Project Ubers Player of the Week #6: 64 Squares

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formerly Holy Ghost
is a Tiering Contributor
Approved by Nayrz with idea from Arii Stella
Banner by my good friend Six

Welcome to Ubers Player of the Week! I'll be interviewing top Ubers players that have had success and are respected in the community. You will be able to ask questions to the player I interview by commenting on this post. Everyone cannot be interviewed but you can VM me or DM on Discord suggestions, sorry for the small hiatus but hope you enjoy!

:eternatus: 64 Squares :zacian-crowned:

Favorite Pokemon?


Most known for?

Going 8-0 in bw ubers for cpl iv, being the gsc ubers veteran trainer for Victory RoAd, and for being the best chess player in ubers.

What got you into competitive Pokemon?

Back in elementary school, one of my friends at the time convinced me to go with him to a pokemon vgc tour for the DPP games at the local convention center. I got completely destroyed as I knew nothing about EVs, IVs and natures, so my 4 starter team was no match for my opponents boom spam squad with Gengar to absorb the booms. The next year after BW1 was released I went to a second tour and again I got destroyed, this time by the infamous Whimsicott + Terrakion, beat up + justified strategy. After that second tour and with middle school starting the next year I gave up Pokemon altogether. I still was able to appease my competitive spirit with Magic the Gathering and chess at that time, so playing the children's game of Pokemon wasn't that appealing to me. It wasn't until my freshman year of high school that I got back into mons. One day my friends showed me showdown and we started playing on the shared ps account "wehavecancer" during our free blocks and before basketball practice. We mostly played randbats and ou at the time, and it was on my own that I discovered that my best tier was Ubers. Despite being new to the tier I was able to climb relatively easily and I quickly reached high ladder and was able to brag to my friends about how I was "top 20 in the world for ubers". After about a year of playing I discovered smogon through either a pokeaim or blunder video (two youtubers I watched a lot at the time) that was advertising the official smogon tour so I signed up and the rest is history.

Favorite and Least favorite Ubers generation?

DPP and ORAS, respectively. I enjoy DPP first of all because it was the generation of games that I grew up playing and because I really like the lead based metagame where you can tech for different leads you expect. I don't enjoy ORAS as much because its hard to learn for me and at my skill level in the tier it feels like most games are decided by luck with so many inaccurate moves. I would also like to add that I quite enjoy GSC and RBY unlike most of the Ubers community.

With DPP being your favorite do you prefer the meta with or without Farceus? Do you think the ban was the right decision and should Ubers ever mess with old generations on a large scale such as allowing Farceus?

Definitely Farceus. That's not entirely fair, however, as I only really started playing DPP this year a little before classic, so Farceus is all I've truly gotten to experience apart from a few room tour games a couple years ago with a BKC or Zf sample. I personally thought that the Farceus meta was healthy and that none of the arceus forms were too oppressive. They were definitely centralizing in the builder but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing cause in current DPP you have to make sure you handle threats like Dialga and Kyogre just as much or more. With that said I'm not overly upset about the banning and I'm actually looking forward to building in the Arceus-less meta as there's a lot of cool mons like Ludicolo or Lucario that just weren't viable during Farceus. Overall, I'm not the biggest fan of the ban but my biggest question is what the results would look like if Farceus was implemented right when we discovered it instead of years down the road. The vote was definitely swayed by Ubers veterans who grew up playing the "wrong" meta (without Arceus) and I feel like a lot of them voted for personal reasons instead of truly analyzing the farceus meta and realizing it was a fun and healthy tier. As for messing with old gens, I believe its perfectly fine to correct mistakes from the past such as not allowing Arceus in the first place and freeing evasion in BW. Ubers just doesnt seem like Ubers if the most iconic mon and god of pokemon is not included.

Do you think with the new DLC for SS out the metagame will improve overall? How do you think it will compare to the previous meta?

I'll first start off saying that while I didnt enjoy the ss metagame at first it eventually grew on me. However the main problem was it just didn't feel like ubers, with mons like quag, mandibuzz and rotom wash all being metagame staples. What makes ubers great is all the legendaries you can use, so I'm very excited for this new meta. I think the meta wont be amazing at first as there is will be likely be too many broken things with dynamax being legal, that make it impossible to fully cover everything in the builder. I expect ho to thrive in the beginning as defensive cores will be tough to make solid enough to keep up. Once dynamax is banned though (from what I've heard this seems like a likely outcome) I think the metagame will develop nicely and be way better than the pre-DLC 2 metagame. Dynamax might not be the only problem though, as Calyrex Shadow Rider seems very overwhelming in the current metagame. Hopefully with dynamax being banned it will become more manageable, and the meta will find a nice balance between strong threats and solid defensive cores.

