Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

Here is my contribution: Chameleon the Treecko (not to be confused with Charmeleon). As a creature that adapts to its environment, every time it is sent out, it must start with a move that varies depending on how many gyms you've cleared.
  • 0: Pound
  • 1: Rock Tomb
  • 2: Pursuit
  • 3: Screech
  • 4: Fury Cutter
  • 5: Façade
  • 6: Aerial Ace
  • 7: Secret Power
  • 8: Protect
However, as much as it is able to adapt, it is rather forgetful, so after you clear a gym, it must forget the previous move it had to start with (after Gym 1, delete Pound for Rock Tomb; after Gym 2, delete Rock Tomb for Pursuit; after Gym 3, delete Pursuit for Screech; and so on and so forth).

Another trait that defines Chameleon is that it is rather competitive. This means three things:
  1. It cannot be the lowest-leveled member of your party.
  2. It must solo all Kecleon you encounter, no exceptions.
  3. As an homage to the XY ability Competitive, after you reach Verdanturf (where you can buy X Special), every time one or more of Chameleon's stats is reduced in some way, you must use one X Special on it. (Under no other circumstances can you use X items on Chameleon.)
Note: there may be some niche scenarios in which Rule 3 forces you to infinitely use X Special. If this ever happens, you may violate the rule to escape the loop.

As a final restriction, it must solo every Trainer in every variant of the Trick House to show that it shall not be bested in the field of trickery.

OPTIONAL: Being competitive also means that Chameleon has a feud with your rival's starter. So, if the task is not too difficult, Chameleon must solo your rival's starter at every encounter.

Questions/concerns? Otherwise, GL;HF.
Accepted! Thanks! Mygavolt
Update time!

So I eventually find a male Abra after about 10 tries with only regular pokeballs. I realize I could have held off on catching one until later but I wanted to get a head start on switch training Asp so he would have enough levels to solo Maylene later. The only problem now is that Simba has been KOing all the wild pokemon and has reached level 15 already, learning Spark for some a decent STAB.

I move on, using Tellus as much as possible. I'm able to fulfill his requirement to have four moves of different types by teaching him Rock Smash, which is a sweet move at this point in the game, although I'm sure I'll regret not being able to delete it. Tellus also learned Razor Leaf at 13 allowing him to steamroll the gym. He only got hit once, by Roark's Crainidos, and evened up his levels with Simba for the effort.

I backtrack to beat up on some grunts and make it through to Floaroma Town, with Simba learning Bite at level 17 along the way. Yay! she doesn't have to solo all the pokemon anymore, she just has to... lead the party... seriously? Wow, Simba just loves being in the limelight, doesn't she? At least it's only for a few levels. Tellus also gets to level 17 and learns Curse. Beware, my mighty Curse + Quick Claw strategy. I get to Mars at the Valley Windworks, which Tellus has to solo, so I decide to evolve him quickly before the battle. I go back to Mars as a Grotle, and boy did I need that evolution. Tellus barely gets through alive with 6HP, after my Quick Claw fails to activate when I need it most. I was really surprised Mars' Zubat knew Toxic! Way too early in the game for that, in my opinion. Either way, the solo is done and Team Galactic leaves to go fight somewhere else.

Tellus the Grotle, Lv. 19
@ Quick Claw
Ability: Overgrow
Nature: Jolly
- Tackle
- Curse
- Razor Leaf
- Rock Smash
Comments: Definite MVP this time around, essentially soloing all the trainers and Gym in Oreburgh, as well as coming through clutch against Mars.

Simba the Shinx, Lv. 18
@ nothing
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Rash
- Tackle
- Bite
- Charge
- Spark
Comments: It's been a bit awkward having to switch so much between her solo and leading restrictions, especially with Asp not being able to do anything, but she is nice and powerful and KO'd a lot of random trainer's pokemon.

