Unpopular opinions

I still feel that they work best as like a "Reverse Suicide Cult". Sort of like the grunts legit don't know anything and just blindly follow the whim of their leaders. They just know that Lysandre is going to make the world beautiful but they don't really know that entails killing off 99.99% of the world population to get it done.
I still feel that they work best as like a "Reverse Suicide Cult". Sort of like the grunts legit don't know anything and just blindly follow the whim of their leaders. They just know that Lysandre is going to make the world beautiful but they don't really know that entails killing off 99.99% of the world population to get it done.
If my memory serves me right, some of them do know the plan involves wiping out everything not Flare--and they're okay with that. It's equal parts cartoony and, actually, chilling.


Ranting & Raving!
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Oh, there is no doubt Team Flare has style and their plan is bats*** insane and evil. My problem with Team Flare is that it feels like they they have two different themes going on and instead of deciding to focus on one they smashed them together. Simply put the evil team Lysandre should be leading shouldn't be Team Flare and the leader Team Flare should have isn't Lysandre.

If we were going to stick to the theme of "purifying the world by genocide" I feel Team Flare and Lysandre would be doing it for completely different reasons and be acting in completely different ways:

Team Flare: They're the beautiful people. The 1%. Or at the very least they act like it. They look down on everyone else and consider them pests to be stomped out. This world is beautiful and only those who are just as beautiful should be allowed to enjoy it forever. So what else to do but kill all those who are inferior to Team Flare and make themselves immortal? They'll do it as pompously, self-indulgently, and egotistically as possible; laughing maniacally all the way since the poor, sniveling plebs can't do a damn thing to stop them. Team Flare does what they want, when they want and NO ONE tells them otherwise and they'll let you know that.
Lysandre: Lysandre is concerned that the increasing human population would eventually cause the strain and eventual exhaust of all needed resources. Not only that, but selfish people will harbor more than their fair share of the resources causing further suffering. This will eventually cause the deterioration of not only the human race but he planet itself as whatever resource it has will be stripped leaving nothing but desolate and infertile land. There is no stopping it in Lysandre's eyes, even now he's seeing people suffering around the world despite their being plenty of resources to spare. There's only one solution to preserve both mankind and the planet; do a culling, kill everyone else, and make the selected people immortal. Those part of the culling would be carefully selected so that they could further the human race and planet so that the death of everyone who was innocent would not be in vain. They will be the smartest, healthiest, and most dedicated people.

Now both group sounds like they would make interesting villains. But for some reason both were combined and while what they probably wrote done on paper worked in practice there were some glaring issues. Okay, Lysandre wants to perform a culling and kill everyone else because jerks will greedily harbor resources and cause them to suffer thus he want to get rid of both suffer giver and sufferer. Okay Lysandre, if that's the case then why are most Team Flare THOSE JERKS WHO WOULD PROBABLY BE THE SUFFER GIVERS! It makes him look like a hypocrite and if that was the point I don't see why. Why make him a hypocrite, at least in that way? Yes, no matter what Lysandre is going to look like a hypocrite of some sort but the way I described it makes it seem like he's a hypocrite only on the moral level. But they way it actually is it makes him look like a complete hypocrite morally AND logically due to the people he chose to have be part of Team Flare. Lysandre being insane can only go so far until you really start testing the player's intelligence.

While I'm very upset the grunts got battle models while Gym Leaders/E4/Diantha didn't, and we all know how rushed the plot was, and in retrospect Lysandre screamed "Obvious villain is obvious", and they didn't have a memorable quote like "PLASMAAAA!"...

...I still found myself enjoying them as well. Curious how that works.
I'm actually a bit torn whether or not they should have given the Grunts/Admins 3D models. On one hand it does feel out of place that these minor characters got 3D models yet Gym Leaders, Elite Four, and the CHAMPION didn't get a 3D model. BUT on the other hand which trainers are you going to see most when battling? That would be the villain team grunts for the most part so them having 3D models meant it was used often and stood out that these were "important" battles. But still, you couldn't have done at least one more for the Champion?

While they may not have memorable quotes, I do remember them being funny since they were pretty much fanatics about being on Team Flare and being stylish. Like I do remember one grunt having a "Go Team Flare" chant of some sort she sang when she challenged you a kept singing as she lost. Also their defeat animations a funny with the grunts usually falling to the floor looking daze and defeated, the male admin beating his bald head, and the female admin stomping her feet in anger.