You had an impressive showing in CPL playing BW ubers, how was the CPL experience for you and do you consider BW your main generation?

Probably the best part of CPL was meeting all these new people on the 2018 team and becoming friends with them. Prior to this tour I only really knew Ubers people and a couple Monotype dudes from my brief stint playing that so was great to meet all these new people from all over the site. Despite me going undefeated our team really struggled but the tour was fun nonetheless. I especially want to s/o IPF spatulakun watermess Kiichikos DC and Icemann for making that experience awesome love you guys. Despite me succeeding in BW Ubers and playing it in UPL this year, I still consider SM my "main" generation. It's what I started playing when I first started taking mons seriously and its the tier I've played the most by far as I was a pretty active ladder goon. Maybe as I play more BW it will become my main gen but as of now its definitely USM.

Congratulations on becoming the GSC Ubers veteran for Victory RoAd! What drawn you to start playing GSC and do you think GSC has a future in getting more representation in Ubers Tournaments?

Thanks Holy Ghost, I appreciate it. I first tried GSC Ubers this past year when there was a circuit tour for it. I did pretty well with victories over established GSC OU mains, and began to talk to Mr.378 about the tier. He gave me some helpful tips and I started building my own teams in the metagame, using them in Ubers room and ROA room roomtours whenever given the chance. One of my favorite parts about the tier is that my favorite pokemon, Mew, is the 2nd best mon in the tier (behind Snorlax and ahead of Mewtwo imo) and can run a lot of cool sets such as Transform which can be incredibly useful in long games. GSC (and RBY for that matter) absolutely deserves a place in the circuit and leading up to next years UPL I plan to push for it being one of the slots. GSC gets a lot of bad rep, as being a slow, stally meta and for being a dead tier with no room to grow since the metagame is so centralized. This however is completely untrue as spikes offenses and growth pass teams are super viable and dangerous. In addition, if GSC is played more in the circuit the metagame will definitely develop further as old players will be forced to adapt their teams to new trends. UPL is the perfect place for this rekindling of the meta as it will attract a lot of GSC veterans and throughout the seven weeks we will see a drastic change in what people use and have success with.

With USM being your main generation, do you think its the perfect Ubers gen? How do you feel the metagame has developed overtime and do you think it still has room to grow?

I'm not sure about it being perfect gen, but it is the most balanced and has the biggest variety of things you can do. I feel like the metagame is getting relatively stagnant as everyone's creativity in the tier is exhausted, which we saw in UPL as a lot of players fell back on established archetypes instead of coming up with novel ones. I also think the Primal-Groudon, Yvletal, support arc, MMy/Mgar, Mage/
Dusk Mane, and a filler bulky offenses are pretty much the best team comps and you should be using them more often than not. One interesting trend of note though, is how much deoxys-s and webs HOs have fallen off. Maybe in future tours we will see a revival of these builds that better combat the anti-offense balances that are everywhere in the meta right now.

You made your UPL debut with the Drizzlers as the BW starter, how was your experience on the team? Did you feel any pressure to do well after coming off your 8-0 CPL record and controversy over yourself?

Leading up to UPL I wasn't even sure if I was going to be drafted. A couple managers and notable players in the community mentioned how they thought I would be but no managers straight up told me they were thinking about drafting me. To my surprise, I was drafted to the Drizzlers by none other than Nayrz and his assman MM2, two people that I thought would embrace the stigma that every new player to ubers was definitely an alt. I was extra happy to be picked up since a lot of my good friends; Nora, Staxi and of course Holy Ghost were on the team. I definitely felt a bunch of pressure throughout the tour as I wanted to prove that my CPL record wasn't a fluke and also I felt like most of the community was rooting against me every week. After a disappointing week one where I lost in a must win situation for the team, I was benched the next week. I think that week was very good for me as I was able to reflect on where I went wrong and began to develop as a player. Overall, despite our poor record I had a lot of fun in our team chat and I feel that my managers and teammates helped me develop into a more complete player.