Asp the Abra, Lv. 13
@ nothing
Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Careful
- Teleport
Comments: LVP by default, really. It's a pain to switch train Asp, although it will hopefully be worth it once my team gets past Maylene.
Nice update. Glad to see that you made it past Mars. I kind of forgot how painful that Purugly is at that point in the game, couple that with Toxic... yeah, she shouldn't be too hard the next times. Tellus will almost certainly be a Torterra the next time you see her, iirc.
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Chapter 2 of my Black scramble is up! I don't know if anyone actually goes to my original post to read these things (implying anyone reads them), so I'll post the update here too. I deviate slightly from my journal writing style for this one (as a force of habit more than anything) and make it more free-form like my Platinum updates, just formatted with date headers.
June 12, 2014, 3:15 PM
Oh, yeah, it’s been a long time.

Not that long, AZ, but thanks for the humor. But anyway, now I’m back to it, I guess. So, after an arduous battle against Lenora, I was ready to investigate this “stealing bones” business. Once I headed out the Gym/library into the museum, Team Plasma stood ravenously before the Dragonite skeleton and snatched it without remorse. Naturally, we—Lenora and I—were in pursuit within a moment’s notice. Rather, I thought Lenora would pursue them. But, when we exited the museum, Burgh appeared seemingly out of nowhere, along with Bianca and Cheren (the former of whom gave me a Dowsing Machine). While my two “best friends” were delegated to keep the museum safe, Burgh and I were headed to Pinwheel Forest—of course, not before a trip to the Pokémon Center and Challenge Rock. I said I’d only visit Challenge Rock once, but since I can and there’s no real reason not to, I’ll go back on my word.

So, heading into Pinwheel Forest, I met up with Burgh, who told me to take the winding road into the forest as he decided to take the broad path to destruction. What is he, a bodhisattva? (Disclaimer: I am not a Buddhist.) Planning ahead, I notice that the first twins encountered both have Sewaddle. So, Doriru will have to solo them both. How will that be accomplished? Thankfully, Wingull has the move Mist, which does nothing to contribute to the battle (outside of protecting from String Shot, but what does that matter?). In the end, that twin battle was much of a struggle. To emphasize the insignificance of Mist, neither Sewaddle used String Shot at all. They just kept spamming Razor Leaf (and used Bug Bite when Jolt came in as I had to revive Doriru) and each died to three attacks.

Word to the wise: Save often when doing a Scramble. You never know when you could slip and defy one simple restriction. Thanks to a simple error, I ended up having to start over from Nacrene Museum. But, thankfully, I found out a new strategy in the Doriru doubles solo: just have Jolt meaninglessly use Thunder Wave on Doriru, duh.

While exploring Pinwheel Forest, I went to buy some Repels because Sewaddles got annoying (because forced Doriru solos and Razor Leaf does a butt ton). So, after a long and semi-arduous (stupid Grass-types) journey through the winding road, the last Plasma Grunt finally handed over the Dragonite Skull, after which some sage named Gorm gave some long-winded lecture about the Seven Sages and Ghetsis’ plan and whatnot. After all was said and done, Burgh headed back to his Gym and Lenora gave me a semi-useless Moon Stone (semi mainly because it will yield great money when I sell it in Icirrus) for my trouble. So, with this semi-crisis being settled, I shall end today’s entry.

July 22, 2014, 9:00 PM
Hiatus, hiatus, hiatus. I might as well just abandon this scramble all together if I care this little about it. (Disclaimer: I won’t.) Anyway, now that the Dragonite skull matter is settled, time to cross Skyarrow Bridge, home to the most advanced graphics in the game! En route to Castelia, the first ever curved city! (Thank you, based Nintendo.) First off, I want to visit the Battle Company. On the first floor, a janitor greets me with warning, which gets me more pumped to climb to the top!

On the 47th floor, I learn immediately that Amnesia takes on Herdier as well as a fly takes on a swatter (i.e. not at all). I head back to heal my injured bird, interrupted by some rude girl standing at the counter who starts talking about Geonet (which is of trivial importance, let alone in this situation) like nothing ever happened. The nerve of some people. Next battle, I recklessly lose FireFight to a Bide I wasn’t even paying attention to (blame multitasking). Then I move on to some female Clerk (cue melodramatic rant) with the most annoying Petilil in the freaking universe and had to reset because of the sheer stupidity, annoyance, and cowardice of the hellish creature.
- Sleep Powder
- Leech Seed
- Mega Drain
- Synthesis
You. piece. of. crap. I really wish you would rot and die. (end melodramatic rant)

