Your New Year's Resolutions For 2021

i do not believe in new year's resolutions however i have been setting them solely to hold myself accountable or something like that.

1) diet + exercise. i have put on some weight during lockdown and it sucks. this is of course entirely on me and i am not a stranger to weight loss, but the motivation piece has been tough. i just need to do it.

2) eat out less. this of course goes hand and hand with the above but additionally would help with spending. while most people ended up eating out less during lockdown, my ubereats spending drastically increased. i am addicted to dunkins coffee and used to grab one on my way to work, but since I don't have one in walking distance, this is where that ubereats tax comes in. i am still na responsible adult who always has a positive cash flow, but i can have a bigger one if i stop being dumb.

3) position myself for a raise/promotion. i am learning how to better manage internal politics through my boss via osmosis, so i would like to capitalize on that and better my management skills to hopefully position myself for an IT Manager role.

4) adopt a pet. i would like a kitty.

5) buy more plants and continue on my journey to becoming a full-time plant dad.
- Gain over 200 lbs
- Get on the Biggest Loser
- (optional) win the biggest loser
- Use newfound notoriety for social media fame
- Achieve Instagram influencer status
- Start a Facebook cult to compete with Q’Anon
- Use said cult to launch a run for political office in 2022
- Reach the maximum amount of LinkedIn connections
- Get a verified Twitter account
- Appear on daytime tv ads for weight loss programs
- Get on the cover of the supermarket check-out tabloids for a scandal
- Get on a network TV game show


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I was gonna make this thread a little closer to the date, but I guess I was beaten to it.

Personally, I am a big fan of New Year's Resolutions and I think I generally do a good job of keeping up with them (I think I may have like a 60-70% success rate). Never really understood all of the boilerplate negativity about why it makes no sense to choose the New Year to try to motivate yourself. It sure is arbitrary, but so are many things in life. That hardly matters if it is genuinely helpful for you, and we as a culture choosing a specific time is also helpful for us to support each other and keep each other accountable. Better to shoot for it at New Year's, rather than never at all. Just comes down to being honest with yourself.

Anyway, I think resolutions are best phrased in terms of tangible goals, so you will actually know whether you achieved it or not.

- Putting more effort into schoolwork

- Stop putting things off
For example, how would you really quantify how much effort you are putting in, or when it is appropriate to put something off or not, or how long? I feel like a more useful phrasing would be to dedicate X number of hours a week to these things, or shoot for getting certain grades. That way you'll be able to actually measure and absolutely know if you are doing it or not.

Anyhow, here are mine for 2021:

1) Become more fluent in Vietnamese. This is one that I have had for a few years now and never really felt like I achieved, mainly because of what I said above, failing to really quantify what that meant. So I think my tangible goal for this year would be, by the end of the year, have a full conversation with my mom completely in Vietnamese.

2) Finally learn to read music.
Another one I've put off for too long. It's just way too easy to just play things by ear, and every time I try to read I just get bored and start just learning whatever I was playing by ear instead. But I think that a lot more opportunities open up for a musician who knows how to read, especially if I want to compose, so I want to do that sooner than later. My tangible goal for this would be to learn all 12 keys, all regular time signatures, and get 100% on a note flashcard quiz. (Tip for anyone else who wants to do this: read music away from any instrument. That way you'll focus on just reading it, not playing it. Also you don't get distracted and play something you already know instead.)

3) Compose at least 3 pieces of at least 12 measures each. It's a start. Maybe I'll do more, but I want to do at least this.

4) Be able to do 6 pullups at a time. I'm at like 3-4 now. So it's lowballing but I haven't been able to lift much or eat as healthily since the quarantine, so once again I think it's better to undershoot than overshoot.

5) Get employed. Just finished grad school this month so of course this is the next step.

6) Finally get started on my novel/serial. This is a weird one because I don't really know how much is realistic to expect in one year. So maybe as it goes, I'll have a better idea on how to quantify it. But it's a lower priority for me.

There are a bunch of minor things too, just like interpersonal stuff or monetary but not really list-worthy.


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I don't usually do New Year's resolutions, but that's because I'm really bad at keeping them. But hey, maybe posting what I want to do on an internet forum where people can see them will make me even a modicum more motivated to keep up with them.

1. Get into an exercise routine - I really let myself go throughout quarantine and I'd like to work on getting into shape and specifically running. My mom and I used to do 5ks together and I'd like to work towards that again.

2. Achieve all As and Bs for my Spring and Fall semesters - The last two semesters haven't been great because I don't do well with online learning, but I have a new major and a new, more positive outlook on life after working on my mental health for a bit, so I'm optimistic.

3. Get a hobby - I spend literally all of the time I don't spend on studying, sleeping, or family time on Pokémon Showdown or Smogon and it's high key making me never want to look at either site again. I want to find something else to occupy my free time so I don't get burnt out.

There's obviously more stuff, but I could sit here for hours writing a list of everything I want to accomplish. Hopefully I actually uphold my resolutions this year :psynervous:


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improve the overall quality of the content I do on YouTube:
- upload on an actual schedule if possible (school makes it hard)
- make video descriptions look nicer
- expand content maybe? it'd still all be Pokemon but maybe more than just PS! lives and Pokemon analyses

it's been a fun experience that I'd like to make even more fun
I too planned to make this thread (albeit in Cong) but it seemed Hula and I were both sniped.

Confession: I have never made and tracked New Year's Resolutions before, but there's no time like the present. Back in September I started my first year of college. For someone who coasted through High School pretty easily, it was a pretty massive jump. One of the biggest things I did to help myself was to make a list (on the Notes app) of things I had to do and constantly update it. While it's a pretty simple tech, it really helped me a lot. I plan to do something similar with my New Year's Resolutions to keep track and hopefully fulfill them.

1. Publicly come out as transgender
This one's pretty hard! Right now I'm only out to two irl friends and one of my teachers; I would like to make the leap to everyone at some point. Some things that come along with this are finally quitting the [redacted] sports team as well as looking into HRT but I'm not going to hold myself to any of that.

2. Maintain at least a 3.0 (B) average
My school is pretty weird and does three new classes for every one of our four terms. I went A A B in my first and A B C second term, good enough for a 3.33 average. I got a C in Calc 2 which was a little disappointing, but besides from that I'm extremely proud of my grades so far. I hope to continue to do well for my final two terms of freshman year as well as my first two terms of sophomore year.

3. Watch 12 New Anime Series
Something a lot more fun! Honestly, sometimes sitting in one place for 26 minutes in a row without getting distracted is hard! Not only can this help me see more cute girls, but also saying focused with something with a lot less pressure.
GOD EMMA CHANToday at 12:39 AM
whats a solid amount of anime to watch in a year
like show wise
assuming 12ep average
Z StratsToday at 12:39 AM
That really depends lol
For something more casual once a month is fine

4. Reach 75% on my Master Pokemon Sheet
Recently I've been really invested in the mainstream Pokemon games (and Pokken!). I've been especially fascinated with making my girl super cute in Pokemon Moon. I have a google sheet where I keep track of all the teams I'm using as well three progress points: completing the Main Story, Postgame, and the Regional Pokedex. I'm currently at ~25% so 75% seems like a reasonable goal.
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1. Succeed in the next semester. Online learning has been alright so far and I hope to keep up that momentum.
2. Finish editing Pokemon Emerald. Aside from the thread, I revived an ambitious group project this year and I aim to see it through to the end.
3. Enjoy life for now while I can. Personally I think the coming future (if not the present) will be grim, but I've made peace with things.

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