What is your stance on the BW evasionpass discussion going on?

Ban Evasion, Keep Baton Pass.
While I don't think Evasion is as oppressive as other members of our community do (teams have natural counterplay and if you play perfectly against it you are likely favored to win) it still is uncompetitive and shouldn't be allowed in the tier. I'm here to play chess not to spin a roulette wheel. As for baton pass, I think smash pass adds a valuable dynamic to the metagame and the games involved with it aren't taken out of the hands of the players, unlike evasion.

Favorite playstyle to use in Ubers?

I like bulky offenses particularly with spikes in pretty much every gen. In particular, Ferrothorn in USM ubers is probably my favorite mon to use in any gen, especially when paired with dangerous spike abusers like double dance Pdon or Z bulk up Marshadow, two mons featured on the team I had the most success with on the ladder.

Favorite game you've witnessed?

One game that comes to mind is g2 of the series between Garay Oak vs Purple Gatorade for the 2019 Ubers Championship ( At the time I was pretty good friends with Garay so it was great to see him close out the circuit win in an extremely close game. Everyone, including Garay himself, thought the game was over after his Ultra didn't get the roll on PG's Dusk Mane, but ferrothorn was able to solo the rest of PG's team with the power of leech seed. I also really liked Garay's take on the spikes archetype in the tier, utilizing the rare roar Groundcues which forces extra spike chip on the opposing team as Groundceus tends to force switches.

You started playing AG this generation, what made you want to get into the tier? Do you think merging over from Ubers to AG or vice versa is an easy task, tournament success wise?

At the beginning of the generation, I was pretty upset with all the dex cuts so playing current gen Ubers was not that appealing. Instead, I started playing AG since they used a national dex format that had all the new mons plus all the old ones. For me the transition was pretty easy and I made finals of my first ag tour. I think the transition from AG to Ubers is quite a bit harder though as the Ubers playerbase is much stronger and the metagame develops much quicker with a more active tour scene. However, a lot of AG players have had a lot of success making the transition such as Purple Gatorade and Icemaster in recent years. They both have demonstrated great building creativity and excel at playing long, drawn out games which are commonplace in the bulkier AG meta. I definitely encourage more of my AG friends to make the transition (especially Baconeatinassassin) as a lot of AG players have unique takes on the game that can potentially flourish in Ubers.

Do you look up to any Ubers Players?

Hack, TTG, Garay Oak, and Zesty.
When I first started playing competitively Hack and TTG both seemed legendary. Hack was this semi-retired veteran that seemed to win every tour he came back to play and TTG was the number 1 ranked guy in the snake power rankings. I loved watching these guys play and stealing ideas from them. Next we have Garay and Zesty, both of which have had a lot of success in Ubers and were able to take that success to other tiers and play in the official tours. Someday I would like to follow their footsteps and get a chance to play in those tours myself. Zesty especially stands out as I always remember how he gave Pokeaim teams to use in his videos. He has really inspired myself as a builder with his UPL team dump and I aspire to be more like him as he goes out of his way to be nice to everybody and nobody seems to dislike him.

Any advice to new players looking to break into Ubers?

Definitely ladder and join all the tours you can. Some players might argue the ladder is useless but I think it's the best way to quickly learn the meta and develop your game. I would also recommend watching high level tour replays from UPL or from late rounds of the Seasonals. You can see how the top players approach matchups and also witness the metagame trends in advance. Don't be hesitant to steal ideas from these players or even whole teams as Ubers can be hard to build in at first with so many oppressive threats. Once you feel comfortable then you can start building your own teams. Don't forget to be creative though, just because the top players aren't using a mon doesn't mean you shouldn't experiment with it yourself. Finally, try to be friendly and make friends with people you play or are in the room. These connections will help you develop as a player and more importantly will let you have more fun, which is why we all play this game in the first place.

Could you provide us with a team you've made and explain the thought behind it?