Okay, Battle Company, take two. How about I leave that pile of doggy dung Petilil for later and grind Doriru a little? Also, courtesy of prior research, I found a trainer with 3 Basculin, so...experience for Jolt, I guess. Oh, I just remembered: there was this one guy who gives out an Eviolite, so I will try to find him. On the way, I think I’ll go talk to the Dancer at the fountain. Bad idea. He forces me into a Pansage battle, which I don’t see going any better than the Petilil hell I went through. I mean, as if the Vine Whipping wasn’t enough, he has to pull critical Bites out of his nuts. Thankfully, the battle only took 2 Super Potions from my supply of 13. Also, there’s a vending machine, so I can stop by and get some Lemonade. It’s only P350, after all—half the price of Super Potions, which don’t heal quite as much. Not to mention I’ll be needing my fair share of items in the near future.

So, I found the Eviolite guy. (He’s in the building closest to the Route 4 exit gate.) Now, at the very least, Doriru can take Mega Drain hits better. Or, would it be better to carry a Chesto Berry because of Sleep Powder? I shall experiment with the latter instead. Perhaps Jolt would be more fit with the Eviolite. He has a big Gym solo (Burgh’s Gym) coming up, after all. Enough Battle Company for now, though. As a moment of respite, I’ll go find the other Dancers (as the Pansage guy enlisted me to). Knowing that one of them has a Pansear, I flip a coin for FireFight. Heads. That means the monkey is going down. Two Rock Smashes and a Tackle, 10 HP lost. Nice and easy.

The other Dancer is down dumpster alley, so I’ll just head there and WHOA WHO JUST SHOUTED!? Ah, just some guy who lost his sunglasses and gave me a TM of Flash. On a more important note, the Panpour of the next Dancer was easy prey to Jolt. Nice, clean OHKO. At last, the dance team has been formed, and I receive an Amulet Coin for my “troubles.”

Feeling too exhausted to run back to the Pokémon Center, I enlist the help of Amnesia for (if memory serves) the first time in this playthrough. Still reluctant to take on the hellish Petilil, I head straight to floor 55 of the Battle Company. Knowing that there will be Psychic-types, Amnesia will have her fun in the sun. Woobat was easy, but Munna proved to be an obstacle (Psybeam KO’d from 34 HP and Moonlight is a bugger). Thankfully, Doriru cleaned up shop with a critical Dig (post-Moonlight).

Now that I think about it, maybe Burgh’s Gym won’t be a full solo with Jolt. I forgot that
it must solo all trainer-owned bug types (excluding other pokemon's solo's)
in which sense Doriru’s requirement to solo all Grass-types takes priority. Point is, Sewaddle and family are Doriru’s prey, not Jolt’s. Why this all of a sudden? The next Trainer has a Sewaddle. Ah, Dire Hit with Razor Leaf. Interesting combination. Oh wait, Bug Bite...he stole my Chesto Berry. *resets*

So, poor planning on my part; good thing I saved before the Sewaddle Trainer. Take two. This time went a lot more smoothly, seeing as he kept spamming String Shot for a good 3 turns, which was just enough for Doriru to conquer the beast. With continued planning ahead (please don’t think less of me for this), the next Trainer will have elemental monkeys, starting with Pansear. The coin landed tails this time, so I’m free to take on the Pansear with whomever, and I choose Amnesia (she’s behind, after all). Meanwhile, I can leave Panpour for Jolt and Pansage for Doriru. The janitor I met earlier has no required solos or potential restriction violations, so I can just take him on with FireFight. After an easy victory, the janitor hands over an Exp. Share, which I will only use if Amnesia's moveset poses a problem (i.e. if its only attacking move is Quick Attack or Pursuit).

