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Anyone have good recommendations for long play time RPGs with replay value? I've replayed like Skyrim + Fallout + Monster Hunter more times than I can count on my fingers and I wanna play something new. Open to anything that's on PC or the Switch n_n. RPGs that are more action oriented are probably more up my alley. Hell even any Pokemon ROM games would be fine too. Just need a game to kinda waste my free time with!
If you like JRPGs I can't recommend the Tales of series enough. Symphonia alone is a 60 hour game with required replays to 100% it. Vesperia, Abyss, Graces, and Berseria are all bangers and worth a look into. All share the unique real-time battle system that's super fun. I think they're all available on PC but I may be wrong, Vesperia for sure is on the Switch and has the bonus of having one of the better main protags.


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Just finished up three other games (have been bouncing around a lot in my library lol)

Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion

Spent an entire dollar on this and it was worth every penny; knowing what I know now I would have easily dropped $10. The pixel art style is well done and enchanting. The humor is 10/10 strong if you like Adventure Time, which I love so this was an absolute banger. It's chock full of internet meme jokes and every convo with the npcs is fantastic. Actual gameplay takes a bit of a backseat but was still enjoyable, mostly just puzzles and a couple boss fights, of which only one gave me some issues otherwise I breezed through the game in about 5 hours. Strong recommend if you like Adventure Time, soft recommend if you just want something memey and chill for a few hours.

Rayman Legends Definitive Edition

A pretty good platformer with an absolute buttload of content. I easily sunk 30 hours here. Each world focuses on a certain platforming mechanic gimmick which helps the game from feeling stale. The humor is great here, I legit laughed a couple times at the doofy character designs and quirks. The actual gameplay is good, but nearly all of the challenge comes from the actual platforming and boss fights, not a single base enemy is more threatening than a Hammer Bro and are largely there for platforming combos. The speed run challenges are legit challenging and probably require the most retries. Only real downside to the gameplay is that there a LOT of blind jumps, but thankfully the deaths are very forgiving. Strong recommend for those that like 2D mario but are looking for something different.

Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom

With the remake being made with unreal engine the game looks great, but it still suffers a bit from janky platforming, glitches, and poor voice acting. The fact they couldn't get Clancy Brown to do Mr Krabs or someone that actually remotely sounds like Mermaid Man really lowers the experience of having the voice overs. I still enjoyed it enough to 100% and Platinum it, but this is an easy skip unless you're a diehard Spongebob fan.


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Anyone have good recommendations for long play time RPGs with replay value? I've replayed like Skyrim + Fallout + Monster Hunter more times than I can count on my fingers and I wanna play something new. Open to anything that's on PC or the Switch n_n. RPGs that are more action oriented are probably more up my alley. Hell even any Pokemon ROM games would be fine too. Just need a game to kinda waste my free time with!
Fire up yer emulator and play Lufia II on the SNES. Play Ancient Cave till you drop dead if you want massive replay value from it.


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UPL Champion
Been playing Monster Train. Now I hear you, the name of the game is wack and the graphics look like some pay-to-win mobile game, but it is VERY good and the actual gameplay is way, way better than what the presentation would make you think.

The best way to sum up Monster Train is: it's Slay the Spire if it was actually enjoyable long term. Now don't get me wrong, I had a good time with StS, but at some point the game ascends to inane difficulties and you really stop being able to do anything creative - find the few viable strategies, force them every run, hope the game gives you what you need. Monster Train actually remains interesting -every- run and gives you loads of options -every- run. It outright yoinks a lot of concepts and systems from StS, but the way they are employed is way better imo.

At low difficulty settings Monster Train is quite possibly the best card game ever at making you feel overpowered. At higher difficulties the game has a truly insane amount of content and challenges to tick off (maybe not so much without the dlc, but it's worth grabbing for sure), it will keep you playing forever as long as you're entertained. Which you probably are, because this game is sick.