:mewtwo: :mew: :snorlax: :zapdos: :steelix: :cloyster: (click for import)
Here's a GSC ubers team that I'm currently 2-0 with in Victory RoAd matches. This team is a pretty standard spikes offense that is able to constantly pressure the bulky teams in the tier while still having a solid defensive backbone to deal with all the strong attackers. The team features an all out attacking Mewtwo lead that immediately puts pressure on the opponents team and can fish for status while having the option to boom on special walls such as Lax. I then added Lovely Kiss Snorlax as its the best mon in the tier and can sleep its checks and proceed to wallbreak. Cloyster was added because pretty much all teams in GSC need spikes to pressure bulky teams. It forces spinners like Golem out and can switchin to Lax and other grounds/rocks if needed. Steelix gives me a great Lax check and another boomer if needed. Finally Zapdos and SD mew were added to pressure bulky builds and in the case of Zapdos check lugia and spread status. I wanted to highlight this team as it shows that GSC isnt as stally as it might seem and shows that offensive teams really thrive in the tier. Also I hope that this team will inspire people to pick up the tier whether thats in room tours or potentially in circuit tours/UPL in the coming years.

Personal Question: Favorite chess opening?

The Kings Indian Defence.


Thanks for answering these questions 64 Plays! Sorry for the delay in these, feel free to ask questions in the thread!



Banned deucer.
1) Why is the kings indian defense your favourite? you give a boring one liner, and don't go into why :(
2) Favourite rappers and your favourite pieces from each
3) Do you Stan Loona?
4) Is Queens Gambit actually a bad opening? If so; why is it still used?
5) Favourite Cuisine?
1) Do you have beef with anyone? Who?
2) Looking back, are you embarrassed by your old name wehavecancer and other similar names?
3) Do you ever want to watch anime but all these degenerates scare you and you're afraid you'll become one?
4) Any cool chess games you've played that you want to share?
5) Do you agree with Kramnik pushing for no-castling-chess? Have you tried no-castling-chess and do you like it?


is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
1) Who is the best chess player you've played on Smogon?
2) When are you going to take your talents to OU?
3) I understand you're a basketball buff, who's your favourite player of all time, and after this championship how close do you think LeBron is to MJ?
Glad I was able to make your Smogon experience better even if it was minor :D


What? Never seen an idiot before?
is a Contributor to Smogonis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
Yeah I won't pretend I know how to ask good questions about chess :blobshrug: here's some random ass stuff people might be interested in
Answer as much or as little as you like they are mostly bullshit questions anyway ;)

1) what kinda music do you like best, who would you say is your favourite artist of 2020 and why?
2) of you could visit on place on earth for 2 days and be magically teleported back for free where would you go and why?
3) what is your favourite cinema/movie night snack?
4) what is the strangest food you have ever eaten?
5) how much does the asiancy provide?
6) do you have a favourite day of the week? and if so why?
7) finally, how important do you think a return to monke is for humanity at this point in time? Please answer seriously.

Thanks for the shoutout broski, keep winning


pleading and afraid
is a Site Content Manageris an official Team Rateris a Top Social Media Contributoris a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a CAP Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributor
What happened to the first 63 alts squares?
Most underrated rapper in the current landscape?
Favourite hip hop album from the 2000s?
WCoU: y/n?
Ugliest play you've ever made? Talking about sacking your PDon while auto-piloting only for POgre to come in later and shit on your soul.
Do French Ubers players deserve to be banned? If no, why are you lying?

gratz on interview btw!

64 Squares

Mayonnaise colored Benz, I push miracle whips
is a Tiering Contributor

64 Squares

Mayonnaise colored Benz, I push miracle whips
is a Tiering Contributor
1) Why is the kings indian defense your favourite? you give a boring one liner, and don't go into why :(
2) Favourite rappers and your favourite pieces from each
3) Do you Stan Loona?
4) Is Queens Gambit actually a bad opening? If so; why is it still used?
5) Favourite Cuisine?
1. I have a lot of good memories from the opening. I've played it with both the white and black pieces and it always leads to super exciting games as white goes all in on the queenside and black goes all in on the kingside. Also in middle school I made a video guide for the opening. Not sure if I still have that but it will probably be pretty cringe now. Finally one of my favorite games of all time gelfand vs naka from the 2010 world team champ was in this opening (naka also refers to this as his best game) definitely recommend checking it out if your at all interested:
2. I'd say my top 5 in no particular order and Kendrick, Jcole, Jay Z, 2pac and kanye. Also special mention to lauryn hill and outkast been listening to them a lot recently. For fav songs: Kendrick: Institutionalized, Jcole: Love Yourz, Jay Z: Empire state of mind, 2pac: changes, kanye: all falls down, lauryn hill: doo wop that thing and outkast: hey ya
3. not the biggest fan of kpop/jpop but from what I've heard I prefer twice (sorry hg)
4. It's a great opening! Its what I play with white (i play d4 and I play it if they play d5). Not sure where this idea of it being bad came from but yea its super common and great from both sides. Its counterpart, the kings gambit, is awful tho but you can still have good games if you like playing hyper aggressively
5. Chinese food. Especially super spicy stuff, sichuan/chengdu style