Now, I feel it’s time to take on the hellish Petilil anew. This time, Doriru is (slightly) stronger and has a countermeasure (albeit temporary) against Sleep Powder, so I might have a chance (with a little luck). Son of a gun, where is my self-confidence? *starts battle* Rather, why am I using Metal Claw? Rock Smash has a better chance to lower Defense than Metal Claw does to boost Attack. Neither has done either and the seeds have been thrown (and Doriru is in killing range), so time to YOLO with Fury Swipes. *hits 3 times, KOing Petilil from about 60%* Okay. Finally, it’s over. Now to prepare for Cottonee. Time to switch out to remove the seeds, heal up, and switch back in. Through the process, I find a STUNning revelation (by which you can guess what move Cottonee used). Going back in, Fury Swipes does about 1/8 damage per hit (and hits twice, of course) and Cottonee misses Stun Spore. The next Fury Swipes hits 3 times (go figure) as Cottonee lays down the seeds. The final Fury Swipes (3 hits) is enough to take out Cottonee. So, the grassy clerk is finally slain!

This calls for yet another moment of respite (in the form of a break). Heh-heh.

July 23, 2014, 11:00 AM
See, I told you I’m not abandoning this scramble. Although, I will admit that there is a certain motive behind my sudden dedication: I am also doing a super randomizer playthrough of Black with custom rules, and I don’t want to pull ahead of my scramble on randomizer. While I would like to sit here and talk about all the fun I’m having with super randomizer, I have some ground to cover, so I won’t waste my time.

With the Battle Company and the dance crew taken care of, I suppose I could venture ahead to Route 4 and see how far I can go. Prior experience tells me there’s a Bianca encounter ahead, and prior research tells me no obligatory solo leads, although there is a restriction lead in Herdier. Perhaps I should move the Eviolite to Amnesia because I feel like using her.

Okay, no. I visited Route 4 and there’s no rival encounter yet. That happens after the Gym, I suppose. Oh, well. I guess while I’m here I can catch something nice. Oh, wait. Upon further research, Dwebble and Maractus don’t appear until Desert Resort, which is past the blockaded area. Okay, I guess I’ll take on these Trainers instead. I might just use a combination of Jolt and Doriru (mostly the latter) because they’re going to need serious preparation for Burgh’s Gym. Being as OCD as I am, I may also bring in FireFight sometimes, just to get him ahead of the game (because he’s my starter). While in this training session, I would like to extend my thanks to the rest house in Route 4. It is really helpful to not have to backtrack too far. Another thing: Amnesia’s Keen Eye actually proved to be useful (stupid Sand Attacking Roggenrola).

With that little training session out of the way, it’s time to pay the Gym a visit. There, I am greeted by Cheren, who had just completed the Gym before me, and Burgh, who abandoned his post in favor of chasing Team Plasma down. It figures that Cheren has to tell me about his experience when I don’t even get an immediate opportunity to follow suit. Anyway, off to the pier where Burgh told me to meet him. There, we figure out they stole Bianca’s Munna, and a stray member who was gunning for another Pokémon fled upon seeing Burgh. In hot pursuit, Burgh and I find a building near the Gym that the Plasma members are guarding. The Plasma guards claim there’s nothing in there, but we beg to differ. Two easy Sandile later, everyone (Bianca and her bodyguard, Iris, included) headed into the building. After a tirade from Ghetsis and a reasonable counter-argument from Burgh, Team Plasma willingly relinquishes Bianca’s Munna, and I obtain a Yache Berry from Iris and a Smoke Ball from the ground (how appropriate, since Team Plasma showed a smokescreen at the Nacrene Museum; someone must have dropped a Smoke Ball on accident). In more important news, Burgh returns to his Gym. Now, it’s time for the real challenge (of this update, anyway).

Prior research tells me I have to lead with Doriru for every Trainer encounter except two: the last Trainer and the Gym Leader himself. I give Doriru the Eviolite to take Razor Leaf better and Jolt the Amulet Coin for extra earnings (just in case). Needless to say, I stop to talk to the guy who greets me and receive my Fresh Water for the Gym. Wait, Fresh Water for a Gym. Are you trying to make a statement here, GameFreak?

In the end, the Gym Trainers were fairly easy, seeing how the AI is not, how you say, intelligent enough to spam Razor Leaf; instead, they do idiotic stuff like String Shot and Tackle from the get-go. But, well, this is early-game AI, so it’s to be expected (remember Cress?). Hopefully, though, Burgh will not take live combat so lightly. We’ll see.