It's not quite a masterpiece best-of-all-time type of game, I think the presentation/flavor/lore/general polish is a little too off for that, but it's a strong 8 or 8.5/10 for me probably. Hard to imagine an StS-style game with better gameplay than this for me.


The Antimonymph of the Internet
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$350 And no mario kart
Built in lan port
Bigger screen, same resolution
Better speakers
Better back stand

Who's buying this? The benefits target mobile gamers, and while they are benefits, it's a tough sell. Given the success of the switch lite, why pay $150 more for this if you're gaming on the go? And it certainly isn't upgrade worthy for existing owners.

Switch pro 2022
Finished the Mass Effect trilogy for the first time. Thoughts in spoilers

Loved almost all of the alien races. Even the geth grew on me by ME3. The quarians having to live on flotillas in suits was a brilliant twist. The krogans and the morality of the genophage, and the awkward triangle between the turians, krogan and salarians. Freeing the rachni, definitely the right move. The little details like pureblood asari being looked down upon. Even the less notable races like the vorcha and the volus were on point. The only thing I would get rid of is the freaking hanar.

Leviathans were also very interesting, the reveal there answered some questions but not others, like how does a race of giant squids build computers? Did they indoctrinate creatures on their home world and somehow still figure out how to build networks and starships through them? The mystery of the reapers was much cooler, but if there had to be a backstory this is a pretty good one.

Whoa boy there were a lot of great characters in these games. In fact, there were very few I disliked. I loved the ME1 squad, except for Kaiden who was just kind of bland. Ashley v Kaiden wasn’t a hard decision at all, sorry Kaiden. I brought Wrex and Garrus on a lot of missions together before I realized the Turians and Krogan really don't get along. Good balance among the more prominent races. Saren and Benezia were a good antagonist pair especially when Benezia died in front of Liara. Lots of good side characters too, like Gianna Parasini, Conrad and Emily Wong. I saved the council - felt like it was very much an “earn your place in the galaxy“ sort of moment. Also saved the rachni queen, didn’t expect her to play a role in ME3 but was a nice payoff.

Liked the new squad and the outlaw take in ME2. Didn’t expect to see Martin Sheen of all people voicing the Illusive Man. Unlike ME1, some of these had to grow on me - Miranda came off as a pain, Mordin’s speech pattern was a little weird and Jack seemed a little too psychotic. But, they def all grew on me over the course of it, although some of them took to ME3 to really come into their own (looking at you Legion). Not all of them though - Thane, Grunt and Kasumi were all great from the start (still wish Kasumi was a romance option). Loyalty missions were the perfect way to add some depth and almost all of them were great. Going through a Krogan rite of passage, interrogating that weasel with Thane, rescuing Miranda’s sister clone, convincing Garrus not to shoot that guy... lotta good ones.

Mass Effect 3 was a mixed bag, but mostly good. Javik was cool but a little bit too much of an ass, and not really in a fun way. Nice lore piece, but I wouldn't want to see him on the squad in another game. Vega was a decent dude but I’d much rather have a Krogan like Wrex or Grunt in that tank slot. Human EDI was not one of my favorites. Liked ME2 EDI, poking her head around the ship for comic relief, but ME3 EDI just looks like an oversized cortana with a worse voice actor. Joker continued his steady decline from a great character in ME1 to someone who I wish didnt have plot armor in ME3.

That being said, everyone else returning took a step up (except joker). ME3 Jack’s look and new role was awesome. Ashley’s character had a big growing up phase, going from xenophobia to taking Tali under her wing. Mordin finished his work and I wish I could have saved him. Wrex was way more animated and fun and Eve was a great foil. The geth were redeemed and Legion set himself apart a lot more as an individual. Miranda finally killed her father, saw that coming. Thane went out like only he could. Captain Kirrahe and Jenna and people like that making interesting cameos. Tali going from someone who’s clearly a kid in ME1 to Admiral who mourns a Geth in ME3. Samantha Traynor is a break out character in ME3 and Cortez also showed out well. Especially in the Citadel DLC, Traynor is a scene stealer.

