[Standard] Mafia Rising - Game over, the Second Mafia wins - Postgame

Destiny Warrior

also known as Darkwing_Duck
is a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
This is pretty much impossible for either village or mafia 1 to win at this point.

4 Mafia 2 men, 2 mafia 1 men and 2 villagers are alive.

Village does no own the lynch any more, so mafia 2 can easily tie the lynch and pick off every player left in the game.

I also want to say, this game was very heavily biased towards the mafias. More in the postgame.

a fairy

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This is pretty much impossible for either village or mafia 1 to win at this point.

4 Mafia 2 men, 2 mafia 1 men and 2 villagers are alive.

Village does no own the lynch any more, so mafia 2 can easily tie the lynch and pick off every player left in the game.

I also want to say, this game was very heavily biased towards the mafias. More in the postgame.

Andy Snype

Mr. Music
This is pretty much impossible for either village or mafia 1 to win at this point.

4 Mafia 2 men, 2 mafia 1 men and 2 villagers are alive.

Village does no own the lynch any more, so mafia 2 can easily tie the lynch and pick off every player left in the game.

I also want to say, this game was very heavily biased towards the mafias. More in the postgame.
lol good joke HFB.

Destiny Warrior

also known as Darkwing_Duck
is a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Since I'm not going to win this anyway, I'll start.

I will refer to http://mibpaste.com/at6Yrh . I successfully moled the first mafia, and found all this much earlier(they might remember this....). Note the resurrect. It means that even if were lynching them every cycle(deadtalking on = easy collaboration, since the guy the village lynches c1 becomes an easy way for mafia collaboration),

(Assumes AG was not detected because it was a sheer accident that he was)

Cycle 1: 4 Alive
Cycle 2: 3 Alive + 1 = 4
Cycle 3: 3 Alive
Cycle 4: 2 Alive
Cycle 5: 1 Alive + 1 = 2 Alive
Cycle 6: 1 Alive
Cycle 7: Eliminated

Through all of this, the village has to use their vigilante to pick off the other mafia, for obvious reasons. I do not know if they have a resurrect. This would take Cycle 1, Cycle 3, Cycle 5, Cycle 7.

"But Destiny, both mafias get eliminated by Cycle 0? What are harping about?"

From Cycle 1 all the way to Cycle 6, the mafias are getting in kills on the village easily. This totals 12 kills. Assuming 15/5/5, the village would have 3 people alive c7, one of which would HAVE to be the vigilante. If the vigilante had been killed earlier(pretty good darned chance considering the fact that Mafia 2 had a Von Karma role and Mafia 1 had an Inspector and a Self-Redirector), then the village would never stand a chance. And through all this, remember that the mafias have bodyguards. They can cause a kill to fail, which again spells instant doom for the village.

All of this also assumes perfect information for the village, which frankly was never going to happen. Without a single full inspector at all on our side, our information sources were extremely weak. Since the mafias had safeclaims to add to our misery, with our awfully weak inspector, we would have to worry about that as well.

Now onto the actual game, sheep(including me) did claim to Snype. If your call on this is "you guys should have been smarter". please remember that in a standard game, there are ALWAYS sheep. A Question Asker does NOT substitute completely for a full Role PM inspector.

Mafia 1's resurrect was "decentralized", anybody could do it. However, the village's resurrection powers were locked onto 2 people, either of whom if randed/inspected were instantly screwed. The nerf to them means that the village could easily lose their few roles with firepower(the bodyguard, the hooker) and not be able to resurrect those. What's a vote if what you need is to hook their next kill for mere survival?

In the face of this requirement of perfect play, the village would need roles to promote regrouping, which they lacked. Additionally, they could not revive a confirmed clean person because of the restrictions their roles had.

Von Karma imo worked in multifaction as a way to quickly bring down the numbers of a stronger faction. In a 2v1(especially when the mafias are collaborating), the mafias can easily use this to knock the village numbers down further until they can control the lynch. With 2 kills a night, it can't be that hard.

Lastly, from the actual game, the decision of mafia 1 to choose the other mafia over the village because of pride reasons when they were losing sealed the fate of the village. THe other mafia had a repository of information frm Stevensnype already; Mafia 1 giving all their information to them just made matters worse for us.

tl;dr: I rant about how the game was biased towards the mafias.

Andy Snype

Mr. Music
Since I'm not going to win this anyway, I'll start.

I will refer to http://mibpaste.com/at6Yrh . I successfully moled the first mafia, and found all this much earlier(they might remember this....). Note the resurrect. It means that even if were lynching them every cycle(deadtalking on = easy collaboration, since the guy the village lynches c1 becomes an easy way for mafia collaboration),

(Assumes AG was not detected because it was a sheer accident that he was)

Cycle 1: 4 Alive
Cycle 2: 3 Alive + 1 = 4
Cycle 3: 3 Alive
Cycle 4: 2 Alive
Cycle 5: 1 Alive + 1 = 2 Alive
Cycle 6: 1 Alive
Cycle 7: Eliminated

Through all of this, the village has to use their vigilante to pick off the other mafia, for obvious reasons. I do not know if they have a resurrect. This would take Cycle 1, Cycle 3, Cycle 5, Cycle 7.