July 24, 2014, 12:40 AM
Burgh, the Gym Leader of Castelia, has been taken down after a long and arduous quarrel between Doriru and Leavanny. Watch the following video below (beware: it's stally) and/or use the log provided further below.

Jolt vs. Whirlipede
Thunderbolt is a solid 2HKO and Whirlipede's Poison Tail does about 1/4 HP. Easy victory.

Jolt vs. Dwebble
Thunderbolt brings Dwebble down to healing range as Dwebble's Smack Down reduces Jolt to about 1/4. Charge Beam does about half damage and Thunderbolt finishes Dwebble off.

Doriru vs. Leavanny
Okay, this is the real lengthy part. Leavanny's Razor Leaf does almost 50 damage per hit, which is more than half for Doriru. Meanwhile, Doriru's Metal Claw only reduces as much of the HP bar as the "Lv." label takes up. Due to a critical, I was forced to bring in Jolt as revival and healing fodder, then stall Leavanny out of Razor Leaf PP (thankfully I bought all those Lemonades earlier) until it could only use Struggle Bug. Then, it was smooth sailing from there (although I did have to use another healing item).

No post-battle events happened unlike with Lenora, so that concludes this entry. I hope to continue this journal in the near future. Thanks for reading!

To be continued...

Post-Chapter Progress Report

Amnesia the Wingull (Female, Lv. 21)
Serious, Keen Eye
- Water Pulse
- Mist
- Fly (cannot be used in battle)
- Growl (to be replaced with Surf)

Literally nothing has changed about Amnesia. It's just something that switches into Psychic-types and is extremely limited in move selection.

Doriru the Drilbur (Male, Lv. 24)
Mild, Sand Rush
- Rock Smash
- Metal Claw
- Dig
- Fury Swipes

Doriru, you're failing me. You can barely take Leavanny's Razor Leaf, even with the help of an Eviolite, and you struggle against a freaking Petilil of all things. I really hope you get better in the future.

FireFight the Tepig (Male, Lv. 24)
Lonely, Blaze
- Tackle
- Rock Smash
- Ember
- Flame Charge

Nothing has changed with this guy, either. Still my starter, still hits hard. Wasn't used too often in this chapter.

Jolt the Joltik (Female, Lv. 24)
Naughty, Compoundeyes
- Thunderbolt
- Charge Beam
- Thunder Wave
- Volt Switch

MVP of the chapter right here. Its Speed is stellar (relatively, at least) and Thunderbolt hits like a truck. Passed its solos on Burgh with flying colors. I have a good feeling about this one, even if its moveset is monotype.
I want a challange for X. It's medium difficulty. Please no Magikarps or Fairys. Thank you.
Take Haxmaster the Axew.

This Axew is one that loves to hax its enemies to death. Maybe it's because hax sounds a lot like "ax". Whatever the reason, you naturally have to play along. Axew will refuse to use non-damaging moves, fixed damage moves (Dragon Rage), and OHKO moves (Guillotine), as they can't crit and have no side effects. How boring, right? It also loves the move Dual Chop, and must open every battle with the move, as it has two chances to crit, being a double-hit move. It may evolve into Fraxure after getting 15 critical hits on trainer-owned Pokemon, and into Haxorus after getting 5 crits on Gym Leader Pokemon (not necessarily as a Fraxure, and if done as Axew these count towards the previous 15 crits). Finally, it must solo Wikstrom without using Earthquake, because the crit is mightier than the type advantage.
I want a challange for X. It's medium difficulty. Please no Magikarps or Fairys. Thank you.
I feel like you would like my friend Optimus the Bidoof
Optimus is one of the highest tier of his/her ilk, and despises their slave treatment. They will permit you one HM move on them, but that's it. You have permission to rotate that HM move as needed (when ever you get to Dendemille Town, of course). He wants to emulate his hero before he grows up by beating at least 5 trainers with the Defense Curl + Rollout combo. After evolving, make sure to keep Rollout on it at all times unless it solos Lysandre's Gyarados

I would like to start a scramble of pokemon Emerald
No trading
Medium difficulty
No other specified rules
Get ready to join the SunBros with Solaire the Solrock
Solaire loves Jolly Cooperation, so make sure he participates in every Double Battle you find. Make sure he praises the sun often by having Sunny Day in his moveset at all times. He should lead every Double Battle with this move. If he beats Liza and Tate's Solrock or Lunatone with Solarbeam, you may use unlimited healing items on him in the Elite 4. Otherwise, he will run out of Estus after one healing item is used on him for the entirety of the Elite 4
AvianArcher, take Outcast the Jigglypuff.