The ending. Didn’t love it, chose to destroy the Reapers. Taking the form of the kid was interesting, although the Virmire casualty or Saren would’ve been cooler. To be honest, I wish the ending was less of a choice. There were more than enough great characters left and the combat was so smooth I would have loved the series to continue. Granted, I saved everyone I could... certainly having half the squad die in ME2 or shooting wrex, onwards and onwards, that’s a lot of scenarios to plan for and deal with it does become burdensome as entries are added. Like, wtf does mass effect 3 look like without Tali and Garrus? I also don’t feel Shepard got too out of control power-wise, as most of the power against the Reapers came from a galactic navy and things like the thrasher maw. Not like Shep had a Spartan Laser that could rip apart Reapers (that one random targeting sequence aside). A rebuilding galaxy with Shep and say Liara, Ashley, Tali, Garrus, Grunt, Thane’s son, Kasumi and Captain Kirrahe dealing with [a cult built around Saren / another still-alive Prothean like Javik intent on conquering the galaxy / Maya Brooks leading a Cerberus offshoot / that nagging Dark Energy thread]? Count me in on another three games of that. These characters are terrific and Mass Effect 3 had the combat system and dialogue between the characters nailed down.

Overall 10/10 already started a second playthrough.
Last edited:


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Not a hard decision at all, indeed. One's a good person, the other is a terrible racist. :blobwizard:


A wanderer above the sea of fog
is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
random post to say you should look at Chicory: A Colorful Tale!
Pretty much only looked at it because Lena Raine did the music on it, but it's been super fun to, and feels like a steal for the cost since here at least, it's under 10 dollars.

It's really fun mechanically in that, you WASD+Mouse it, with the movement being really solid so it never feels like a chore at any point to get anywhere you want on the map. The story is cute + non convoluted, but the plot also doubles up as basically 10 hours of therapy. Has quite cute puzzles and is quite immersive, have 30ish hours on the game atm and it's always fun!

It's not the game you play for its difficulty curve, but it's something you might appreciate a lot more as someone new to adventure/bullet hell; and even if you aren't new, it's still a blast to just play a polished game.

Give it a look!


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Has anyone played Final Fantasy 9? Thinking of buying the Switch version, recommend or no? I absolutely hated 8, that put me off the Final Fantasy series.
Depends what you hated about 8. The core gameplay is the usual overworld roaming and ATB turn-based combat. Story/characters you kinda just have to experience for yourself and decide. FF9 doesn't have the Draw/Junction stuff or level scaling on enemies, instead it has learnable skills tied to specific equipment. I know a lot of people hate the former, but the latter bothers me way more because you either have to grind to permanently learn all the skills or you have to constantly switch equipment not just for stats but attached skills. And if you liked/hated Triple Triad as a minigame, you'll probably think the opposite of Tetra Master although you're not required to substantially play either one.
Depends what you hated about 8. The core gameplay is the usual overworld roaming and ATB turn-based combat. Story/characters you kinda just have to experience for yourself and decide. FF9 doesn't have the Draw/Junction stuff or level scaling on enemies, instead it has learnable skills tied to specific equipment. I know a lot of people hate the former, but the latter bothers me way more because you either have to grind to permanently learn all the skills or you have to constantly switch equipment not just for stats but attached skills. And if you liked/hated Triple Triad as a minigame, you'll probably think the opposite of Tetra Master although you're not required to substantially play either one.
I didn’t mind Triple Triad, but I absolutely hated the junctioning system from FF8. It made the characters all feel meaningless, as it was more about what spells they had junctioned than anything else. You could also break the game in half with some patience, and I never wanted to cast any magic because it would make me weaker.
I did enjoy the ATB battles of 5 and I had a lot of fun with Bravely Default (2). I don’t mind grinding as a whole, if I like the battle system.


I Like Chopin
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I'll echo what Mr. E said but in stronger words. 8 has a dumb story, lame characters, and really convoluted gameplay systems. It is one of the lesser FF games and as each FF game is so different I wouldn't base your feelings about the series off it.

