Marvel v Capcom 3 discussion

Thats just fucking fantastic, (This is like, my 3rd day with it) Now I have to get another one? REALLY? I just hope that Gamestop will give you a price reduction if you hand in your old one
As much as I want this game and like the new roster, I can't help but think this is the game we should have gotten in the first place. Now I have to shell out another 40 bucks.

I swear, if three months from now I hear about "Ultimate MvC3 Arcade Edition," I will kill someone at Capcom.
Hmm, seems I am going to have to be doing some team shuffling, already knew about the Phoenix nerfs, and expected them, but poor old Tron, she did not deserve the nerfs she got. Oh well, at least Trish got some buffs that could be fun to mess around with.
I'm okay with most of the nerfs/buffs. Tron and Haggar assist nerfs seem pretty random though.

Magneto's going to be interesting. I like his new move a lot. I might have to do some team shuffling myself, mostly to try and fit Strider in. Can't wait to mess with Taskmaster's new move too! :D


So who did buy all the stroopwafels?
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
man, Hulk with standing H getting 3 points of superarmor what :D
seems like hell still be staple to my team along with Spencer ;P maybe Firebrand to top it off :P
lol this 5 on 5 match is gonna be depressing:

East Coast
TS|Nerd Josh
Masta CJ
DMG|PR Balrog

West Coast
EG|Justin Wong
cc.coL|Filipino Champ
I dunno, I really wouldn't be that surprised to see East Coast do well. It does look pretty skewed though.

also evo going on at the moment for those who don't know. >_>
EC has solid players, but each and every WC player is arguably better. Of course this is Marvel, so anything can happen. =] MarlinPie might be their best bet since the WC seems to like Phoenix, but of course he doesn't like to play defence so he could die in like 2 seconds.
I wouldn't sleep on any of the East Coast players even remotely. It's funny that you only mention MarlinPie and NerdJosh, because it's arguably Chris G who has had the most consistent performance (why do people forget CEO). And Masta CJ (uses my team ^_^) has been a complete monster lately, he's definitely a wildcard.

the smart money is obviously on WC, but EC is like the scariest team of underdogs ever.
I didn't mention NerdJosh, but ya whatever. Chris G is really consistent, but I don't find him to be the 'solution' in terms of beating the WC. The same can be said for everyone I didn't mention, and that's why I didn't say anything about them (not because I question their skill level).
As far as I know it is indeed round robin, so that will change things up a bit, but not all that much, definitely not enough to skew it in favour of the East Coast.

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