Smogon Premier League VII - Week 9 (read post #313)

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is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
After we sweep aside these pieces of shits, I would like to make a formal request to GOAO

Fight me in recycling garbage memes for likes. I'm not calling you out like I called CBB cause unlike him you're actually good. We have our differences but you know that I respect you deep inside and I know you respect me. We don't have to smile for the cameras in public but the mutual respect is there. I'm also not calling you out because I think I will win easily just because I have a good tournament record against you, it's the contrary. I think you're the best player in the Undrafted Unfezants, you have the best record and I want to play the best. I hope you will accept it.

As people you shouldn't refuse a person that has challenged you. It just shows you're a scaredy-cat and you go for the easy route(COPPA ban).
Jirachee Well I wasn't gonna talk about this in public but I guess I have to now.

I am currently doing volunteer work five days a week where I have a lot of breaks and free time during which I get most of the 4hours* (not 8) together. Now, I could of course be using the time to do SPL related stuff (which I really don't have time for when I get home).

But honestly, ever since SPL started Pokemon seemed like more stress for me than a hobby I enjoy. I signed up because I want to have fun and play some good players, not because I want to spend my free time doing something I don't want to do.

Don't get me wrong, I still like playing mons. I like messing around with friends in Random Battles, or waking up at 3am in the morning just to scramble down some crazy team idea I just had. But having to build a counter team in a specific time frame while a bunch of people are pressuring you to show activity and expect you to spend every second on test battles, that's just not for me.

Pokemon is and should be just a hobby for me, and if you are taking this so seriously then I can't help you. I know many other players that don't spend more time in preparing then I do (2-3 hours) and you can't force me to either. I have actually had a lot of fun this SPL, mainly due to xray and the cool people I played against, but apparently that's not important. I will stick to solo tours after this has ended, so that I don't have to deal with this anymore. Have a good day.

E: Ok so, apparently I didn't know Jirachee's post was a meme, but I know BKC is pissed so this still applies.
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formerly Floppy, now Rock hard
Jirachee Well I wasn't gonna talk about this in public but I guess I have to now.

I am currently doing volunteer work five days a week where I have a lot of breaks and free time during which I get most of the 4hours* (not 8) together. Now, I could of course be using the time to do SPL related stuff (which I really don't have time for when I get home).

But honestly, ever since SPL started Pokemon seemed like more stress for me than a hobby I enjoy. I signed up because I want to have fun and play some good players, not because I want to spend my free time doing something I don't want to do.

Don't get me wrong, I still like playing mons. I like messing around with friends in Random Battles, or waking up at 3am in the morning just to scramble down some crazy team idea I just had. But having to build a counter team in a specific time frame while a bunch of people are pressuring you to show activity and expect you to spend every second on test battles, that's just not for me.

Pokemon is and should be just a hobby for me, and if you are taking this so seriously then I can't help you. I know many other players that don't spend more time in preparing then I do (2-3 hours) and you can't force me to either. I have actually had a lot of fun this SPL, mainly due to xray and the cool people I played against, but apparently that's not important. I will stick to solo tours after this has ended, so that I don't have to deal with this anymore. Have a good day.

E: Ok so, apparently I didn't know Jirachee's post was a meme, but I know BKC is pissed so this still applies.

No really
ok congrats, this stupid "f*ck bkc" shit you put in all your posts has finally annoyed me enough to post a wall of text that'd make finchinator shudder. guess I can't help myself help when it comes to getting provoked. spl thread dirty laundry flamewars never end well for those involved but I suppose it's what I get for putting my team in a hole before the season even began, and they deserve an apology for getting screwed

the reason I wanted you on the team was because in spl 3 you were the life of the scooters and pretty much an ideal teammate, and I was super disappointed when we didn't get you the next season. I knew adv was your favorite meta, so I figured you'd be enthusiastic about the season, and we'd all have fun winning pokemon games and hanging out in the channel. I didn't exactly get the hilarious teammate I was hoping for, but that's a secondary thing, and as long as you got some Ws I'd be more than happy. I even sucked it up and did test games, which I fucking hate, with you because that's how badly I wanted us to win. it was already a bad sign when you said "how hard I go depends on how we're looking in the week" I mean seriously, I defended you here against the guys who had a bad feeling about it because I really wanted you to do well but what the fuck is this? this, alongside the attitude you gave me when I questioned the umbreons and brelooms you intended to bring, made me hope against hope that I hadn't fucked my team right from the start.