I still feel that they work best as like a "Reverse Suicide Cult". Sort of like the grunts legit don't know anything and just blindly follow the whim of their leaders. They just know that Lysandre is going to make the world beautiful but they don't really know that entails killing off 99.99% of the world population to get it done.
That was pretty much Team Galactic. Only Cyrus really knew what he was fully planning. The Admins may have known more of the plan but they didn't know Cyrus was planning on being the only one who will be leading his new universe. Cyrus even noted how he thought it was funny how easily he was able to mislead everyone.
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there like moonlight
is a Top Artistis a Community Contributoris a Smogon Media Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Team Flare has dumb hair
Plasma Team uses too much brylcreem
Magma and Aqua are dum and stoopa
team galactic is sorta fantastic (but the grunts are bed)
Team rocket is the only one who knows how to rock it
minimalist, practical their outfits have it all
not to mention they catch pokemon inside poke balls
holla for the admins in hgss they really knew how to dress
and ofc who can forget giovanni
lookin sharp and that suit cant stop oglin that fanny
this may be an unpopular opinion but i dont care
youd think theyd ditch the fancy clothes and close crop their hair
at least then they might have a slightly higher ratio of success/failure in missions
and possibly lower carbon emissions
bc theyre not using a ton of hairspray like galactic/plasma/flare
they just have standard normal ppl hair
except the admins, bc theyre special
except except giovanni, who has cool close scropped hair (special)

This was a short poem on the merits and failings of the aesthetics of various villainous Pokemon teams
In my opinion the only use the move deleter had was for hm's because every other move could be replaced. So if they ever make hm's forgettable then no more move deleter. I mean honestly how many time did you actually use him? The move rememberer, now that one is something I use all the time. Also just a quick about pokemon showdown, is anyone else having the problem that it said it couldn't connect to a server? I've tried on my computer and the device I'm using now and every time I try to log in it won't work. It said can't connect to server and every time I hit cancel and try to log in and it says something about a server error. So I know it doesn't relate to unpopular opinions, but it's been really bugging me cause it work fine two days ago when I last used it. So if someone could point me to a forum that can help I would really appreciate it.


is a Community Leaderis a Top Social Media Contributor Alumnus
Wi-Fi Leader
In my opinion the only use the move deleter had was for hm's because every other move could be replaced. So if they ever make hm's forgettable then no more move deleter. I mean honestly how many time did you actually use him? The move rememberer, now that one is something I use all the time. Also just a quick about pokemon showdown, is anyone else having the problem that it said it couldn't connect to a server? I've tried on my computer and the device I'm using now and every time I try to log in it won't work. It said can't connect to server and every time I hit cancel and try to log in and it says something about a server error. So I know it doesn't relate to unpopular opinions, but it's been really bugging me cause it work fine two days ago when I last used it. So if someone could point me to a forum that can help I would really appreciate it.
That's..the whole point of the move deleter. In RBY, HM moves were impossible to remove once you taught them to a Pokemon, so the move deleter was added in GSC in order to remedy that issue.

It would've been much better if HMs could naturally be deleted (which isn't an unpopular opinion afaik), but that wouldn't have been possible in Gen I either without serious repercussions, since HMs could be deposited in the PC (due to the structure of the Gen I bag); if it were possible and someone deleted an HM move while the disk is in the PC, they could've ended up getting stuck and unable to progress or backtrack, forcing them to restart.

Edit: Also, see here for the PS subforum.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
In my opinion the only use the move deleter had was for hm's because every other move could be replaced. So if they ever make hm's forgettable then no more move deleter. I mean honestly how many time did you actually use him? The move rememberer, now that one is something I use all the time.
The Move Deleter is a bit of a relic only brought forward for tradition sake. If they combine the Move Deleter with the Move Reminder I don't think anyone would complain. Though if the only reason the Move Deleter exists is to get rid of HM moves then maybe they can make it so you can replace a HM move when you're using a Pokemon Center's PC.
The Move Deleter is a bit of a relic only brought forward for tradition sake. If they combine the Move Deleter with the Move Reminder I don't think anyone would complain. Though if the only reason the Move Deleter exists is to get rid of HM moves then maybe they can make it so you can replace a HM move when you're using a Pokemon Center's PC.
It be neat if you could do that with the pokemon center pc, but as of now in the games you can't. It be a really cool feature if they added it, but I have my doubts.

That's..the whole point of the move deleter. In RBY, HM moves were impossible to remove once you taught them to a Pokemon, so the move deleter was added in GSC in order to remedy that issue.

It would've been much better if HMs could naturally be deleted (which isn't an unpopular opinion afaik), but that wouldn't have been possible in Gen I either without serious repercussions, since HMs could be deposited in the PC (due to the structure of the Gen I bag); if it were possible and someone deleted an HM move while the disk is in the PC, they could've ended up getting stuck and unable to progress or backtrack, forcing them to restart.