"But Destiny, both mafias get eliminated by Cycle 0? What are harping about?"

From Cycle 1 all the way to Cycle 6, the mafias are getting in kills on the village easily. This totals 12 kills. Assuming 15/5/5, the village would have 3 people alive c7, one of which would HAVE to be the vigilante. If the vigilante had been killed earlier(pretty good darned chance considering the fact that Mafia 2 had a Von Karma role and Mafia 1 had an Inspector and a Self-Redirector), then the village would never stand a chance. And through all this, remember that the mafias have bodyguards. They can cause a kill to fail, which again spells instant doom for the village.

All of this also assumes perfect information for the village, which frankly was never going to happen. Without a single full inspector at all on our side, our information sources were extremely weak. Since the mafias had safeclaims to add to our misery, with our awfully weak inspector, we would have to worry about that as well.

Now onto the actual game, sheep(including me) did claim to Snype. If your call on this is "you guys should have been smarter". please remember that in a standard game, there are ALWAYS sheep. A Question Asker does NOT substitute completely for a full Role PM inspector.

Mafia 1's resurrect was "decentralized", anybody could do it. However, the village's resurrection powers were locked onto 2 people, either of whom if randed/inspected were instantly screwed. The nerf to them means that the village could easily lose their few roles with firepower(the bodyguard, the hooker) and not be able to resurrect those. What's a vote if what you need is to hook their next kill for mere survival?

In the face of this requirement of perfect play, the village would need roles to promote regrouping, which they lacked. Additionally, they could not revive a confirmed clean person because of the restrictions their roles had.

Von Karma imo worked in multifaction as a way to quickly bring down the numbers of a stronger faction. In a 2v1(especially when the mafias are collaborating), the mafias can easily use this to knock the village numbers down further until they can control the lynch. With 2 kills a night, it can't be that hard.

Lastly, from the actual game, the decision of mafia 1 to choose the other mafia over the village because of pride reasons when they were losing sealed the fate of the village. THe other mafia had a repository of information frm Stevensnype already; Mafia 1 giving all their information to them just made matters worse for us.

tl;dr: I rant about how the game was biased towards the mafias.
cool story bro. tell it again.
Since I'm not going to win this anyway, I'll start.

I will refer to http://mibpaste.com/at6Yrh . I successfully moled the first mafia, and found all this much earlier(they might remember this....). Note the resurrect. It means that even if were lynching them every cycle(deadtalking on = easy collaboration, since the guy the village lynches c1 becomes an easy way for mafia collaboration),

(Assumes AG was not detected because it was a sheer accident that he was)

Cycle 1: 4 Alive
Cycle 2: 3 Alive + 1 = 4
Cycle 3: 3 Alive
Cycle 4: 2 Alive
Cycle 5: 1 Alive + 1 = 2 Alive
Cycle 6: 1 Alive
Cycle 7: Eliminated

Through all of this, the village has to use their vigilante to pick off the other mafia, for obvious reasons. I do not know if they have a resurrect. This would take Cycle 1, Cycle 3, Cycle 5, Cycle 7.

"But Destiny, both mafias get eliminated by Cycle 0? What are harping about?"

From Cycle 1 all the way to Cycle 6, the mafias are getting in kills on the village easily. This totals 12 kills. Assuming 15/5/5, the village would have 3 people alive c7, one of which would HAVE to be the vigilante. If the vigilante had been killed earlier(pretty good darned chance considering the fact that Mafia 2 had a Von Karma role and Mafia 1 had an Inspector and a Self-Redirector), then the village would never stand a chance. And through all this, remember that the mafias have bodyguards. They can cause a kill to fail, which again spells instant doom for the village.

All of this also assumes perfect information for the village, which frankly was never going to happen. Without a single full inspector at all on our side, our information sources were extremely weak. Since the mafias had safeclaims to add to our misery, with our awfully weak inspector, we would have to worry about that as well.

Now onto the actual game, sheep(including me) did claim to Snype. If your call on this is "you guys should have been smarter". please remember that in a standard game, there are ALWAYS sheep. A Question Asker does NOT substitute completely for a full Role PM inspector.

Mafia 1's resurrect was "decentralized", anybody could do it. However, the village's resurrection powers were locked onto 2 people, either of whom if randed/inspected were instantly screwed. The nerf to them means that the village could easily lose their few roles with firepower(the bodyguard, the hooker) and not be able to resurrect those. What's a vote if what you need is to hook their next kill for mere survival?

In the face of this requirement of perfect play, the village would need roles to promote regrouping, which they lacked. Additionally, they could not revive a confirmed clean person because of the restrictions their roles had.

