We-we-we-week 16 wsc

I'm saying this because I think I'm not the only one getting impatient...

For future WSCs, can we please have a much shorter deadline on finalist posting? It's been over a week (about 10 days) since WSC 15 entries closed and the finalists still haven't been posted.

A deadline of 3 or 4 days after entries close would be ideal. However, I'm not a judge myself so I don't know the whole story. It might entail more than I think. So I'd say a week is ok, as a maximum. Anything longer than that must be unnecessary; if a judge can't send nominations within a week, they shouldn't be judging that week.

I'm trying to sound productive here, I hope I don't sound like a jerk. I do appreciate the work all the WSC officials do. It's just that things feel unnecessarily slow atm, especially since there's no clear deadline. Could be another week for all we know.
It would be nice if you had the past winners and medals in there too... You know with winner, runner up, most original, and most comedic......

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