27] • %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿) run away and don't pay prize money
[22:56:31] %Kit Kasai (◕‿◕✿): cuz I'm cheap
[22:56:31] DreMZ: wow ok rude
The Reptile
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Yes, I know I'm double posting, but this didn't really fit in with the rant above. Plus, this is BH, not CH.
WTF did I just watch?
What the literal fuck was this?
I have a great idea, let's let shedinja get to +4 attack and speed by uselessly attacking it so we can get swept by deoxys attack that got baton passed the boosts.
Nothing to see here, just a team of 6 weedles winning.
Bounce Zebstika, new meta.
Failure to stop entry hazards from being placed may result in not successfully using FEAR.
Liquid Ooze Blissey, that's .... interesting.
A team with 4 goomys, and a rank of 1457.
And last but certainly not least, 2 teams so unviable the guys name was literally dumb teams 101.
Physical Exploud? You're giving up probably its best asset for that? At least it had Scrappy. Gunk Shot Mega Banette is also odd. And just what is it with Persian on normal monos?
Miltank, Body Slam Mega Aggron for no apparent reason, and Weavile failing at Fake Out.

"Tangela used Leech Seed! It doesn't affect Bellossom..." (in PU)
Mono fairy in triples, including Clefairy and Jigglypuff. And it only lost 1-0.
AssistCats: Haxmons Edition. Guest starring Sawk that can't do shit with Counter.
Oh boy...
>miley cyrus based nicknames
Two electric monos, featuring Stunfisk, CroRaikou, NP+Focus Blast+Dark Pulse Thundurus-T, and Air Cutter Zapdos.

Edit: Holy crap, that pic turned out bigger than I thought.
Solarbeam, Energy Ball and BULLET SEED Shaymin. Ignoring that fact that Seed Flare and Giga Drain exist, WHO THE FUCK RUNS BULLET SEED? Breloom
Switching a GARCHOMP into a FAIRY SPAMMING MOONBLAST. And the fact it was Mega confuses me.
Samurott with Hydro Cannon. Because y'know it's SO viable
Giga Drain Kabutops. Why
a Non Mega Blastoise Mega Evolving to use... Blizzard. at least he used Surf afterwards
Hydro Cannon Greninja... At least it was Protean?

Oh wait it used Rock Smash. I'm just gonna go in the corner now...
Thunder and Thunderbolt Mega Ampharos. Makes you wonder why the dude mega evolved Blastoise -_-

Stone Edge Coballion? I don't know Coballion so... maybe just offensive Coballion

Edit: Holy crap, that pic turned out bigger than I thought.
Solarbeam, Energy Ball and BULLET SEED Shaymin. Ignoring that fact that Seed Flare and Giga Drain exist, WHO THE FUCK RUNS BULLET SEED? Breloom
Switching a GARCHOMP into a FAIRY SPAMMING MOONBLAST. And the fact it was Mega confuses me.
Samurott with Hydro Cannon. Because y'know it's SO viable
Giga Drain Kabutops. Why
a Non Mega Blastoise Mega Evolving to use... Blizzard. at least he used Surf afterwards
Hydro Cannon Greninja... At least it was Protean?

Oh wait it used Rock Smash. I'm just gonna go in the corner now...
Thunder and Thunderbolt Mega Ampharos. Makes you wonder why the dude mega evolved Blastoise -_-

Stone Edge Coballion? I don't know Coballion so... maybe just offensive Coballion
I had an ubers battle once again thunder, thunderbolt, discharge, and I think charge beam mega ampharos.
Explosion Onix. Onix has 45 base attack.
Sporing a Poison Heal Snorlax.
Ugh... Air Balloon Jigglypuff, Close Combat Pikachu, probably without Light Ball, Berry Juice Mega Lucario using Close Combat on Arceus-Ghost, Hydro Pump Lugia, and that's just turn 1.
This had the potential to be really, really awkward. But it only lasted one turn, so it was only one really awkward.
Ancient Power. That's all I really need to say here.
Sending in Politoed and Kingdra after your opponent set up Trick Room.
Now, I can see how Cosmic Power Sigilyph can give people trouble. But most people don't have garbage teams.
Well, that was an interesting Venusaur set.
Go ahead and rant about this one. I'm too dumbfounded to do it myself.
Talking shit will not win you many games. Or friends. (And just why do people use Sludge Bomb Tangela?)
Someone got too complacent with his Baton Pass chains, methinks. Also, Imposter Mega Mewtwo Y new meta.
What happens when you abuse Custom Game.
This guy broke one of the most important rules of BH: never lose to Double Dance Shedinja that Baton Passes to Extreme Speed Deoxys-D! (or maybe I just made that up.)

Then again, it would have been hard to win with a team that included Focus Punch Charizard and a Spiky-Eared Pichu.
Not to mention he was Focus Punching when a) without a sub b) asleep and c) AGAINST A GHOST TYPE MON.

Awkward battle that could have last for hours. Featuring a Cosmic Power Clefairy repeatedly switching out at +4/+4, using Trick against things it has already given a Choice Scarf to, refusing to heal itself, etc. while the opponent throws some random Leech Seeds at it (*cough* Magic Guard *cough*) and uses Wish randomly.
Also Toxic'd Growlithe using Bulk Up against a Dragon Tail RestTalk Giratina.

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