Edit: Also, see here for the PS subforum.
Yeah, but the fact that he's the only way to delete them and you have to travel to the city the move deleter is in every time bugs me. Especially when you trying to train pokemon and you get a traded pokemon with them and you have to stop training to go to the move deleter. And it really bugs me that after all these years and all the games the move deleter is still here. There was a reason why hm's weren't able to be naturally deleted (like you pointed out), but with oras there is no reason that I can see why hm's can't be naturally forgotten now.
There's a mechanic in Gen 1 that really shouldn't have been cut - NPCs refuse to gift you Pokémon if your team is full. In the original games, you could have them sent to the PC like every Pokémon you catch (unless the box was full).

Also, requesting a special communication menu that lets you access NPC services after finding them once (IV checker, Move Reminder, Day Care Couple etc.)
There's a mechanic in Gen 1 that really shouldn't have been cut - NPCs refuse to gift you Pokémon if your team is full. In the original games, you could have them sent to the PC like every Pokémon you catch (unless the box was full).

Also, requesting a special communication menu that lets you access NPC services after finding them once (IV checker, Move Reminder, Day Care Couple etc.)
Why in the hell did they get rid of that!
There's a mechanic in Gen 1 that really shouldn't have been cut - NPCs refuse to gift you Pokémon if your team is full. In the original games, you could have them sent to the PC like every Pokémon you catch (unless the box was full).
You sure about that? I distinctly remember having to go through the Silph Co. maze twice just to get an open spot for the Lapras...
You sure about that? I distinctly remember having to go through the Silph Co. maze twice just to get an open spot for the Lapras...
I am - if you talk to the guy with a full team, Lapras goes to your PC. Same with Eevee, the fossils, the Hitmons and the Game Corner Pokémon. Maybe you were thinking about FR/LG.
Team Plasma was best evil team.

There. I said it!


No, but seriously, best evil team in my opinion. Ghetsis was an amazing leader who had realistic goals, and while the designs were a bit odd in the first games, their sequel designs were awesome, actually representing something that evil grunts would wear for infiltration and whatnot.

Plus, I loved the divide in opinions, with some legitimately wanting to help pokemon, while others were in on Ghetsis's ideas of taking over the region.
Team Plasma was best evil team.

There. I said it!


No, but seriously, best evil team in my opinion. Ghetsis was an amazing leader who had realistic goals, and while the designs were a bit odd in the first games, their sequel designs were awesome, actually representing something that evil grunts would wear for infiltration and whatnot.

Plus, I loved the divide in opinions, with some legitimately wanting to help pokemon, while others were in on Ghetsis's ideas of taking over the region.
Well, do you consider realistic goals the standard, or what the standard should be? Consider Cyrus of Team Galactic's plot. He wanted to create an entirely new world, pure of evil, considering himself a deity. That didn't seem all that unreasonable to him or his underlings, especially with the lofty possibility of attaining Dialga/Palkia/Giratina's power, which moved the goal from "nigh impossible" to "incredibly likely". At that point, HIS goals were just as realistic as Ghetsis', were they not?
Well, do you consider realistic goals the standard, or what the standard should be? Consider Cyrus of Team Galactic's plot. He wanted to create an entirely new world, pure of evil, considering himself a deity. That didn't seem all that unreasonable to him or his underlings, especially with the lofty possibility of attaining Dialga/Palkia/Giratina's power, which moved the goal from "nigh impossible" to "incredibly likely". At that point, HIS goals were just as realistic as Ghetsis', were they not?
I guess I mean in terms of realism to actual real life. Ghetsis pulled the strings the entire time, taking years to carry out his plan, using an underground force of pokemon to build the castle, all the while building up a strong military force, convincing them that they were, without a doubt the "good guys". He then grabbed someone incredibly unique who he thought could make a good influence on the world and warped him into a being of his desires, using him to basically get a super-weapon so that they could bend the country to its will.

Smart strategy with years of planning, and using peoples own words against them to make themselves look like the good guys while they're basically trying to get rid of every single trainer in the world. To me, that was a realistic goal, at least in terms of comparing it to real life.

Funny you say it though, because Team Galactic is my 2nd favourite team for some of those reasons.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
I guess I mean in terms of realism to actual real life. Ghetsis pulled the strings the entire time, taking years to carry out his plan, using an underground force of pokemon to build the castle, all the while building up a strong military force, convincing them that they were, without a doubt the "good guys". He then grabbed someone incredibly unique who he thought could make a good influence on the world and warped him into a being of his desires, using him to basically get a super-weapon so that they could bend the country to its will.

