what if you posted what bands you like

I can't say the same, as there are many ways to express sadness in music. But the Red House Painters are great doing so, and "Katy Song" is just sublime.


Two kids no brane
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Ra. Kind of an old photo, but the only good one containing the current members. Amazing and vastly unnoticed Hard Rock band, Ra combines heavy drum beats and guitar with some Egyptian undertones to create some unique and minor keyed experiences that you can't help but jam your head to.

Skillet. Usually dismissed by the mainstream crowd because of their "Christian Rock" label, Skillet is a talented Hard Rock band with very mainstream-worthy sound. Similar to Three Days Grace in style and vocals, Skillet's crispness in notes and instrumentals earns my respect as one of the better active rock bands. Their ballads are pretty awesome with the epic cello and electric violin backgrounds.
Maybe they are more popular than I thought... lol, I guess I just thought that since people here mostly post about indie, electronic or metal bands, they might not know about TCV? And by 'obvious and popular', I meant relative to what I've seen posted here, e.g. Crystal Castles, Arcade Fire, Deerhunter, and Vampire Weekend.

However, here is an obvious, popular band that I like:

Minus the Bear is a cool indie rock band with some math rock elements (mostly in their earlier stuff, though). The instruments in their songs are very well-done and their overall arrangements are great. Some good ones by them are "Knights", "Pachuca Sunrise", "Fine + 2 Pts", and "Dog Park".
arctic monkeys

not as 'obvious and popular' as arcade fire and shit so whatever.
i guess it's sorta rock or something, i'm not great at describing genres so i implore you to give it a listen.
also the most recent album is my definition of a 'grower' so bare that in mind.


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Minus the Bear is a cool indie rock band with some math rock elements (mostly in their earlier stuff, though). The instruments in their songs are very well-done and their overall arrangements are great. Some good ones by them are "Knights", "Pachuca Sunrise", "Fine + 2 Pts", and "Dog Park".
Yep, nothing after Menos el Oso. I can't stand what they've become.
Yep, nothing after Menos el Oso. I can't stand what they've become.
Really? I quite enjoyed Planet of Ice and I thought that Omni was at least decent. Then again, my musical tastes change every few months; maybe I'll appreciate their older stuff more in time.

And here's another band just so I contribute:

Incubus is hard to label with a genre, simply because they've evolved so much over their career. I must say, though, that I have enjoyed each and every one of their albums almost equally. Their earliest, S.C.I.N.C.E., had a funk-metal sound to it, and is a truly great album. After that, they shifted to a more alternative rock sound with Make Yourself, Morning View, A Crow Left of the Murder and Light Grenades. It's difficult for me to choose favorite songs by them, but I guess I'd say "A Certain Shade of Green", "Make Yourself", "Megalomaniac", "Aqueous Transmission" and "Love Hurts" are what I'd recommend by them.
^ Arctic Monkeys are amazing. They've been my favorite band since I heard of them, which was around when Humbug came out.

I also really like the National at the moment, especially their older stuff (although High Violet is great and is what initially got me hooked). They'd be considered alternative, I guess.



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Really? I quite enjoyed Planet of Ice and I thought that Omni was at least decent. Then again, my musical tastes change every few months; maybe I'll appreciate their older stuff more in time.
It's probably different for me because I started with that early stuff and watched the progression from five regular guys playing fucking awesome, finger-tapping riffs/songs to the current iteration of full-blown tight-jeaned, hipster-bearded electronica/pop-rock hybrid. Makes me want to puke.
Arctic monkeys are good, but humbug was a dissapointment. It isn't bad, but their old stuff is just so much better and humbug didnt reach the same level.

I'm not sure who posted the jezabels here, but they are excellent (I read it a while back). They have this mystical feel to them what makes them stand out. I'm not sure what it is, but I love it.


I hope you make a million dollars
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Devin Townsend

Previous master mind of the metal band Strapping Young Lad, this bipolar music genius blows my mind with every song. Here is a creepy montage of our solar system put to his song Planet Smasher from his album Ziltoid The Omniscient. He eclipses Chris Cornel with his range, though this song isn't the best showcase of it. I don't posess the writing ability to do this song/album justice, so just click the damn link.


Okay, this band is a bit more well known, but it is no secret that this is my favorite band of all time. I cannot bypass a music thread without mentioning these guys, especially considering my user name is based off one of their songs/Nick Hexum, the handsome man in the middle. My favorite song of their's is Mindspin. It starts as a celebration of their success, but quickly takes a turn goes into detail about the ugly side of success. Quite an interesting premise for a song.


happiness is such hard work
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"difficult to get into" usually means "they're actually really bad"



Uppity electronic pop - he-she lyrics singing happily about creepy shit while sounding and performing like if matt and kim and MGMT were the same band. seriously you have to try it


We Talk Like Machines (ignore that lost is in the background lol)


Skillet. Usually dismissed by the mainstream crowd because of their "Christian Rock" label
I think the people that like Sillet use this tidbit as a crutch to justify why no one else likes them instead of admitting they have flaws


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I tend to shy away from music threads on forums because people have this strange obsession with putting other people down for what music they listen to that doesn't happen as much with other media like films or books. I guess it's because music tends to play an important part in social status as a teenager, so people naturally feel an urge to attack or defend other people for what they like, kind of like a teenage religion. But whatever, I have a feeling that won't be as much of a problem on Smogon.
I'm going to assume this applies only to bands and not solo artists because I haven't seen any other posts with them in.

