Tournament World Cup of 1v1 II - Won by Coastal Europe

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Shout out to BaleBlaze for a fun series and overall just being a solid guy. Nothing but love for you man <3 Had hax not been involved, this very well could have ended differently. Such is life when playing a game based on randomly generated numbers... This series was 3-1, me.

Here's our games:
file:///home/chronos/u-8e306eab76efd83f85be57351a2be2e8ae30bddc/Downloads/Gen71v1-2018-09-25-baleblaze-gyffyrd%20(1).html (yes this is a download as opposed to an upload, you may not be able to view it)

Also, I had planned a match with Iron Crusher and waited nearly two hours for him to show up. I'm still waiting on a response about re-scheduling.
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