first week, you figure it'd be beneath you to let me say that I recognized fakes' team, because you are too good and honorable for such lowly tactics. cbgross needlessly getting magged early on when eq forre could've lured it (or... you could've just eqed with gross considering his switchins were cune and pert) and then his curselax ends up sweeping. second week, at the end you take the 100% loss route instead of the very possible ddtar sweep. this clearly wasn't working out. when a guy's not performing, you sit him on the bench and that hopefully motivates him to come back stronger next time. plus, most people don't like letting their team down by losing. however all you cared about playing, so you threw a tantrum and then ditched the team completely, making snide remarks about "bkc's adv prodigy" in other channels. on the other hand, roscoe has played maybe 3 games of it in his life, and he's willing to try it for the sake of the team even though he would much rather be in dpp. your behavior was grounds for a sellback and had I not gotten a deal with the tigers that's exactly what would've happened. of all the people in spl who could've been cancerous, you were possibly the last person I'd have expected it from.

regarding my non-existent managing skills: yeah, you're right. alongside this disastrous pick, not putting isa in rby from the get-go and some other stuff, I'm almost definitely not cut out for it. I really am sorry to all of this season's scooters who couldn't get a trophy because of my decisions. I hope rachee and john get as many of you as possible next year so you can get it because as much as I screamed my head off about everything imaginable this season, you guys worked really hard and are great pokemon players.

cosine: first off I'm not mad (anymore). I initially got angrier than I should've at the tagpro thing since I didn't know your side of the story (BKC raging, what else is new haha am I right), and I'm sorry for that. at least we get a bunch of tagpro-related jokes out of it that will be funny in a few months. as for other stuff: I didn't want you to be on testing your team 24/7 like a robot, I wanted you to be on more to hang out with the guys and be a part of the team. I don't think trying to counterteam your opponent each week is a good idea either, that's why I wanted you to bust out your old stuff more. I wish you could've been more active because you are obviously a hell of a player and a nice guy but real life > pokes, so please don't sweat it, and I appreciate how hard you worked with xray each week despite all you had going on. we all take pokes a bit/way too seriously sometimes, I'm very guilty of that very often, but I really hope you don't swear off team tours because of this, that'd be a damn shame and I think if you just play your game you'll do fine (like in the bw game vs phil, where you picked out the team you liked most and it ended up doing great). plus, xray is gonna need help coming back from the losses cbb starts you off with in wcop. last but not least, if you ever need proof that you don't need to ct the shit out of people to win games or really even prepare at all, look at sweepage (did you see that garb he used this week??? my god)

go wolfpack


the queen bee
is a Tiering Contributorwon the 11th Official Smogon Tournamentis a Past SPL Champion
Can someone pls explain to me why it is so MANDATORY to have to be on IRC when you're playing in a team tournament? I got bitched at repeatedly in the past for not logging in enough. Why though? I didn't care about the bitching then and still don't care now. It's more a curiosity than anything else. What does being on IRC have anything to do with my playing my games?

I expect 10 paragraphs from Finchinator explaining this to me so that I would understand it.


Wir knutschen
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Dedicated Tournament Host Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
Can someone pls explain to me why it is so MANDATORY to have to be on IRC when you're playing in a team tournament? I got bitched at repeatedly in the past for not logging in enough. Why though? I didn't care about the bitching then and still don't care now. It's more a curiosity than anything else. What does being on IRC have anything to do with my playing my games?