The Smiths

One of my favourite bands of all time. Morrissey is a beautiful man and the dark humour in most of their songs is excellent. I love how they manage to be sorely blunt and poetic at the same time, and the simpleness of their setup still manages to be innovative and influential. Probably one of the most important bands of all time.

The King Blues

I first found the King Blues back in 2007 when I was at an Anti-Flag show. Anti-Flag were promoting that god awful Bright Lights of America album and were absolutely dire compared to The King Blues who absolutely blew the roof of. They're a Folk/Punk/Ska mash up that have the most incredibly energy and attitude both on stage and on disc. I've been to see them around 6 or 7 times in tiny venues all around Britain (they even played my local a few years ago, which is a tiny Social Welfare club). I heard they're starting to get big now but I don't really pay attention to the music "scene", so I wish them well.

Rancid (& Transplants)

Rancid are one of those bands who just keep on going and are consistently brilliant. I got into punk and ska music when I was around 13 and Rancid were one for the first bands I found, since they've managed to make a respectful crossover into the mainstream on occasion so are fairly well known. They also helped develop my interest in Reggae and Hip Hop thanks to Tim's side project Transplants.


That other band that got me into music. They have a tendency to get too political and I know a lot of people don't like political music, but it doesn't get in the way of the music itself, which is excellent. They can also be ridiculous at times which is good because I think if a band does want to go around getting political, it helps to know that at the same time they don't take themselves too seriously. They only come to the UK once every 4 years, and last time I saw them I managed to pass out half way through The Decline (it's 18 minutes long), and come around just in time for the end of the song. Awesome.

Fall Out Boy

lolomgfalloutboy. I like Fall Out Boy and I have done since around 2004/5 when Havak introduced me to them back when we were little tykes still at school. I know they've become massive superstars since and Pete Wentz is a complete and utter cunt, but they're music is/was fun and energetic and the lyrics are pretty good too. I know Pop/Punk tends to get a bad press because of the social scene and type of people related with it, but I don't care because I like the music.

Toy Dolls

One of the most fun and eccentric bands you'll ever hear, probably most widely known for Nellie The Elephant. All their songs are incredibly wacky and zany. They have a great sense of humour but are really tight as a band too. Just so good. I can't listen to The Toy Dolls without smiling.


tits McGee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)


I"ve just been turned onto them, and I can't get enough. Truthfully, I just keep listening to the same song on repeat lately, but I have heard a few of their other songs, and I've really loved what I've heard so far.

Needy Girl

What's funny is that I first heard this song while I was high during New Years Eve, and I didn't remember it at all, but when I heard it again whilst at a friend's house I was like "Where have I heard this before.... OH MAN I GROOVED TO IT WHEN I WAS HIGH." it's just so gooood, gah

Giant Drag

This is the only band that I listen to a lot which most people probably don't already know. My favorite song by them, which is also by far their most popular, is their cover of Wicked Game, which is done no justice by Youtube's audio quality. Their entire Hearts and Unicorns album is amazing, though.

Some other more popular bands and artists that I enjoy are Elton John, David Bowie, Goldfinger, The Dead Kennedys, and The Fratellis.
Damn, Kinneas almost had a good list but had to include Fall Out Boy.

And yes for Giant Drag and the National.

Couple of bands/artists I like:

Aesop Rock, Atmosphere, Bauhaus, Christian Death, TV On the Radio, Funeral Party, F-Minus, The Exploited, the Voidoids, The Strokes, Bloc Party, the Libertines, Lykke Li, 2Pac, Jedi Mind Tricks, Das Racist, G.B.H., The Abrasive Wheels, Minor Threat, Operation Ivy, the Specials, Gorgoroth, We Are Scientists, the Teenagers, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, the Violent Femmes, the Pixies, Pavement, Ill Bill, Immortal Technique, the Cure, the Smiths, the Stone Roses, D.R.I., Dead Kennedys, Crass, the Clash, Regina Spektor, Beck, Bon Iver, Broken Social Scene, The Fiery Furnaces, Belle and Sebastian, Modest Mouse, The Cribs, the Fratellis, ect.
So many indie mockeries of real music... I like (except that awful electronica that so many of you are fond of).

Oh, and a contribution.

