Things we need,

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I have some suggestions for new PS commands, but i decided to post it on the smogon forums as well as the PS forums as a lot of them will link to hopefully new or existing smogon pages.

First, Id like to suggest that some OMs have /om commands, for example monotype currently does not have one. This would be useful as we could link users to this page when a faq about monotype arises such as, 'can pokemon be dual typed?' This would hopefully stop the confusion as users could be linked here and it could concisely explain any queries they may have, without the confusion of the PS chat.
Other OMs I believe need a /om command include Challenge Cup, Challenge Cup 1v1, and Stabmons (now that it has become an official om as opposed to a monthly).

Secondly, I believe we need a /tier pokemon command. As a lot of users ask what tier a pokemon is in, and this command would simply bring up a small statement saying what tier the pokemon is in. A small example would be if I were to type /tier jellicent, the server would display a message such as 'Jellicent is in the tier OU' This would be very useful once we teach users to use it, as we currently get chats flooded with answers to these sorts of questions, especially at peak times and it contributes to lag.

Thirdly, a more ambiguous one, a /banlist tier command? I know that doing /tiers ou and such brings up a banlist, but this new command could bring up a small server produced message briefly listing everything banned in a tier. This could be very useful for less played tiers where banlists concerning some ubers are unspecified on the simulator, such as in doubles or stabmons. It would also help when people ask what the differences between balanced and regular hackmons are.

Thank you for your time, Stinson:]
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