I expect 10 paragraphs from Finchinator explaining this to me so that I would understand it.
I will demostrate that to you by giving an example of an average day in #los_tigres


(00:35:46)<Q>[atomicllamas] ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
- 18 h, 29 min
(19:05:15)<Q>[atomicllamas] ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


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OU Leader
It's not mandatory. Most teams just strongly prefer it for communication purposes, I'd say - looking over the team beforehand, offering calcs, etc. so they take advantage of it. I personally want all of my teammates on IRC often for team discussions and just a generally good environment, but obviously other teams are different and other people have different preferences, so it really all boils down to who you ask.


the queen bee
is a Tiering Contributorwon the 11th Official Smogon Tournamentis a Past SPL Champion
Are you implying the chat is typically mundane or atomicllamas is cute? Either ways, I agree with both.

I still don't understand the correlation between playing your games and being forced on IRC. Does being on IRC supposed to benefit you as a player somehow? I prefer to keep my opinions to myself, but quite frankly I think the IRC users are those who can't make it as players. So they need to be on IRC hugging their AVOP or AAOP or that @ or + or whatever it is to feel important. I've had that @ thing next to my name for god knows how long and still don't know what the hell it does.

Also, if I wanted to be social. I'd go out with my REAL LIFE friends and drink at some gay bars, just because the bartenders there know how to make good drinks. Not for any other reason.

Just trying to understand this whole IRC concept and it's overall importance, that's all.

@edit: this was in response to Sapientia'a post.
One of the reasons why I prefer Skype is because I use it for IRL stuff. IRC and Discord are great but I don't use them nearly as often as Skype because I only talk to Smogoners on those platforms, as opposed to Smogoners and IRL people on Skype. With the Tigers, I knew we were picking a fair # of people that weren't very active on IRC / had fairly busy lives, so we exclusively used Skype this year to simplify things. It worked out well for us, even if Skype isn't the best program (understatement of the century).


formerly Floppy, now Rock hard
ok congrats, this stupid "f*ck bkc" shit you put in all your posts has finally annoyed me enough to post a wall of text that'd make finchinator shudder. guess I can't help myself help when it comes to getting provoked. spl thread dirty laundry flamewars never end well for those involved but I suppose it's what I get for putting my team in a hole before the season even began, and they deserve an apology for getting screwed

the reason I wanted you on the team was because in spl 3 you were the life of the scooters and pretty much an ideal teammate, and I was super disappointed when we didn't get you the next season. I knew adv was your favorite meta, so I figured you'd be enthusiastic about the season, and we'd all have fun winning pokemon games and hanging out in the channel. I didn't exactly get the hilarious teammate I was hoping for, but that's a secondary thing, and as long as you got some Ws I'd be more than happy. I even sucked it up and did test games, which I fucking hate, with you because that's how badly I wanted us to win. it was already a bad sign when you said "how hard I go depends on how we're looking in the week" I mean seriously, I defended you here against the guys who had a bad feeling about it because I really wanted you to do well but what the fuck is this? this, alongside the attitude you gave me when I questioned the umbreons and brelooms you intended to bring, made me hope against hope that I hadn't fucked my team right from the start.

first week, you figure it'd be beneath you to let me say that I recognized fakes' team, because you are too good and honorable for such lowly tactics. cbgross needlessly getting magged early on when eq forre could've lured it (or... you could've just eqed with gross considering his switchins were cune and pert) and then his curselax ends up sweeping. second week, at the end you take the 100% loss route instead of the very possible ddtar sweep. this clearly wasn't working out. when a guy's not performing, you sit him on the bench and that hopefully motivates him to come back stronger next time. plus, most people don't like letting their team down by losing. however all you cared about playing, so you threw a tantrum and then ditched the team completely, making snide remarks about "bkc's adv prodigy" in other channels. on the other hand, roscoe has played maybe 3 games of it in his life, and he's willing to try it for the sake of the team even though he would much rather be in dpp. your behavior was grounds for a sellback and had I not gotten a deal with the tigers that's exactly what would've happened. of all the people in spl who could've been cancerous, you were possibly the last person I'd have expected it from.
my negro,

if you had come to me with all this bullshit in a private forum LIKE A REAL MAN WOULD AND SHOULD, i would have broken down just how silly all your little "assumptions" here are; but instead, you've opted for the post-for-likes route, which is not surprising, just quite a bit telling.