Smart strategy with years of planning, and using peoples own words against them to make themselves look like the good guys while they're basically trying to get rid of every single trainer in the world. To me, that was a realistic goal, at least in terms of comparing it to real life.

Funny you say it though, because Team Galactic is my 2nd favourite team for some of those reasons.
But out of all the evil leaders Giovanni was the most realistic. While Ghetsis plan seems realistic at first it does require a boy with a special power to talk with Pokemon and using a Legendary Pokemon to force everyone else to release their Pokemon. That's like having someone who can talk with animals and can summon a physical god to do their bidding to prove his beliefs and religion are the one and only. And in the second game he uses a ice dragon as a super weapon, freezing an entire city at one point (oh and has a flying ship too).

Meanwhile Giovanni was just a crime boss. He didn't have any plans to take over the world, he just wanted to make money and gain influence. And he didn't do so by trying to capture a Legendary Pokemon but rather using and manipulating things at his disposal.
Unpopular opinions?...hmm...
  • Even though Generation 3 was my starting generation and that I liked playing it very much years ago, it's my least favorite generation by this point. I dunno, I guess after a long time it just looks really bland compared to the other regions that I've played. In conclusion, I think it's just the worst generation to me.
  • I love the poison type, to the point where it is my favorite type. Not sure what I should really as to why...
  • I actually think that Stunfisk is a decent Pokémon.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Unpopular opinions?...hmm...
  • Even though Generation 3 was my starting generation and that I liked playing it very much years ago, it's my least favorite generation by this point. I dunno, I guess after a long time it just looks really bland compared to the other regions that I've played. In conclusion, I think it's just the worst generation to me.
Hoenn Dull: I know many people who felt that way. I think by Gen III people started seeing the "Pokemon pattern". In Gen I it was new and in Gen II it was the continuation of events in Gen I and you could even visit Kanto! But Gen III was back to one region and felt like you were doing the same thing as in he previous games. 8 badges, stopping a villain team, becoming the Champion, catching all the Pokemon. Also the kids who played Gen I and II were now in their teenage years and high school so their interests started to wane to try and "fit in". So its not that that Gen in the worse but rather that's when Pokemon started to show its seams and those who played the franchise when it started had other things in their life start taking priority.


Cod Mod
is a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
^Indeed. I can relate to that, only about Sinnoh. D/P felt like a pale copy of what I had enjoyed before, but has got rave reviews from many others. Playing it again, it still holds up pretty well both mechanics- and content-wise, but I can never really get to like the Sinnoh region. Too many bland routes, the music is for the most part awful and it's hopeless to get anywhere without Fly - which results in you only visiting most of the locations exactly once. That doesn't make for a very memorable setting...


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Well we don't know who funded/wanted Mewtwo's creation so it could have been commissioned by Giovanni. And this wouldn't be the first time media crossed. Remember how it was revealed in the manga first that Silver was Giovanni's son then later on the games adapted that as canon? Okay, maybe the game creators planned it all along Silver was Giovanni's son... but who's to say the same isn't for Mewtwo? But being it hasn't been specifically said yet we can't really say for sure.

But still, Giovanni doesn't need a Legendary because his goals don't require one. It's actually sort of a weakness that so many syndicate bosses goals rely on them getting control of the Legendary Pokemon that their plan falls apart if they don't. Giovanni didn't have to worry about that, if anything Giovanni was already successful. The only reason he was stopped was his disillusionment of him being perfect was shattered; and by a kid no less. But yeah, had Giovanni simply shrugged off the lost he could have continued running Team Rocket with no problem because its his word against a kid (even though Red went on being a champion I'm sure Giovanni has higher up connections to get him out of trouble. Only way they could get Giovanni is if they checked to see if they paid his taxes...).
Unpopular Opinions:
I still care about Pokemon Conquest.
Beautifly is better than Dustox.
Team Magma isn't evil because finally Hoenn can be connected to other regions and Luvdiscs can die off(like they should.)
I really wasn't hyped about Diancie. but at least it can melt steel beams
Team Flare isn't bland af.
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To be honest Giovanni always felt like the most "realistic" of the criminal bosses. Modelled significantly on James Bond's Blofeld (right down to having an evil cat!) he seems at the top of a very wide-ranging and deep-rooted criminal web. He doesn't really need an evil plan, he's just evil because he loves to be evil. Compare later generations of criminal gangs, who are more ideological, and convinced that they are the good guys - which would be fine if they actually had believable motivations. But for the most part, they don't.

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