Von Karma imo worked in multifaction as a way to quickly bring down the numbers of a stronger faction. In a 2v1(especially when the mafias are collaborating), the mafias can easily use this to knock the village numbers down further until they can control the lynch. With 2 kills a night, it can't be that hard.

Lastly, from the actual game, the decision of mafia 1 to choose the other mafia over the village because of pride reasons when they were losing sealed the fate of the village. THe other mafia had a repository of information frm Stevensnype already; Mafia 1 giving all their information to them just made matters worse for us.

tl;dr: I rant about how the game was biased towards the mafias.
You're missing something big that should've come into play long ago but never did.

I'll explain in postgame since it's our only chance of winning is to not say it.
I will refer to http://mibpaste.com/at6Yrh . I successfully moled the first mafia, and found all this much earlier(they might remember this....).
What you did was shamelessly trick a noob, one who honestly had no idea what was going on and had no reason being in the game, to give you his mafia's role PM. That was the extent of your moling. But I guess if you say it like it is then it isn't as flattering to you, correct?

Andy Snype

Mr. Music
Shining Latios, are you so desperate to meeting girls by finding out who on IRC has a bangable sister?

15:28 Shining-Latios come on i just wanna pic a LS

15:29 ladysalamence i might have sex with sl
What you did was shamelessly trick a noob, one who honestly had no idea what was going on and had no reason being in the game, to give you his mafia's role PM. That was the extent of your moling. But I guess if you say it like it is then it isn't as flattering to you, correct?
this is actually a really good point... no offense but it's more like 'shining latios never do that again' rather than 'congrats dw'
Lyra and the ugliest man hover over the remaining few people and throw five notes down to them:
Dear Tsuk,
You are Dr. John Hammond.

You are a billionaire, the founder of International Genetic Technologies. You decided to build Jurassic Park, a very special biological preserve. Using your companies resources, you have cloned real life Dinosaurs using DNA found in the blood that ancient mosquitoes found in pre-historic amber once sucked and just filling in the blanks with avian and reptilian DNA. You tried to make sure that it is impossible for them to reproduce, however you failed because frog DNA allowed some of them to change sexes. All hell broke loose when an attempted corporate espionage attempt ended up with the security barriers down and the dinosaurs started to rampage. In the end, you and a group of other guests managed to make it to the helipad to evacuate before getting killed by the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Others were not that fortunate.

You may send a PM entitled "Cycle X - Making dinosaur out of USER" You can only use this power on users that died the previous cycle. Through your expertise in cloning and genetic science, you will create a custom dinosaur which is able to perform the same actions as its genetic human counterpart. You can only create up to three dinosaurs, and only use one dinosaur's action at a time. Not all roles can be copied, and each dinosaur is only good for one use. Make the right choices in whether you want to create a dinosaur or not, because a corpse’s DNA will become corrupted if not sampled immediately, thus making it impossible to create a dinosaur out of it.

You are allied with the Village.
Dear Walrein,
You are Ridley.

You are the dragon-like alien that leads the Space Pirates. You’ve fought Samus in every Metroid game except two and lost every time, but you always come back to life in some improbable way.

Right now, you are Ridley’s cute, fluffy juvenile form, Little Birdie. You don’t have any powers. However, under certain circumstances you might grow into the full-fledged Ridley and gain the power to kill.

You are allied with the Village.
Dear Acklow,
You are Anonymous.

You are a loosely-organized hacker collective with an opposition to all forms of authority. Your members have been responsible for a number of high-profile hackings, most notably a series of attacks on opponents of WikiLeaks.

You may send the hosts a PM entitled “Cycle X - Hack into USER1, USER2, and USER3’s computers.” You will randomly determine the role name of one user, the ability of another, and the alliance of a third. However, you will not know what piece of information goes with what user. USER1, USER2, and USER3 must all be different.

You are allied with the Village.
Dear Cereza,
You are Sigmund Freud.

You founded modern psychology and revolutionized how people think about their minds. You identified the mind’s division into conscious and unconscious levels, and described the mind as being composed of an id, ego, and superego. You also focused on people’s attitudes toward sex, and theorized that repressed sexual desires could cause mental illness.

Each cycle, you may PM the hosts “Cycle X - Psychoanalyze USER.” You will talk to that user to find out something about his mind. You’re not yet sure how the information you gather will be useful.

You are allied with the Village.
Dear the sea prince,
You are Harry Potter.

You are the wizard who defeated Voldemort after destroying his Horcruxes. You could have become the master of death, since you had the Invisibility Cloak and Elder Wand, but for some reason you decided not to retrieve the Resurrection Stone and complete the Deathly Hallows.

You can cast Protego, a protective spell. Each cycle, you may PM the hosts “Cycle X - Protego USER.” Any user who targets your target will have her action redirected back to herself. Your ability does not stop kills, though.

You are allied with the Village.
After splitting up to search the premises, you only find one dead body. It was the body of Bob Squob, who had been killed by an explosion. You then join together to beat Quagsires to death; interestingly, he doesn't seem to put up as much of a fight as your previous victims.

Results are going out.

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