nobody gives a fuck about what you want or dont want to do with your team; just learn to fucking communicate you noob. not gonna drop examples cos THIS DOESNT BELONG HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE

i also like how you made it seem as if you flexed the fuck out of your muscles to give some really amazing test battles...something that you so truly hate and dread!

you're a comic bro. U funny


is a Tournament Directoris a Forum Moderatoris a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Two-Time Past SCL Championis a Past WCoP Champion
So now that the regular season is mostly wrapped up, I feel pretty confident in understanding the types of players you'll see in and around SPL. As a relatively new tournament-community transfer, I still have a bunch of ties to the PS / Subforum communities, which has led to a bunch of questions about how to get drafted and what SPL is like. For their sake, I've written up a short guide on a few types of players you are likely to see in SPL:

The Martin Luther King JR (this one is me btw)

It's a Wednesday, you're tired from school, have a shit load of homework to do and no motivation to do it. The weather outside is shitty, nobody feels like hanging out, and you're looking for a way to procrastinate your obligations. "Pokemon seems like a good idea," you think to yourself as you log onto Skype to check whats going on in your team chat to goof off for a few hours.

Lucky you, though, you're about the receive a poorly constructed attempt at a motivational speech that the great doctor himself would probably be proud of. The MLK JR knows no appropriate timing - your team doesn't even have a game today, btw - but he's there doing his damn well best to get everyone FIRED UP for the week. Nevermind his 1-2 record, or the fact that the most notable leadership position he's held before IRL was sitting in the front row of his Pre-Calc class, this man will move heaven and earth to get you to build a solid balance squad for Sunday night.

While the MLK JR can be a little... over-the-top, he means well, and really wants to see your team succeed, just has no idea when or how to help that.

The Super Sub

Well, you're managing a team in playoff contention and it's Sunday night at 8 PM EST and it turns out your enigmatic ADV player has decided to go missing again. Luckily, his opponent is an irate German / French / other EST + a billion nationality player, so it's looking real grim that he's going to wait up any longer to let you get the game in. The backup isn't available, so it's time to turn to The Super Sub.

"Hey, buddy, could you play ADV this week?" you ask with 2 minutes till game-time, with it not crossing your mind that he's had nothing resembling adequate preparation.

The Super Sub looks tentatively at his November 2015 join date, wondering how the fuck he got drafted in the first place, before giving a fakely-enthusiastic "sure thing chief" back to the manager. A few minutes later, he's up against some STour + OST + SPL + WCOP champ in a tier where he only vaguely knows the mechanics using a sample team where he changed one mon with a dex set. Better than nothing, right?

The Super Sub is almost always a good guy - he's just happy to be there, but he gets put in some shit situations. He's almost always put in the unenviable spot of playing a vastly unfamiliar tier, a fact that the entire SmogTours chat is more than happy to forget as they type out "LOL" or "HES SO SHIT" as our boy makes the wrong play. The Super Sub's best plan of action is likely to continue doing his best and working when needed, as a key post-season shoutout about his work "behind the scenes" will increase his value in the next draft by at least 1-2k.

The Vincent Chase

Forget about trying to schedule with this guy if you have even the slightest bit of conflict. Contrary to popular belief, some Elite-Pokemon-Online players actually have a schedule so busy it'd make Obama feel lazy. You'll know you're playing with a Vincent Chase when you post on their wall asking for a time to meet up and receive a litany of issues before even coming close to picking just a day.

You might be thinking "well, what if I just list out huge swaths of time, and let them pick?" Fat chance, bro. Vinny is liable to become ultra-busy at the drop of a hat, part and parcel of having a movie star's level of a social life. Your conversation with this guy will often go like this:

You: hey man, i'm free monday-friday btwn 4PM - 11PM EST, let me know if you can play during those times
Them: friday.
You: Okay sounds good, any particular time so I don't have to be on the computer all day?
Them: *doesn't respond until Sunday night*
You: *on Friday to a SmogTours chat seemingly obsessed with playing nonstop Monotype Random Battles* hey does anyone know where Vincent Chase is?