9 is a pretty sweet game that is basically opposite all the negative traits above. And I've never grinded in the game. Just use equipment with abilities you want and advance the story until you master it. You won't fall behind except maybe on some high cost static abilities you might not need.

Since you just posted and like ATB, ill go ahead and highly recommend 9 (protip: maximize atb speed in 9 immediately). It has no jank like junction. Characters are highly defined and you'll be casting plenty of magic with the designated mages (including the most popular mage in the series).


Banned deucer.
Well i downloaded shadow of the colossus just because looks like its a masterpiece for everyone...

Hate to say it but its really bad (gameplay just sucks) and the experience is depressing overall the only 2 good things the game haves so far is beautiful scenarios and soundtrack, the horse agro is probably the worst part of the game lmao


protect the wetlands
is a Contributor Alumnus
Monster Hunter Stories 2 is the best main-line Pokemon game I have played in years, and I don't even really like the Monster Hunter series that much.


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I know Final Fantasy has been a pretty hot topic since this thread got made, but I wanted to highlight my favorite FF game (even though I'll be the first to admit its not perfect and is probably not the "best" FF title, I find it to be the most fun.)

That is Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2, or FFTA2.

I'm not a huge fan of turnbased strategy games. I've tried getting into final fantasy and fire emblem, but it just doesnt do it for me. I haven't even played a mainline Pokemon game since ORAS, and I skipped XY and BW2. That being said, I picked up FFTA2 and holy shit does that game slap. I realize that the story and setting is more childish than most other FF games, but sheesh does this game go off in the customization and strategizing combos department.

FFTA2 boasts an extremely in depth class system that I found really fun to build my teams with. Almost every class (sorry Soldier, Warrior, Thief, and Archer, y'all are basic) is incredibly unique in how they play and how they interact with different kinds of enemies. The game rewards going full in on diversity and variability among your team, something I didn't really experience to the same extent in other turn-based games. Furthermore, the game strongly rewards having multiple "back-up" team members that would be used over others depending on the situation, something that I find to be quite unique about FFTA2. The fact that it really isn't optimal to just focus on just 6 of your clan members and buff the shit out of them is just awesome game design; there's a really cool class-tree and the game actually encourages you to explore it fully.

Outside of that, the game does a wonderful job of building its world while not being in your face about it. Even simple sidequests serve the purpose of giving you just that extra little hint about the world you're trampling around. Additionally, the music (good god the music in this game) is some absolute fire.

The Tactics games are pretty different from mainline FF games, so don't go in expecting a similar experience. FFTA2 makes some fun callbacks to the mainline FF games (hello Vaan and Penelo), but it's its own thing.

FFTA2 isn't for everyone, but I'd seriously recommend giving it a try :).


I Like Chopin
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I enjoyed FFTA2 for what it was, but there's soooo many missions that I don't think I even got through over 2/3 of them. Doesn't even try to have a story either sadly.
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I enjoyed FFTA2 for what it was, but there's soooo many missions that I don't think I even got through over 2/3 of them. Doesn't even try to have a story either sadly.
That's a fair criticism, I do think the main story is pretty underdeveloped. Like I said, definitely not a perfect game. I for sure enjoyed the bigger side missions (idk how far you got, but the House Bowen and Duelhorn mission series have a great line to them) more than the main story ones.


We shall bow to neither master nor god
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I remember playing FFTA2 wayyyy back in the day, bringing at least 6/7 party members to level 99, going absolutely bonkers with some members (dual wielding is great), and still failing that specific lvl 99 mission on a tower or something.
Good crafting system, too.


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I remember playing FFTA2 wayyyy back in the day, bringing at least 6/7 party members to level 99, going absolutely bonkers with some members (dual wielding is great), and still failing that specific lvl 99 mission on a tower or something.
Good crafting system, too.
dual-wielding is busted until you discover Parivir + Geomancy. Then you do all the damage


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
I know Final Fantasy has been a pretty hot topic since this thread got made, but I wanted to highlight my favorite FF game (even though I'll be the first to admit its not perfect and is probably not the "best" FF title, I find it to be the most fun.)