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists

Some sort of rock. I'm not sure what kind, though. They're one of my favorite bands, currently.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWx7OceEChI Me and Mia
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSiDyYT7aIk The Mighty Sparrow
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBSxRTJjg9E&feature=related Counting Down the Hours
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=574r3n1PVx8 Timorous Me
HORSE the Band

Often dismissed as 'Nintendocore', it's easy to look past HORSE the Band's discography without a second thought... On second thought, HORSE the Band are a metalcore band with elements of progressive-rock, post-hardcore and all sorts of nonsense. Whether you like their music or not, you have to give them one thing. They're original as fuck. Insane too, they toured 48 countries and their profits amounted to 500 dollars. Obscure and ambitious isn't a combination that works too well. Oh and yeah, what /core band has guest vocals from Jamie Stewart (Xiu Xiu)? None, that's right.

Desperate Living
Shapeshift (ft. Jamie Stewart)
Lord Gold Throneroom
The Black Hole

Architecture in Helsinki

If you told me you found Cameron Bird's whimpy falsetto annoying I would tell you 'Okay'. In fact, if you told me any of his vocals were annoying I'd say the same thing. Throwing little bits of this and that into otherwise straightforward pop songs is Architecture in Helsinki's trademark, and in some cases, they really make it work, in other cases, opinions are a bit more divided. Their latest album 'Places Like This', is sometimes so completely unaware of itself that it trails off into bizarre places it shouldn't go, and suffers as a result. But their previous release 'In Case We Die' is so good that I'm still pretty stoked for their upcoming album 'Vision Revision'.

One Heavy February
Maybe You Can Owe Me
That Beep

Fang Island

Fang Island look and sound like they're really good at having fun. That's all.


Their earlier albums are more emo, but later they got into a more alternative, punk style. Their multifaceted guitar riffs only serve to underline their nuanced lyrics, and they are awesome at live shows (I saw one in Portland).

Senses Fail

You love them, or you hate them, or you love half their songs and hate the other half. Senses Fail is a post-hardcore/emo band whose songs contain both traditional screamo and softer, more poppy stuff. Their lead guitarist in particular is excellent, and their lyrics are usually superior to those of similar bands in the genre. For what it's worth, I enjoy Senses Fail.


Their recent albums suck. But Pinkerton and the Green Album, IMO, were amazing.

Blink 182

Laugh all you want, berate the band for it's three-chord riffs and repetitive lyrics, but you can't deny that they've got style, and some great songs.
I completely love I Set My Friends On Fire, one of the few true screamo bands left today. They also include some good vocals with the screamo, and imo is better than their screaming. The band has two members, and also made a song with smosh. When on tour, they sometimes let smosh have a guest appearance, or just bring some drummer i see sometimes (I don't know his name). Also, their lyrics are pure genius. It's just random shit they throw together. One of their songs, Things That Rhyme With Orange, has a part about going to the bathroom, and it's completely irrelevant to the rest of the song. Here's a picture of the doods:

Also some songs (Order from my personal favs to least that actually made it on the list)
Things that Rhyme With Orange:
Four Year's Fourplay (Technically Smosh ft. ISMFOF but still)
Reese's Pieces, I don't know who John Cleese is?

The end.


blatant Nintendo fanboy
OMFGZ how did I not mention Family Force 5?????

sEriousLy, like, their music isn't all that amazing to listen to, but ffffffffffffFFFFFFFFFFFFF they are amazing and off the wall live. They do not fit into any genre at all, and you really can't describe them, you just have to see/experience them. I have never seen anything like them anywhere.

hot pink hot pants? *check*
giant Hulk gloves? *check*
mullets? *check*
designated dancer (seriously that's all he does)? *check*
full body animal puppet / costumes? *check*
punkrawk/screamo/country/southernrock/rap? *check*

k' we're good to go

Earthquake ("if Family Force 5 doesn't see you jumping up and down, Family Force is gonna consider you physically ugly, k?")
Get Your Back Up Off The Wall
Ghost Ride the Whip ("Oh junk. Oh junk in the trunk.")
Love Addict ("I'm awesome... cuz I cook weiners...")

Plus they have some cool music videos.

Just from a musician and amateur performer's perspective, these guys taught me to push the envelope performance wise. If you're not panting and dripping with sweat by the end of your show, you're doing it wrong.
i like:

jonny craig (greatest voice in the world): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydMDVsC5bVI&ob=av3el this is his solo album

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6JIYTwOx0U&ob=av3nm him in another one of his bands, emarosa

him in dance gavin dance, my fav band. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xovSmhCEZW8

i also enjoy horse the band which is "nintendo core" as they call it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG7aDAPBCwY

i also love sublime: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayE6Shlv598

and of mice and men: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PRVXeZJrzg&ob=av2nm

that's a few of the many bands i like :3

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