64 Squares

Mayonnaise colored Benz, I push miracle whips
is a Tiering Contributor
1) Do you have beef with anyone? Who?
2) Looking back, are you embarrassed by your old name wehavecancer and other similar names?
3) Do you ever want to watch anime but all these degenerates scare you and you're afraid you'll become one?
4) Any cool chess games you've played that you want to share?
5) Do you agree with Kramnik pushing for no-castling-chess? Have you tried no-castling-chess and do you like it?
1. Theres a few people I dislike and they probably know who they are, dont have to elaborate much on this.
2. Yes that name was cringe af, I shoulda just made a new name when I joined smogon instead of taking my friends name.
3. Never even considered watching anime.
4. Heres a game I played in an irl tour last year: going into the game which was the 7th and last round I had 5/6 and my opponent had 5.5/6. All he needed was a draw to win the tour and I needed a win to win it myself. I played a pretty aggressive middle game and had a nice attack ending with a nice forced mate that won me the tour. Felt extra good as I won $800 from it, the most I've ever won from a chess tour and way more than I'll ever make from playing mons lol
5. No castling chess is interesting in theory, but I think theres better ways to make the games more exciting. The recent trend of high level tournaments using rapid/blitz time control as opposed to classical has been largely successful at producing more exciting games and decisive results (meaning not draws). One thing that has interested me recently is watching chess 960 tours (thats where the pieces in the back row are randomized with a few rules such that the bishops have to be on opposite colors and the king has to be in between the rooks) as its pretty interesting how different players approach these new positions that they cant just rely on opening theory for. I havent tried no castling chess myself. When I'm not playing regular chess I much prefer to play variants such as three check, crazyhouse (which I played in the world champs for), bughouse and the new variant fog of war. All these variants are playable on while the first 2 are also playable on lichess.

64 Squares

Mayonnaise colored Benz, I push miracle whips
is a Tiering Contributor
1) Who is the best chess player you've played on Smogon?
2) When are you going to take your talents to OU?
3) I understand you're a basketball buff, who's your favourite player of all time, and after this championship how close do you think LeBron is to MJ?
Glad I was able to make your Smogon experience better even if it was minor :D
1. Probably royal1604 with an honorable mention to dom and zenithal. I've heard rumors that ur alter ego, PIF as well as Linear and Cdumas are really good so I'd love to play them sometime.
2. When are you gonna take your talents to Ag. lol. jokes aside OU finally got good so im definitely going to play more of it.
3. Not sure if I can pick just one but my top 5 in no particular order are The Rain Man shawn kemp, magic, embiid, gary payton and shaq. If i had to pick one would probably go shaq. also special mention to bill russell as I love big men and I've met him irl so thats dope. Hate the celtics tho. Congrats Lebron not bad not bad at all. But MJ still clearly the goat, (not even ready to put lebron over magic but im biased lol)

asiancy asiancy

64 Squares

Mayonnaise colored Benz, I push miracle whips
is a Tiering Contributor
Yeah I won't pretend I know how to ask good questions about chess :blobshrug: here's some random ass stuff people might be interested in
Answer as much or as little as you like they are mostly bullshit questions anyway ;)

1) what kinda music do you like best, who would you say is your favourite artist of 2020 and why?
2) of you could visit on place on earth for 2 days and be magically teleported back for free where would you go and why?
3) what is your favourite cinema/movie night snack?
4) what is the strangest food you have ever eaten?
5) how much does the asiancy provide?
6) do you have a favourite day of the week? and if so why?
7) finally, how important do you think a return to monke is for humanity at this point in time? Please answer seriously.