Outcast wants to be a Fairy-type like all the other Jigglypuff. But, you're playing gen 3, so he isn't.

* Outcast cannot join any Double Battles because he's, well, an outcast!
* He must solo one Gym Leader in order to evolve.
* In order to prove he can do everything a Fairy-type can do, he must solo Drake.

TheUltimateUmbreon, take Vista the Trubbish.

Vista was thrown away by someone thinking it was garbage, but it isn't!

* Vista may never use Poison-type or Dark-type moves. Yes, this means no STAB moves!
* Solo one gym trainer or Gym Leader of your choice to evolve.
* Solo two Elite Four or Champion Pokemon of your choice.
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AvianArcher, take Outcast the Jigglypuff.

Outcast wants to be a Fairy-type like all the other Jigglypuff. But, you're playing gen 3, so he isn't.

* Outcast cannot join any Double Battles because he's, well, an outcast!
* Since his typing is actually Normal, he must solo Norman in order to evolve.
* In order to prove he can do everything a Fairy-type can do, he must solo Drake.
You need Surf to catch Jigglypuff in Hoenn, so he can never meet that condition to evolve
TheUltimateUmbreon take Non the Noibat.
This particular Noibat is very negative, and as such it must know at least two moves that lower it's opponents stats, and may not know any moves that boost its own stats/heal it. Once Non has reduced 13 stats of trainer owned Pokemon to -6, then he may evolve (for clarity; if you drop their speed and attack to -6, that counts as 2). Once evolved he must open every battle with one of his two stat reducing moves.

AvianArcher take High Noon the Zigzagoon.
This Zigzagoon is a fan of westerns, and must know Sand Attack (because it's dusty) and Pin Missile (learnt as a Zigzagoon at level 25). The challange starts now, evolve Zigzagoon as soon as he learns Pin Missile). From now on he must open all battles with Pin Missile.
> If Pin Missile hits 2 times or misses, he must use Sand Attack immediately to avoid the counter-attack, and then goes back to using Pin Missile, with the amount of times it hit determining what you do next, same as the opening move.
> If Pin Missile hits 3 or 4 times, use Pin Missile again. And depending on how many times it hits perform the same action as you would have on the opening turn. (So yes you theoretically could become stuck in an infinite loop of Pin Missiles.)
> If Pin Missile hits 5 times, you may battle as you wish from now on, for the rest of the battle.

If he runs out of PP for Pin Missile he must switch out and cannot battle again.
Note: you can interrupt the chain at any time to switch or heal.
If you happen to be playing between the hours of 12:00 and 13:00 then you may use High Noon without restrictions.

Gl;hf both of you.
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I want a challange for X. It's medium difficulty. Please no Magikarps or Fairys. Thank you.
Use a male Eevee named Gucci because he's so smooth like that!
Gucci Really wants to be fast so to make him happy you must evolve him into Jolteon or Espeon.
For some reason Gucci has a strange issue with goats so he must battle every Gogoat/Skiddo you come across.
To evolve Gucci you must solo Ramos' Gogoat without healing

Good Luck!
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TheUltimateUmbreon take Squidward the Inkay

-Squidward is very grumpy, and may only use moves with a base power lower than 60 because he believes he cant do better
-Must know Topsy-Turvy and must use it whenever the opponents stats raise, as he belives noone else can be happy
-Has a slot for a TM move, whenever you get a new TM that can be learned by itself and replace the old one (even if its over 60 BP)
-Pre evolution, you must not switch out no matter what as he gets into a rage
-To evolve, it must battle your rival and send an opposing pokemon to -6 of any stat in the battle near Ramos' gym
-Once evolved, you must give it Full incence but may switch
-Must solo any member of Valeries gym

Have fun :)


card-carrying wife-guy
is a Smogon Discord Contributor
AvianArcher take Lem the Whismur!