That is Final Fantasy Tactics
Excellent taste, good sir.

why would you do this :psycry:

oh thank goodness phew
Sorry for the tangent from FF.

When it comes to discussions on which systems and games you fellows like more, do any of you prefer to play your contemporary games on any particular system, whether it's PC, PlayStation, Xbox, or Nintendo? Without saying which is "better" or "worse," which ones do you happen to prefer for the games you like? Do some games work more towards the way you want on certain systems more than others?

I haven't bothered with any of the Xbox console families myself, as most games they have come to PC anyway. However, I loved a bunch of games on the first two PlayStations. Meanwhile, Sega became a third-party twenty years ago already, so their consoles have been retro by now. I mostly touch PC and Nintendo myself: one is the huge system I use as my everything else machine, and the other is a portable with the games I like.
Sorry for the tangent from FF.

When it comes to discussions on which systems and games you fellows like more, do any of you prefer to play your contemporary games on any particular system, whether it's PC, PlayStation, Xbox, or Nintendo? Without saying which is "better" or "worse," which ones do you happen to prefer for the games you like? Do some games work more towards the way you want on certain systems more than others?

I haven't bothered with any of the Xbox console families myself, as most games they have come to PC anyway. However, I loved a bunch of games on the first two PlayStations. Meanwhile, Sega became a third-party twenty years ago already, so their consoles have been retro by now. I mostly touch PC and Nintendo myself: one is the huge system I use as my everything else machine, and the other is a portable with the games I like.
I vastly prefer to play most of my games on PC due to ease, convenience, graphics (I have a pretty good rig), controls (for most games I prefer mouse and keyboard), etc. That's not to say I don't like console games, I'll still break out my retro consoles to play some of my older games, and I adore my Switch (although the lack of a virtual marketplace is getting on my nerves).

All of my console friends play games that I can crossplay using my PC with them (Rocket League, Halo Master Chief Collection, etc). Consoles are absolutely great if you want to just kick back on the couch and play stuff, but that's generally not me. I like being at my computer for mostly everything.


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Skyward Sword HD:

Ok so I never played this one on the wii so I was excited to play this one with the remaster on switch, especially sans the motion controls.

On the whole it's still a zelda game so it's automatically excellent. Having said that, it is easily the worst mainline 3D one that I've played (I absolutely hate majoras mask too but wouldn't rank it lower here because I feel without the time loop aspect it would be on the same level as ocarina so meh).

The problem here is they traded out the motion controls for clunky ones, and while I appreciate the change overall since it is nice to play while handheld, it cannot be denied that needing to take frickin 4 or 5 steps just to throw a bomb is irritating, especially when fighting a boss that requires it.

Needing to swing in certain swipes is actually a neat mechanic, but the chess-like combat (as opposed to botw's freeform combos) is hampered by the fact you need to manually block after every swing. Unlike in botw you do not auto put your shield up while targeting the opp. This was so frustrating when fighting enemies like lizalfos which require you to swing and block attacks in succession, and it's like, I already have my shield out and blocked, please just re-block after I swing...

The other major issue I had with the game was the amount of empty space on the bird you're forced to travel through repeatedly, like Hyrule Field but 1000x worse. Ya flying was cool but not if that's all I'm doing.

And finally Fi is easily the worst companion in the series, like way way worse than Navi or Tattle. Like way worse. And she's like 90% of your interaction in the game. The other 10% is taken up by the Gaston-esque Groose and the homeliest Zelda in the series. Just horrendous.

Overall the bulk of the gameplay is great, the exploration and puzzles are fantastic, and the characters that aren't humans or Fi are charming, especially Machi. Still would recommend for hardcore zelda fans, but for casual fans you're really not missing anything here.

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