Thanks for the shoutout broski, keep winning
1. Hip hop/rap mostly. I dont really listen much to new music if I'm being completely honest. Mostly just listen to oldish albums and stuff. Right now listening to Kendrick a bunch, hope his new album comes soon.
2. Always wanted to go to antarctica. It just seems so unlike anyone else on earth. Not really sure what I'd do there but I'm sure it would be a great experience.
3. Red vines for sure.
4. I've eaten some meat from a road kill squirrel while camping.
5. edit: emojis didnt work for some reason but yea i did the money tongue one 3 times LOL
6. I like sunday. First of all its the weekend and second of all during this time of year its the main day for football (american ofc).
Last edited:

64 Squares

Mayonnaise colored Benz, I push miracle whips
is a Tiering Contributor
can you explain why you feel kyogre and dialga are equally or more restrictive in the teambuilder than arceus?
First of all, the notion that arceus is restrictive to DPP is false. Arceus ENHANCES the quality of the DPP ubers metagame.

In traditional DPP there are only 2 options for spinblocking: girao and gira, the latter of which is low in viability due to it lacking both levitate and reliable recovery. Ghostceus puts an entirely new spinblocking option on the table which results in an explosion of possibilities. It can run various sets as well, including cm, rocks and sd, all of which add to the flavor of DPP and none of which are op standalone

Fightceus is another enhancement to the DPP meta. It can spread para for BO/paraspam teams, or toxic to put a timer on setup, and is a great rocker. These all result in interesting building possibilities. In addition, it also adds a much-needed option in checking big threats like darkrai and dragons.

Steelceus is an enhancement due to it providing the meta with another option for a dragon-checking steel. It also adds an option in a sweeper who forgoes requirement of anti-tspikes support in a tspikes-focused meta, so again, arceus is additive to the possibilities of DPP, not subtractive

Darkceus is another setup sweeper who forgoes requirement of anti-tspikes support with the cm + refresh set.
Grassceus adds to the shortlist of mons able to check ogre as well as palkia. Waterceus does as well on sun/sand teams wanting a soft ogre check.

The main counterargument against farceus seems to be that ekiller is too good in the tier but this is self-contradictory because the addition of arceus comes along with an additional 2 mons to the meta which check ekiller itself very well (fightceus and ghostceus). Moreover, ekiller is checked by a myriad of other methods too, such as tspikes, roar users such as gira/latis/etc tjhat already run it to prevent setup after dropping a draco, and fast mons that resist normal such as scarf dialga/kabu/oma etc. All this is w/o mentioning hard counters like skarm, zong, gira, lugia, etc.

Points like “but ekiller can run thunder to beat skarm” or even “lum gives ekiller some reprieve from tspikes,” frankly are questionable at best. Having actually played farceus extensively on both ladder and in upl, i can attest to the fact that these type of sets are nonexistent. You will almost always see jolly silk scarf with espeed sclaw eq. Sets deviating from this are fringe and especially irrelevant to higher lvl play, and akin to arguing that quag doesnt check ogre because of hp grass.

On the other hand, the existence of kyogre, which unlike ekiller does not require a turn of setup to become threatening, makes it obligatory for every DPP ubers team to pick from a list of only 4 mons (dialga palkia lati@s) to switch into specs to avoid autoloss. in addition, ogre’s ability results in tangential restrictions via activation of rain sweepers/thunder and forces teams to use alternatives to fire attacks to check various prominent steels.

When mon “A” requires every team in the meta to run 1 of only 4 mons to switch into it to avoid autoloss, while said mon also enables other mechanics that only it itself is able to activate which the meta must adapt to, whereas mon “B” is threatening only once it spends 1 full turn setting up, and has a myriad of methods for beating it from tspikes, to phazers, to rkillers which can switch in, to hard counters, the correct conclusion is that mon “A” is more restrictive in the teambuilder than mon “B;” not the other way around.


pros of farceus: can build with 3 spinblockers vs 2; mitigates the brokenness of hazards in the meta thanks to reliable recovery/tspikes immunity/refresh; adds additional options for checking big threats like dragons/ogre/rai etc; adds team role diversity with moves like stealth rock; adds to the flavor of DPP as they are fun to play with a variety strats from weather, to hazard stack, to status spam, to full stall, to hyperoffense, etc and finally makes ubers feel more like ubers since the god of pokemon is free

cons of farceus: have to deal with ekiller, although farceus also means adding 2 additional mons who deal with this mon(ghostceus and fightceus), which has a variety of ways of being beat in the first place anyway
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