The former slave of a world-renowned bard, Lem seeks to follow in the footsteps of his erstwhile master's talent, if not his mannerisms. He always likes to support others in battles, for instance, with his bardic Inspire Courage. In all Double Battles, he must be one of the first Pokmeon sent out, and he must start the battle with Uproar. Granted, it's not as effective, but bardic music is more about buffing than debuffing! Now, his former master was a Chelaxian notorious criminal, so he must solo 4 Grunts of either criminal team. Once he does this, he may evolve to Loudred! Hooray! His music just got more deadly! He must begin every battle he begins in with Supersonic. This does not apply to double Battles; he must still be sent out and use Uproar. However, you may choose to do this on every other Double Battle for one reason: the rest of the team needs to grow beyond his support! Now, there are many musicians in the land of Hoenn. But there is a duet, two that make music with their minds, and are a deadly duo. Lem must 'solo' Tate and Liza, with the Uproar restriction. And by 'solo', I mean he must be in the battle for the entire time, using Uproar at least 2 times. Don't worry, another 'mon can help him! Once he has done this, he may evolve to Exploud. Now, Lem wants to blast away even the toughest foes...and perform for the best crowds! What better person to perform for than the dragon himself, Rayquaza? Lem must be the only Pokemon used to capture Rayquaza, and you MUST capture Rayquaza. Put it in the PC after naming it Sponsor.

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AvianArcher - You seem to be lacking a starter; let me help with that. Your challenge is: Time Bomb the Torchic. It can only use Fire STAB under at least one of the following circumstances:
  1. It is hit by a Fire-type attack
  2. It is below 50% HP
  3. It has been out for five turns
Use Fire on at least 3 Trainers to evolve into Combusken and at least 12 more to evolve into Blaziken. Once evolved, it can only use Fighting STAB if all of the following are true:
  1. It has not been hit by a Fire-type attack
  2. It is above 50% HP
  3. It has been out for fewer than five turns
It must lead every Team Magma encounter (but you may switch if you want/need to increase Lem's solo count) and solo Wattson and Flannery to prove to them just how explosive a Pokémon can be.

Questions/concerns? Otherwise, GL;HF.
TheUltimateUmbreon, I bestow upon you Hitman the Pawniard. This Pawniard, in the route you catch it, overhears you talking about not liking to use Fairy-types and members of the Magikarp family, so he decides to come along to take them out himself. He has the inner focus required to do so, but mixes up his primary target's properties; basically, he thinks that Fairy-types are ultra-resistant to moves that involve its claws (e.g. Metal Claw, Poison Jab). Also, Hitman likes to intimidate its targets before assaulting them. This does not mean that it must have Intimidate (because it doesn't have that ability), but that it must lower its target's stats in some way before attacking. After it soloes the Gyarados belonging to the leader of Team Flare all three times, it may evolve. After these fights, Hitman came to the realization that its nemeses were a greater threat than what was initially perceived, leading to the internal decision that it would use its claws against Fairy-types and, if there was a Fairy-type or Gyarados on the field, it would switch in to combat them. Finally, it must solo at least 2 Pokemon in the Pokemon League, not counting those that he already needs to solo. The stat-lowering move restriction does not apply to these soloes.

Good luck!

Here's a restriction recap, for reference:

  1. Is a male Pawniard.
  2. Must solo any Magikarp, Gyarados, and Fairy-types that it goes up against (but you don't have to switch it in against them, if you wish).
  3. Must have Inner Focus as its ability.
  4. Cannot use moves that involve its claws during its soloes (only applies to Fairy-types) (this is omitted after evolving).
  5. Must use a stat-lowering move of some sort before attacking a Magikarp, Gyarados, or Fairy-type.
  6. Cannot evolve until it soloes the Gyarados belonging to Team Flare's leader.
  7. Must switch in against a Fairy-type or Gyarados if one of them is on the field and he is not (this is not applicable until he evolves)
  8. Must solo at least 2 Pokemon League Pokemon in addition to the ones it's already required to. Rule 4 is omitted for these soloes.
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Hey guys! I'm want a Scramble Challenge for Pokemon X!
Trading will be available, and so will other stuffs. (I can use internet and Pokebank.)
Hard Difficulty, but no Magikarps!