Scheduling this game is only half the battle though - you'll NEVER be able to call activity on this dude, because he's got PokeLawyers backing him up every step of the way. The best you can hope for is that he'll be so distracted from his wild life that he brings a sub-par team to your game played 2 days and 10 hours passed when you had scheduled as you struggle to stay away because you have to get to bed for work in 4 hours.

The Luis Suarez

You've never seen anything like this! Faced with an almost impossible matchup, your teammate is playing out of his mind to keep himself in the game. He's missed Fire Blasts, Hydro Pumps, he's gotten full para'd and his Latios counter is fast asleep but he's not giving up yet. He's doubling, tripling like someone threatened him with death should he get one 50/50 wrong, and even though you can't see it, he knows that second spike he made seven-plays-in-a-row for is going to be vital for his wincon.

It's 6-5, and you've gotta win to stay alive for playoff contention. SmogTours is going nuts as this man plays like nobody has seen before, and all of a sudden, he wins. All the pressure, all the luck against him, all the matchup and it still didn't matter - Luis Suarez came through when it most mattered. You breath a sigh of relief and head into the SmogTours lobby to revel in the victory with the rest of the community.

It doesn't take long though:

Luis Suarez: Fuck you fucking (BAN ME PLEASE)s, this game is actually too easy, not even a challenge for me
TournamentGuy69: Relax Suarez all I'm saying is you actually misplayed bla bla bla
Luis Suarez: You're a fucking piece of shit dude, you are garbage at this game and you've never had any success etc.

This goes on for hours. Luis Suarez doesn't get tired of arguing, ever, while his opponents tag one another in like a WWE match. For your part, it's a bit tricky - you figure keeping quiet might be best, because it's circular arguing always, but you can't help but jump in - he might be abrasive, he might attack other people, but you'll be damned if you don't let the entire community know that Luis Suarez is the best to ever do it. So long as he keeps winning, you'll gladly defend this man before anyone.

The Guy Who Views SPL As A Transformative Experience

You'll see a lot of this guy if you start breaking into the Tour scene prior to SPL season. He's the one telling you after you win Round 5 of OST "yeah, well played, but that's nothing compared to the type of opponent's you'll face if you get drafted". At the time, especially if you're new, it seems like helpful advice - you might even start thinking "wow I'll have to step up my game to compete with the best of the best".

But it won't take long to realize there's something a little wrong with his perception here. You finally make it to SPL and give your all in the games you do play, ending with a pretty good record. Later in the season, when things are wrapped up, you miss a week as your sister had her first child, and you come back to find that your team has won and you're moving onto playoffs. Happy that you didn't cause them to drop a game, you enter the chat ready to talk a little bit about non-Mons life:

You: Yeah, it was a really incredible day, my whole family was so excited
TGWVSAATE: Dude i know exactly what you're saying, we felt the same way after MoP won a tiebreaker so that we clinched 4th in week 8 in SPL 3

Little things like that will start to add up, and you'll sort of wonder what exactly is going on in this dudes head.

IBM's Supercomputer Watson Disguised As A Slightly-Below-Average Ladder Player

This guy is unbelievable! You've never SEEN someone as good as him at calling-plays after they've already happened! This man knows deep down that he without a doubt would have went to Gyara on a Raikou in order to not let Heatran get up rocks - it was so simple to make that play on Turn 18, when it's Turn 19. Actually - that's another thing - why are all the teams he is seeing so shitty? He knows he could, and has, built better than that in the past, so it doesn't make a lot of sense.

Sporting a 1350 ELO, 72 GXE and 1430 games played on the UU ladder, this guy is pretty confident he knows what he's talking about. Never shy to voice his opinion in the lobby chat, he's convinced that the only reason he wasn't drafted was because SPL really is just a popularity contest. If it wasn't, surely ShakeItUp or BKC or Vinc or one of the other managers would have noticed his multiple 1st place finishes in the Other Metagames Next Best Thing thread. Sigh - whatever - next time, when they're looking for an RU player at mids, he'll be sure to apply, afterall who could turn down someone apparently gifted with the ability to read the future if its already taken place?
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