Decided to go for something fun. Thanks so much!

The Team!
Weakness the Goomy
the Mantine
the Milktank
Habbakkuk the bergamite
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Hey guys! I'm want a Scramble Challenge for Pokemon X!
Trading will be available, and so will other stuffs. (I can use internet and Pokebank.)
Hard Difficulty, but no Magikarps!

Decided to go for something fun. Thanks so much!

The Team!
Take Weakness the goomy.
Weakness was born with the once best type in the game, so he thinks he can beat his weaknesses.
To evolve him to sliggoo, he must solo Valerie, and to evolve him to goodra, he must solo Wulfric.
Also, he must solo Drasna and, to show to everyone that weakness means nothing, he must solo Diantha's aurorus, tyrantrum and gardevoir without using any SE move.
Gl and Hf!
Hey guys! I'm want a Scramble Challenge for Pokemon X!
Trading will be available, and so will other stuffs. (I can use internet and Pokebank.)
Hard Difficulty, but no Magikarps!

Decided to go for something fun. Thanks so much!
OK..... Let's go with TMP the Mantine. Now, you'll want to get Bullet Seed on it as soon as possible (I recommend hatching it in the X game, then banking it to a game where you can Heart Scale it for Bullet Seed as a level 1 move). Now you're the TMP from RE4, "favorite" weapon of Pat from 2BFP. You have to use Bullet Seed at least at the beginning of every time it is sent out for a fight. If you can't and you don't have any PP-Restoring items to restore the PP (reloads of Jackal ammo), you need to switch to a different gun (switch out) and can't use it again until you find new ammo for it. Also, the gun needs to be upgraded to make use of it's Water STAB in battle (if you need it to slave Surf, you can teach it to it, but not use it in battle). To unlock this upgrade, the TMP must solo Clemont.
DarkMilotic, take Germaphobe the Miltank.

Germaphobe is a germaphobe, and she thinks all negative statuses are caused by germs. Thus, if she gets any of the following statuses, you must use the applicable item on her before the end of the battle:

- Poisoned: Antidote
- Paralyzed: Paralyze Heal
- Asleep: Awakening
- Burned: Burn Heal
- Frozen: Ice Heal
- Fainted: Revive
- Any other negative condition (confused, attracted, any stat reduced, etc.): Potion

If you fail to use the appropriate item on Germaphobe before the end of the battle, you may not use Germaphobe in any battle until you "cure her illness" by using a Calcium on her.

Finally, solo Olympia. Just because.
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Germaphobe is a germaphobe, and she thinks all negative statuses are caused by germs. Thus, if she gets any of the following statuses, you must use the applicable item on her before the end of the battle:

- Poisoned: Antidote
- Paralyzed: Paralyze Heal
- Asleep: Awakening
- Burned: Burn Heal
- Frozen: Ice Heal
- Fainted: Revive
- Any other negative condition (confused, attracted, any stat reduced, etc.): Potion

If you fail to use the appropriate item on Germaphobe before the end of the battle, you may not use Germaphobe in any battle until you "cure her illness" by using a Calcium on her.

Finally, solo Valerie. Just because.
Sorry to tell you this,
but Germaphobe is unable to solo Valerie because Weakness the Goomy already needs to do so.
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I would like to start a scramble of pokemon Emerald
No trading
Medium difficulty
No other specified rules
AvianArcher take Root the Anorith or Claw the Lileep.
Before choosing which fossil to take, flip a coin. If heads, take the Claw Fossil, if tails, take the Root Fossil.
If you get Root the Anorith, it must solo every grass type pokemon you find. You may evolve it after beating 10 grass type pokemon.
If you get Claw the Lileep, it must solo every bug type pokemon you find. You may evolve it after beating 10 bug type pokemon.
Whatever the pokemon you get, it must solo Winona.
Gl and hf!

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